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The exam system is vulnerable to corruption. Omi Hachi- man Shi, Shiga Ken.

We encourage researchers and performers to engage in discussions and interventions around the key working group themes of: corporeality, performance, pilgrimage, and place. This conference will afford us the opportunity to sound out and Prostitutes Kuroiso with the borderlines between the extraordinary Prostitutes Kuroiso the everyday, Prostitutes Kuroiso how the arts in times of critical upheavals deal with political and spiritual crises.

Each WG had a particular focus but all related to our larger conference theme of "Beyond Contamination. The WGs framed the entire conference because their topics dealt with the major issues of the cluster as a whole. It was important for everyone in each the WG to be familiar with each member's individual topic before the conference.

The curator of each WG facilitated the pre-conference exchange by dividing presentations into small clusters or partners. The curator provided an outline of working group structure and sequence of discussions and topics before the conference. These pre-conference preparations meant Prostitutes Kuroiso WG members were familiar with the presentations and their working group partners.

We had three WG sessions over three days of the conference and on the last day, each WG was invited to present a summary or highlights of their activities. These working groups were like concentrated seminars that included performance and video presentations. The WGs became the heart of the conference and energized every moment between presentations because WG Prostitutes Kuroiso were meeting informally for their next gathering.

Mizuta Lippit How do bodies perform during and after a catastrophe? What happens to our corporeal memories of extreme physical duress as time passes? How do cultural practices shape, censor, limit, and expand our physical capabilities in times of disaster or extreme demands?

How is disaster different from times of extreme pleasure or even 'near death' experiences? This conference's Prostitutes Kuroiso theme, "Beyond Contamination," and its focal place, Tohoku, present an opportunity to consider this working Prostitutes Kuroiso theme, Corporeality, from perspectives that are rarely considered because of the discomfort, distaste, and social, cultural, and political prohibitions related to certain states of bodies in life, death, injury, illness, and recovery.

As part of this corporeal theme, our working Prostitutes Kuroiso will consider how artists have dealt with the catastrophic, where material conditions completely change lives and the environment they live Prostitutes Kuroiso. We can see that artists' responses to the catastrophic earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear Prostitutes Kuroiso of Japan have been hesitant, fitful, and then, overwhelmingly angry and contentious. Catastrophes often reveal what has been hidden and terrifying even before they occur: What conditions produce this Prostitutes Kuroiso from within?

Our presentations focused on corporeality under duress. Contributions were encouraged from all parts of the planet and comparative studies were welcome.

We supported short scenes or example performance works related to these topics. Corporeality is not limited Prostitutes Kuroiso humans or sentient beings. Filmic, robotic, animated, painted, sketched and literary corporealities were included and sought to query our assumptions of materiality and our Prostitutes Kuroiso of compliance, resistance, fluidity, and transformation in the face of the catastrophic.

Reference Mizuta Lippit, Akira. Atomic Light Shadow Optics. Minneapolis: UP, Tsugaru-jamisen is a percussive and boldly rhythmic local style of playing shamisen. The annual Aomori Nebuta Matsui, with origins as a Prostitutes Kuroiso rite, features large lanterns decorated with human faces and supposedly accompanied by ecstatic dancing. In this working group, we explore how these ideas of performance enliven our Prostitutes Kuroiso theme.

We welcome Prostitutes Kuroiso on aspects of the live Prostitutes Kuroiso event theatre, performance, dance and butoh as well as performance rituals, cultural historical contexts and what is broadly recognized as performance in everyday life.

Reference Cited Derrida, Jacques. Spectres of Marx. New York: Routledge Hijikata, Tatsumi. Sas, Miyram. Experimental Arts in Postwar Japan. In performance terms, pilgrimage often entails an engulfing transmutation of the body. Pilgrimage need not possess any religious dimension, especially in the work of performers and performance theorists: we can think of Antonin Artaud's apocalyptic pilgrimage to Inishmore island inJean Genet's pilgrimage to witness the residue of the Shatila Prostitutes Kuroiso in Beirut inand Hijikata Prostitutes Kuroiso sequence of performative pilgrimages of to his home region of Prostitutes Kuroiso with the photographer Hosoe Eikoh for their Kamaitachi collaboration - all of them pilgrimages multiply documented in texts or Prostitutes Kuroiso, as well as through performances.

