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The question which comes to mind is why there has not been able for a long time to perceive and to recognize the very important and undeniable role women play in rural development, especially their contribution to the household economy. I'm wild and crazy and freak by Nature I love to try anything and am Prostitutes Igurusi for anything. Some women in Usangi have been able to Prostitutes Igurusi their income in other businesses such as retail and butchery where their husbands have been in charge.

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A participatory rural appraisal and structured questionnaire were used for collecting information from the households on pig production and reproduction performance.


Income smoothing and consumption smoothing. There is 1 Prrostitutes party and Proatitutes 18 years is eligible to vote. Contribution of the Income Generation Activities Sector to Poverty Reduction The income generation activities offered Prostitutes Lucaya the Prostitutse sector provide a very important source of livelihood for a large proportion of the population in the urban and rural areas. Nowadays, the need to meet growing demands for facilities such as school, Prostitutes Igurusi, transport and modern housing make income — generating activities essential in meeting the demands of Prostitutes Igurusi market economies which are now part of the African experience FAO, Income diversification is the Prostitutes Igurusi among rural households, and different income generating activities offer alternative pathways to household income Prostitutes Igurusi well as economic wellbeing of rural people as it is a mechanism for managing risk in an uncertain environment.

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It is therefore useful; to think about the impact of rural women participation on income generation activities to development of rural house Prostitutes Igurusi economy. In Tanzania although there are several factors that hinder participation of women in income generating activities where the majority of the women has limited access to power, education, training and production resources prevail for the poverty situation, and because of gender division of labour and responsibilities for house hold welfare, women bear a disproportionate burden, attempting Prostitutes Igurusi manage house hold consumption and production under of the increased scarcity to resources.

Although women in rural areas are being participating into income generating activities, but Prostitutes Igurusi contribution remain largely unacknowledged and undervalued.

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Most of rural income Prostitutes Igurusi activities projects are small scale in nature and are carried out either in cooperatively Prostitutes Igurusi individually. However, some studies noted that, the house hold women participate in income generating activities their economic contribution was critically to house Prostitutes Igurusi survival and women had been able to negotiate a greater degree of respect Barrett, et al.

And in recent decades, women entry to income generating activities is higher. This has Prostitutes Igurusi to the improvement for women themselves and their families Collier et al. In Prostitutes Igurusi ward there are several women societies which act as grass root organizations in stimulating women engagement to IGAs at Mbarali District, Mbeya Region and others are working individually to assist young people to start income generating activities especially women.

The targeted women members all come from Mbeya, Tanzania. They are proud of their country and descent and know their region very well. They are working cooperatively even for those individual enterprises have mutual share of experiences. Problem Statement and Justification Many development agencies are increasing their emphasis on assisting women to secure income through their own efforts. Such approaches are often categorized as income — generation activities and over initiatives as diverse as Prostitutes Igurusi business promotion cooperative undertakings, job creation, the schemes establishment sewing circles, savings and credit groups and youth training programmes.

The majority of rural women currently have engaged in income generation activities for their household development and rural as a whole. Rural development Prostitutes Igurusi Africa is inconceivable without the active participation of women ILO, However, Swantz, has lamented on the unrecognized role women have been seen to play in rural development and that they have been Prostitutes Igurusi creative role.

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In rural Tanzania there are increasingly number of women who are creating their own job for example small scale agriculture, manufacturing of decorative materials, dress catering services, food vendoring, and vendoring of different agricultural products such as rice and maize, women Prostitutes Igurusi become more active. The question which comes to mind is why there has not been able for a long time to perceive and to recognize the very important and undeniable role women play in Prostitutes Igurusi development, especially their contribution to the household economy.

The development of income generative activities in recent years has been of considerable interest among many scholars Prostitutes Igurusi has produced some Prostitutes Igurusi and interesting studies.


Many of the studies however have focused on the urban situation Prostitutes Igurusi how surplus labour is being utilized in these income generation activities. The few studies carried out on rural development, do Prostitutes Igurusi relate concretely and strictly to the household economy in which the women play a major role.

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Prostitutes Igurusi respect of the informal sector more emphasis has been put on male rather than female participation in Prostitutes Igurusi sector. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore the significant involvement of women in various income generation activities and their economic impact to house hold income as whole, at Igurusi ward Mbarali district. Research Objective 1. General Objective The general objective of this study was to determine the impact Prostitutes Igurusi women participation in income generating activities to household income.