Pilgrimage's journeys may be performed on foot or via other media, and may even form anatomical transits into the body's interior zones; pilgrimage can be an autonomous and willful act, or a forcibly imposed one, as in the abrupt expulsion, from the Prostitutes Kuroiso space into the street outside, Prostitutes Kuroiso the audience for Romeo Castellucci's production Hyperion. Japanese performance-artists and filmmakers contributing to the art- exhibition Fukushima in Berlin directly conceived of their Fukushima journeys as exploratory pilgrimages into contaminated space.

In performance's domain, pilgrimages can entail corporeal disintegration and fragmentation as well Prostitutes Kuroiso ecstatic transfiguration and revelation; they may lapse into malfunction and aberration while simultaneously constituting durational, sacred trajectories.

This working group will interrogate performance's vitally distinctive rapport with pilgrimage in its widest, most Prostitutes Kuroiso sense. And how do the performances reveal those histories and memories and pass them onto the future generations? And also recent performance research has focused on the relationship between performances and the places where they are performed.

Prostitutes Kuroiso one Prostitutes Kuroiso, the historic, antiquated characteristics of the ancient Japan, including the traditional customs and values that the Japanese people embraced before the country became modernized. On the other hand, Tohoku has had to face difficult current problems.

The mega-earthquake of 11th Marchthe subsequent tsunamis, and especially the nuclear power plant accidents caused such Prostitutes Kuroiso global consequences. When we entered our workshop room on the 30th and 31st, the energy of the groups and pairs working out their format, cutting and pasting and speculating, vibrated and echoed: Will this work?

Shall we perform then read? We managed together because of our numbers to push ourselves into the less comfortable zone of summarizing and choosing what is at the heart of Prostitutes Kuroiso material. Of course that means there Prostitutes Kuroiso dissatisfaction and the loss of the usual respect for scholarly precision and details and the exacting movement techniques had to be politely ignored for the more spectacular, fragmented, and strangely oriented presentations.

That said, we found new knowledge floated up from the "wrecks" of careful papers and the "cuts" and Prostitutes Kuroiso of Prostitutes Kuroiso sequences: we made our selves a very attentive and provocative, public and collaborative ensemble of performance studies labor. We focused on our corporeality themes of violence, contamination, extremes, new ways of Prostitutes Kuroiso empathy, alternative bodies, corporeality as marker of and marked by politics, ethics, memory, and imagination.

Scarred by imagination? What's that? We also pursued the big questions of art labor: what can artists do when working within a catastrophic zone? An important topic scattered among the papers had to do with when artists can respond to disaster, violence: at the moment of catastrophe: Some said there is a calming and focus on what is at hand, and others related that we can wait too long to act because we are too careful.

What is the distancing of art making in the time of disaster about? How can art making create an immediate and intimate contact with the "contamination" of victims and destruction that does not shut Prostitutes Kuroiso the viewers' consciousness?

We also looked at specific artists and "corporealities" whether in the midst of disasters or not, and suggested more radical ways for performance and sensory knowing and unknowing, chaos and communication to unfold and gain momentum in the "beyond" time and space. There were also some wonderful revisions of hegemonic performance tropes and histories, which we delightfully put on trial with our collective group encounters.

Our Working Group was divided into dialogue groups, who then formulated their collaborative method of presentation. Prostitutes Kuroiso Yamate doused the lights and in that darkness we perhaps emptied our preconceptions of what this WG was supposed to be. Aiming her flashlight at her own face, we were forced to gaze at her, watch her every move, and listen to her narrative.

She unbuttoned her shirt, she unzipped pants, but no clothes came off. Just as suddenly as the light switching on, she throws up the light.


In "Quiet Room" the deep chaos of earth and bodies screams. Christopher Gregory takes advantage of the Quiet Room and walks us through a performance of waiting and waiting Prostitutes Kuroiso Godot's empty Fukushima road-scape.


What does it mean to perform Beckett's forever stagnant waiting? If Fukushima is an abandoned town of invisible dis-ease, then the Beckett play can possibly be a Prostitutes Kuroiso of beyond contamination because as Christopher suggests, not much happens?

Slow violence hides its progress. Tanja London stands before us asking us questions of terror. In art making Prostitutes Kuroiso are forever Prostitutes Kuroiso by the "what if"? She reminds of the poisoning of terror, the contamination of fear fictions in how we think and act. Does our caution become a habit of self- surveillance? She describes our biology as a scaffold and somehow the outside-inside of this scaffolding can also be like a spider skin: we are hardware, software, wetware, and vulnerable and already always programmed.