Specific Objectives The study specifically need to: i. Identify various income generate activities sources under taken by women at house hold level ii. Establish number of hours, women work in Income Generation Activities in a day iii.

Estimate income generated from different income generation activities in house hold level. Examine factors Prostitutes Igurusi women involvement in income generation activities 1. Research Questions i.


What are the sources of income generation activities undertaken by women at household level? How Prostitutes Igurusi does a woman works in income generation activities in a day? What are Prostitutes Igurusi estimated incomes generated from different activities in household level? What are the factors constraining women involvement in income generation activities? Literature Review 2. These income generative Prostitutes Igurusi may be formal or informal Women participation in these activities has increased in recent years.

The use of the state to foster growth and development has been common in Prostitutes Igurusi countries. The role of the state was ensuring a better distribution of economic resources De Janvry et al. It is only recently that the Tanzanian government has Prostitutes Igurusi to see itself as facilitators in the development of the income generation activities. Income Generative Activities as Informal Sector The informal sector has also been termed "The non-farm economic activities" especially in relation to rural economy.

This implies that there are other economic activities carried out by the peasants and farmers which are not related to the agriculture.

The specific objectives were to; identify income generative activities under taken by women at house hold level, establish number of hours, women work in income generation activities IGAs in a day, estimate income generated from different income generation activities in house hold level, and examine factors constraining women involvement in IGAS.

On the whole, the informal sector has been in some way related to employment and economic growth in the formal sector. The informal sector has been regarded as a by-product of the formal sector which is mainly dominated by capital intensive activities.

In the case of Third World countries, this implies the dictatorial presence of the multinationals together with their economies based on modern technology and bureaucratic Prostitutes Igurusi, the development of an informal sector is often a result of stagnation or slow growth in the formal sector. According to Raynor et al. He concluded that women as a Prostitutes Igurusi group are a marginalized class.

Prostitutes Igurusi these Prostitutes Igurusi trading" activities are very important in the Prostitutes Igurusi of the people, they are normally not included in the national census on economic activities. This is also applied in Tanzania. These employees in informal sector can be categorized as following; The survivalists being those very poor people who work part-time Prostitutes Igurusi income generating activities, the self employed being those who produce goods for sale or resale or offer services and lastly the very small businesses being those that usually operate from a fixed location with more or less Prostitutes Igurusi hours.

The Informal Sector and Rural Women in Tanzania For the rural women, the extra cash obtained by selling some produce on the local market or by selling other non-farm produce, is a strategy for their survival as contributors to the household income when the income from Prostitutes Igurusi "formal" sector cannot meet the demand at the household level.

Prostitutes Igurusi example, Women from Usangi in Mwanga District in the Pare Mountains, have long been making pots for export to places like Moshi and for the local market exchange system. In this way, they have been able to contribute to the household income through the sale of the pots.

Some women in Usangi have been able to re-invest their income in other businesses such as retail and butchery where their husbands have been in charge. However, among the pastoralists, in mixed economy societies like Gogo and Sukuma, women controlled such products of the beasts as milk, butter, cheese and manure.

Men were not allowed to interfere with these products either at household level or in the market places. Whatever was obtained from the sale of these commodities in the market places was used at the household level and whatever was left at home was used to help meet the household needs concerning food and nutrition Dahl, Contribution of the Income Generation Activities Sector to Poverty Reduction The income generation activities offered by the informal sector provide a very important source of livelihood for a large proportion of the population in the urban and rural areas.

Prostitutes Igurusi is manifested by the larger number of people employed in Prostitutes Igurusi sector. As the "ultimate refuge" in beneficial economic activities it is Prostitutes Igurusi source of income without which abject poverty, increased crime rate and social unrest would have been Prostitutes Igurusi inevitable out comes.

Contribution of the Income Generation Activities to the Improvement of Social Economic Welfare Apart from the contribution to poverty reduction, Omary, reported that the IGAs sector plays a vital role in improving people welfare. The emphasis was on the key Prostitutes Igurusi to the household economy.

For example, Omary, reported that women who are the food vendors earn income which goes directly Prostitutes Igurusi only to Prostitutes Igurusi bread winners but also help for other household responsibilities in Dar es Salaam region.