They suggest through their research on two dancers, which undo the stereotypes of "modern dance" and "butoh" through their singular performance mutations and Prostitutes Kuroiso. They are two rogue performers.

Psitohoku proceedings isbn

D'Almeido's Kaoru Ishii, in her 80s, breaks from "modern dance" and creates site works against the norm. She is anti-easy pretty-ness. We want to know more about this woman's physical crusade. Nicely twists and turns with our favorite dualities and physical contradictions and turns these into training methods and composition tools. There is something about Prostitutes Kuroiso Kasai's mineral time relates to slow glacial durations.

Megan brings in "voice power" and the non-human voices in the 'body" and she reminds us of the stones in the film presentation by Aomori Museum of Art Director and Curator, Okuwaki Takahiro: The voice seemed to emanate from the mini-stone-henge?

Here corporealities are wrecked by Agent Orange's vampire drugs. What does "beyond Prostitutes Kuroiso mean anyway in these doubled bodied circumstances? Prostitutes Kuroiso are not sure of Susan Foster's cool Western theories of kinaesthetic empathies here when there is a collaboration between Japanese doctors and Vietnamese children.

Then Japanese children are inspired by their images and there is a song that is taught to Japanese children. Two Japanese scholars in our WG know the song and hum the melody: Who can "cheer up" the weaker Viet, who dies Prostitutes Kuroiso a vegetable-like state when separated from his brother Duc?

Are there ecologies Prostitutes Kuroiso pity? Ecologies Prostitutes Kuroiso empathy?


Is there an incommensurability to culture-based kinaesthetic empathy? We need to be careful with the specificity of each and every corporeal experience. That is: Whitened bodies equals ashen flesh, grotesque distorted faces are from victim or self-taught horror stories Prostitutes Kuroiso. It seems that the A-bomb was a "…powerful audio-visual experience, making the bomb a new media.

Baird brought up one of the subthemes of the conference: the relationship of visual media to performance and in particular the photograph to performance to the evaluation of performance. The chaos that Nicely had spoken of entered the carefully managed Working Group. We heard only fragments of Sarah's careful dissection of time and return and the provocation of an old worn out "contemporary. But Calamoneri reminds us of Prostitutes Kuroiso physicality of performance, even if we do get confused, trying hard to respect everyone's "beyond" contamination concept.

Calamoneri mixes Yoko Ono and Hijikata writing and performing into the vibration of material art labor. We know it is based in training patterns and we see the Vargas, Carlos, and Arreola roll their eyes upwards, climbing into their own totem stack of bodies.

But there is something about Prostitutes Kuroiso gesture speaks the text loudly and clearly, with multiple scales of meanings. For both Prostitutes Kuroiso their artists take us into disturbing sensorial conditions, which the scholars frame and carefully detail, Prostitutes Kuroiso physical, the kinaesthetic empathy overwhelms and our debate ensues… can art do this?

Do we have to see the wounding and trancing from pain? Do we have to feel like we are drowning or even swallowing the voice of an elderly male soldier?

We are disturbed and no longer safe. This is activism in small intense acts. Do we have to look? Do we have to Prostitutes Kuroiso What cannot be re-enacted? What does their Prostitutes Kuroiso do to Prostitutes Kuroiso live and now dead performance acts? While it seems distant, on his arrival to clean up whole towns of bodies and debris, we are brought close-in by his grandfather's death back Prostitutes Kuroiso. We move into macro and micro mourning and views: We still want to hear the politics of Prostitutes Kuroiso work crew, the survivors, the re-call of disaster, without the big wave Prostitutes Kuroiso with time, a close reading of close and distant grief.

Samantha Marenzi marches us outside and into the labyrinth of the museum's sunken dark brown dike-like walls. Humans become small and we are pressed into one nearly enclosed section: we are incarcerated with Prostitutes Kuroiso.

We are sucked into a kind of vortex of time past, another post-memory, when Marenzi reminds us that Artaud no longer moves. We are told that it is in these last days of immobility that Artaud comes back to life through his other body of imagination.

We have that wrong, she means memory, Artaud's body Prostitutes Kuroiso imagination. This puts speech into Artaud 's body. His theatre is a body showing. Do angels fall up? We are on the grass again, on another plateau, looking out to forests, distant buildings.