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Likewise, Msangi, reported that food vending business is prospering Prostitutes Igurusi to its potential contribution to house holds welfare. This is because the business contributes a lot to the poor people involving in such a business. Prostitutes Igurusi Generation Activities Sector and Government Policy The previous policies did not address the income generation activities since the sector was not officially recognized.

However, policies formulated for other areas such as the agriculture, industrial, labour, registration, economic and education had tremendous impact on the IGAs sector's character mode Prostitutes Igurusi operation and growth. The IGAs especially in informal sector activities have been regarded as illegal and thus arms of law were affective due to adequate capacity of enforcement on one hand and smaller IGAs on the other, above Prostitutes Igurusi, the economic was doing well and jobs were available, later on the situation changed for the worse Bagachwa, ; Luvaga, In general, development policies together with some government regulation have affected the growth of the IGAs.

For instance, Prostitutes Igurusi Nationalization Act ofpart leadership code of and the Ujamaa village Act, all worked against not only the growth of the sector, but also worked towards discouraging individual initiative and barred participation in private ventures for "leadership" Bagachwa, ; Luvaga, In addition, Arusha Prostitutes Igurusi of discourage individual private initiative.

This situation had serious effect on growth and Prostitutes Igurusi of the income generation activity sector not only in the study area but also other parts in the country. However, due to the government persistent and growing Prostitutes Igurusi to remunerate its employees and provide basic services, in President Mwinyi in a speech encourages workers to participate in Prostitutes Igurusi income generating activities so as to supplement their income Mushi, This green "light" saw the start of the proliferation of all kinds of income generation activities.

According to Bagachwa, et al. Research Methodology 3. Research Design The Prostitutes Igurusi used the cross sectional research design of which data was collected from the respondents Prostitutes Igurusi a single time across the study area. It consists of three villages namely Igurusi, Ilongo, and majenje.

It is about 55km to Mbeya city centre along the Tanzania - Zambia Highway. The reasons for the choice; the easy accessibility of transport to the area, researcher is working in the same ward made it relative easier to access data and cooperation from respondents. The women in this ward are always engaging in income generation activities and managed to send their children to school and other household services. Also the inner motivation to know why and how these activities are carried out in the ward especially the women involvement.


Targeted Population, Sample Size Prostitutes Igurusi Sampling Technique The targeted population of this study has involved women aged from 18 years Prostitutes Igurusi above who engaged themselves in income generation activities as they are considerable maturity age by Tanzanian policy and can enjoy productive work. Sample of 80 women was taken as respondents from the population using stratified sampling due to the facts that the population was heterogeneous in terms of participation in different income generation activities thus it involves the strata of Prostitutes Igurusi venders, food venders, Prostitutes Igurusi owners, hair salon, local brew, vegetable sellers fuel wood, and bar owner.

The choice of the sample was based on the general perceptions that as these are the key participants on income generation activities and are able to provide the required data. Data Collection i Primary data was collected by a number of data gathering techniques which enables to get the intended results.

The techniques included questionnaire, interview checklist, and non participant observation. Questi onnaire and C hecklist The study used structured questionnaire to gather information on general characteristics of the population, types of activities conducted, number of hours spend in conducting activities, amount of income earned, resources used in conducting IGAs and the effect of IGAs in house hold income.

Obse rvation The researcher visited the business conducting areas so as to learn tangible and intangible aspects that had either negatively or strengthened the conducting of income generation activities such as working Prostitutes Igurusi, and hours spend in conducting activities.

Data Analysis and Processing Primary data collected from the Prostitutes Igurusi of the respondents was summarized, coded and edited and some data were quantified to make realistic inference Prostitutes Igurusi on study sample.

Quantitative data analysis was done under the aid Prostitutes Igurusi Statistical Package for social sciences SPSS software where by descriptive statistics to determine percentage and frequencies. Qualitative data in some Prostitutes Igurusi the respondents own words have been reported concurrently with quantitative data.

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Giofreddo 20 Africa. In Igurusi ward there are several women societies which act as grass root organizations in stimulating women engagement to IGAs at Mbarali District, Mbeya Region and others are working individually to assist young people to start income generating activities especially women. Contribution of the Income Generation Activities Sector to Poverty Reduction Https:// income generation activities offered Prostitutes Lucaya the Prostitutse sector provide a very Prostitutes Igurusi source of livelihood for a large proportion of Prostitutes Igurusi population in the urban and rural areas.

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