The iron couple

They place clothe on the ground with ritual objects. Each object gets used and is named in several languages. They remind us that we are in "constant conversation with the environment. The Welsh island, Mon, is a pilgrimage site, and like Aomori it has a nuclear power plant site. We are aware of the beauty and its contamination. This small group around Prostitutes Kuroiso small clothe Prostitutes Kuroiso ritual objects remind us of how we can turn the exclusion zone of nuclear disaster into a recovery zone of art labor.

Kase bring us back to Osoresan and the different ways that one can measure our Prostitutes Kuroiso and our deaths. Does she have two mother tongues? We see that one presentation may bleed into the next. They leave open gaps of silence and just watching. Or water of drowning? Migration is a deep Prostitutes Kuroiso and present Prostitutes Kuroiso moment in our time here.

We are all so driven by journeys. Liu is involved in a post- memory project with survivors of the tsunami and Fukushima disaster. Saiko Kase's parents Prostitutes Kuroiso a friend have come especially to perform witnessing in her yearly signing ritual.

Kase's ritual is at the end of a long day. Everyone is a bit numb with new ideas and questions. We are restless but immobile, waiting Prostitutes Kuroiso witnessing the inscriptions of these parents, friend, and child.

In Japan they do not "sign with signatures" but with a tiny chop or stamp that has your Prostitutes Kuroiso name in kanji or characters. It may be distinctive or not. Unlike a signature, it is the same every time depending on the ink and the surface of the paper, but not your hand's tension. We leave sadly and silently and exhausted.

Disaster is close to home. Liu and Kase remind us of the contracts with make with life and death. Her key words like "consolation" are presented to provoke. It is Okada's mission to undo the acceptable. Her research undermines the "folk" ideas of consolation. She reconsiders "memorial" and memorial performances as activist sites Prostitutes Kuroiso encounter. He explores agrarian fundamentalism, but with more time, we needed his rich histories.

We keep thinking of learning about the subversive dengaku field dances that led to more and more infractions because of their "wildness and abandon. Even as we gather here, we are aware of Fukushima and the tsunami towns and how the black wave swept in and in and in forever. Is the tsunami a Prostitutes Kuroiso of dengaku dance?

Is this a massive dance of Prostitutes Kuroiso overwhelming the planet? But this use of the folk material, especially the collective dancing, requires careful consideration and reworking into our ethnographies and theories of making art and research.

Wei Zhang brought us to China's public squares Prostitutes Kuroiso collective dancing and exercising is part Prostitutes Kuroiso daily life, except that the government uses surveillance and suppression to control these practices when they become too Prostitutes Kuroiso, too moving. We questioned how the present post-socialist government is managing this increasingly charged and active collectivity of dancers. These group dances appear to be for the public good: public fitness, collective activity, aesthetic pleasure in a social space, but these are Prostitutes Kuroiso being regulated.

Can the collective public go underground with its dancing?


Hartung blasted us with the atomic light of shadows and memory in Japan. Prostitutes Kuroiso move from the s quickly to the present: what does that say about what is contemporary trauma and what is memory? He has us rip a piece of paper and remember how that divided material was somehow ruined and ruins and the interval or space between.

We are all implicated in this tear. Hartung introduces Naoko Tanaka, a contemporary performance artist, who reminds us of how darkness is the interval between states of light or is it the other way round?

We meet Clark's Prostitutes Kuroiso Japanese artists who are bordering on art and remembering trauma. I see her blue prints made with long exposures photography re- enters with living Prostitutes Kuroiso.

She makes a garden of slow blue memories. Hartung Prostitutes Kuroiso us back Prostitutes Kuroiso the flashlight, the flash of light, and he asks us to re-vision vision. Clarke makes us start making visions. How far and for how long can we perceive traces of a body? We have to hold onto thoughts between Hartung and Clarke, or let them float and see if Prostitutes Kuroiso ideas Prostitutes Kuroiso an author or not.

Hartung reminds us that we are in Japan and we can rethink "light" just as we rethink "temporality" across time zones, taking our bodies back into the visual field. How do we mix this with Clarke's slow blue ecology and Prostitutes Kuroiso much invisible matters? Speaking of vision and visuality, we also need to address phenomena in everyday life that Prostitutes Kuroiso made invisible, all the things that go unseen.

According to Hal Foster in his book The Return of the Realthe emergence of the ethnographic turn in contemporary art evolves around the issue of authenticity and reflexivity. Prostitutes Kuroiso observing, digesting and visualising the sociocultural performance of everyday life, artists propose means of evaluating and revising the way society handles on-going issues related to time, space, and memory. The artworks I use as examples today are works that address issues Prostitutes Kuroiso crisis and contamination, most of them related to the disaster at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in MarchProstitutes Kuroiso also other recent events that reveal the precariousness and vulnerability of the human body.

This approach might allow for discussions afterwards of some of the topics suggested by the organisers of this conference: how do people deal with disaster, large or small? How does changes in the environment affect the cultural ecology of place?

And what is the role of the arts in the fluid states of crisis and recovery? Photography and film lends itself easily to the crossover field of art and ethnography Prostitutes Kuroiso of the documentary style that many ethnographers and anthropologists use in their field work.

Using documentary style and Prostitutes Kuroiso interview format for her films, Keiko Courdy has talked with people who live Prostitutes Kuroiso everyday life in disaster areas after the earthquake and tsunami in North-eastern Japan in March The young woman lives with her family in Minami-Soma, 20 km Prostitutes Kuroiso the Prostitutes Kuroiso Fukushima Daiichi power plant. The contamination itself is invisible and odourless, and has no immediate sensuous effect on the Prostitutes Kuroiso.

I will elaborate on this notion of index as performance by focusing on the protection suit or the hazmat suit as a case example, so let me first give you some examples of hazmat suit artworks from various contemporary Japanese artist: Inthe artist group Hi Red Center performed the happening Be Clean!

Mikami Seiko Prostitutes Kuroiso the installation Suitcases in The work includes a conveyer belt like the ones you find in airports, and on top the artist has placed a number of suitcases with see-through covers, revealing various sorts of dangerous materials inside such as hazardous biochemical material Prostitutes Kuroiso needles used for handling contagious virus.

Mikami makes visible some of the consequences of globalization in the risk society due to increasing international air travels and the way in which diseases are spread or biochemical Prostitutes Kuroiso radioactive materials are traded and transported across the globe.

In an exhibition entitled Information Weapons: Super Clean Room fromthe artist is dressed for protection, with her body and most of her face concealed in a hazmat suit in a dramatic setting of Prostitutes Kuroiso and yellow Prostitutes Kuroiso. The exhibition took place at a research facility with a specially built clean room, and audiences had to wear white protective clothing when Prostitutes Kuroiso visited the exhibition.

Another hazmat suit image was produced by the artist Fukuda Miran in her artwork entitled Metro Cards in We see personnel of the Self Defence Agency dressed in protection suits and gasmasks cleaning Prostitutes Kuroiso platforms of Kasumigaseki metro station in Tokyo. While the contamination released by the perpetrators was not without instant deadly effect on human bodies in this case, it was the insignificant and almost invisible appearance of the poisonous liquid that caused so many people to be harmed before actions where taken by the authorities.

It is the invisibility of the action that creates the terror, and the hazmat suits of the Self Defence Agency personnel become complicit by way of the index because they remind us of the precariousness of everyday life. One of his first so-called wearable sculptures is this one, Yellow suit, from Prostitutes Kuroiso work consist of a protection suit again radiation for Yanobe himself and his dog, made of lead, and too heavy for the human body to actually carry.

The work was made in direct Prostitutes Kuroiso to an accident at the Mihama nuclear power plant in Yanobe further develops the protection suit, and with the more mobile and less uncomfortable version fromYanobe embarks on a journey to the city of Pripyat in the former Soviet Union, the city which was abandoned overnight in because of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Yanobe meets people living Prostitutes Kuroiso Pripyat: the chock Prostitutes Kuroiso bodily exposure, and his own identity crisis as an artist. In an interview, he confesses the profound doubt he had when Prostitutes Kuroiso the 3 year Prostitutes Kuroiso boy living his everyday life in the reality of a highly contaminated environment.

Other artists have made personal travels to a site of danger Prostitutes Kuroiso put their body at risk in the physical encounter with the invisible materiality of radiation.

The video was recorded on April 11, Prostitutes Kuroiso, exactly one month after the disaster occurred, and there are no other human beings to be seen on the site.

The two persons arrive at the lookout point where the smoke from the power plant can be Prostitutes Kuroiso in the background, and they take out a white flag on which they spray-paint with red first a large dot, symbolizing the Japanese national flag, and then adding three triangles around so the symbol transforms into the hazard symbol of ionizing radiation.

The camera was feeding directly into live streaming on the internet. Where Acconci used the video camera as a mirror at which he points his finger at himself, Takeuchi, or whoever it is would Prostitutes Kuroiso his mobile phone to monitor the live feed from the TEPCO surveillance camera on the internet and thereby also be monitoring or pointing at himself. But in effect, of course, what the viewers see and experience is the finger pointing out towards the spectator.

So let me return to the index. Paulsen draws upon the semiotics of Charles S. A sign is a symbol when it relates to its object through agreed upon conventions. The third type of signs, the one relevant for my argument, is the sign as index.

The usual way of exemplifying index is to say that smoke rising on the horizon is Prostitutes Kuroiso index of a distant fire. Perhaps we can use this image to visualize the smoke as index. Or we can say that debris is an index of a tsunami.

A pointing finger indexes something to be seen. My argument is that we can also understand the hazmat suit as an indexical sign of the invisible and ephemeral materiality of contamination Prostitutes Kuroiso as hazardous biochemical matter, sarin gas, or nuclear radiation.

Indices need to be present in a contextual situation in order to be perceived as signs in the first place. So even if the hazmat suit we see is a sign of Prostitutes Kuroiso happened in the past, it relates to us because we are interpreting the sign now, today. For Peirce, it is the way in which the sign touches its interpreter that makes a sign an index. The index is both a sign but also an event which transfers an existential relationship from the referent to the receiver. The hazmat suit is a powerful image Prostitutes Kuroiso of the way in which it forces a connection between the object and the mind of the receiver by virtue of its indexical property.

It calls upon the viewer to relate to its object, the contamination, across space and time, demanding the viewer Prostitutes Kuroiso pay attention. When artists like those I have talked about today use the hazmat suit in their work, it is not only to protect their own bodies at the site of a disaster, but also as a means to activate the power of the indexical quality of the hazmat suit as a sign.

By Prostitutes Kuroiso so, they establish an affective relationship to the viewer that spans across temporal distance and intrudes itself forcefully upon the mind of the viewer. A symptom indexes something, but what that something is can be unclear or have multiple explanations. Indices need to be decoded. Indices are signs in need of contextual or supplementary information.

What kind of fire causes the smoke? What is the finger actually Prostitutes Kuroiso at? What contaminations causes these bodies to wear protection suits and gasmasks?

The viewer need to decode the sign, to figure out what this signs indicates, and hereby become aware of the vulnerability of the sign itself as well as the event or phenomenon to which it refers. The artworks by the contemporary artists I have presented in this talk are examples of how Prostitutes Kuroiso provide the opportunity to experience and interpret topics related to concerns Prostitutes Kuroiso everyday life such as contamination.

They do so not by representation, but by applying the embodiment of the protective clothing and Prostitutes Kuroiso suit as Prostitutes Kuroiso index.

The Return of the Real. The Avant-Garde at the End of the Century. Hjorth, Larissa, and Krisen Sharp. Prostitutes Kuroiso, Miwon.

London: Black Dog. Paulsen, Kris. Sawaragi Noi. Accessed 5 August The Prostitutes Kuroiso of Performance. The nature of illegibility which affects the body and corporeality was inevitably under examination. This challenge denounces a shared uneasiness about approaches to performance studies nowadays, and shows Prostitutes Kuroiso strong necessity for exploring new tools that might reduce the distance between theory and practice, the body and discourse.

Many debates are still open and it is a difficult task to solve theoretical and methodological problems Prostitutes Kuroiso arise from the encounter between scholarship and choreutic arts, the area which visibly manifests a very high degree of complexity in its survey.

Prostitutes Kuroiso condenses the Prostitutes Kuroiso corporeality and the crisis of the post-war body in a revolutionary project enacting a resistance to post-war politics. The complex operation of dance aesthetics undertaken by Hijikata is considered here in light of his radical exploration and diversification of corporeality as it was dissected into multi-layered nuances, which manifest subtle and changeable Prostitutes Kuroiso in a polysemous interplay.

Within this landscape emerges the nikutai the carnal bodyi. Besides the nikutai Hijikata fleshes out the suijakutai the weakened body, the altered body, or, as I define it 2 My politics of translation is trying to avoid as much as possible a contamination of the original source, even if this means sacrificing the final textual aesthetics. This happens often in the civilisation inside the body [karada].

Who is the creator of the overconfidence in transforming into Prostitutes Kuroiso and blood? The pure spirit and the dim soul gazed at by the nikutai, which is divinity of flesh [niku no kami] and raw dream, cry with a faltering voice, hand in hand under the collapse while still pending up in the air as ever…' Hijikata35; my translation.

We see confirmed in it, the way Prostitutes Kuroiso bodies, as conceived by the dancer, condense states of Prostitutes Kuroiso turning into critical corporealities. The Prostitutes Kuroiso itself is questioned. For this purpose Hijikata treats words as bodies and opens up the same word to continually new meaning.

His 'bodily writing' Foster confers corporeality to words and creates synaesthetic texts which are multidimensional and involve all senses. This implies that together with the erasure of the face and Prostitutes Kuroiso, expression is also erased see Centonze ; forthcoming.

As he declares in his programme notes for Kinjiki nibusaku : 'The execution of the action will be done all at Prostitutes Kuroiso without bending the domesticated articulations. Mishima envisages in this relation a process of estrangement and detects the thing mono as a dreadful thing-in- itself monojitai. I think that, what is described by Mishima, can be connected and extended to that specific corporeality of the hagurete iru nikutai, often mentioned by Hijikata.

It belongs to the non-oriented and non-directed gesture and to the de-figuration of the systemic organisation of choreography Centonze forthcoming. It has also a Prostitutes Kuroiso connection to what Hijikata defines as the mumokutekina nikutai, the nikutai without an aim, aimless nikutai or, as I call it, the atelic nikutai, which operates against Prostitutes Kuroiso society of productivity.

This mumokutekina nikutai is at the centre of his dance, as he declared in 'Keimusho e'46; Centonze, and may be linked to immobility Centonze forthcoming. Hijikata obliterates the hierarchy among human being, animal and object, dismissing an anthropocentric vision of dance in terms of human expression. He relates natural calamity and disasters to specific corporealities, in particular to the bodies of children.

Without rhetorical gloss, Hijikata focuses on the situation of natural catastrophe and the infant body surpassing the possibility of moral judgment. As far as I have observed, the infant body is denoted by Hijikata throughout his texts with the term karada or shintai and never with the term nikutai: 'Natural disasters Prostitutes Kuroiso children are connected. There are many children considered Prostitutes Kuroiso be the appendix to natural disasters.

It is a natural disaster when they are swept away by illness, as well when a mochi gets stuck in their throat. Children are standing next to natural calamity. They scream, not Prostitutes Kuroiso they have found their hat or one of their shoes has Prostitutes Kuroiso, but Prostitutes Kuroiso because they cannot find their body [karada].

I have made the experience, one after the other, of being nearly thrown into the iron pot, but I was not able to have such a natural disaster in the city. Speaking about natural disasters reminds me of the flood. This essay enacts a concrete movement from text towards the carnal body. As the title highlights, Hijikata operates an inversion of the rapport between the nikutai and the discourse on the nikutai: it is not the study of the body that observes the body, but here the body observes the cognitive practice and research.

Present dance studies punctuate this very aspect: the body of the observer or scholar is epistemologically included in the analysis see for example, Rothfield ; Foster In contemporary terms we may say that Hijikata accomplishes what dance studies and performance studies recently claim: to bring back corporeality to its corporeal sense.

It may be considered an investigation ante litteram of several issues posed by recent dance theory. I Prostitutes Kuroiso to say that for Hijikata the text is a bodily text, which melts orality and writing, performance and literacy, bodies and words, and I see this clearly displayed in this essay. Recently dance and performance studies have concentrated on reorienting the optomonopolism and turned to the analysis of performances involving our organs beyond our eyes see for example, Banes and Lepecki There the relation of showing and seeing seemed not to have been established.

Spectators kenbutsu are excluded, because a fundamental condition of partaking in the event is of blood relations Gunji; Centonze It should be noted that the definitions nikutaigaku study Prostitutes Kuroiso the Prostitutes Kuroiso body, or study on the nikutai and nikutaishi history of the body, or history of the nikutaiHijikata deals with in 'Nikutai ni nagamerareta nikutaigaku', are not common designations for both disciplines and I Prostitutes Kuroiso, that we should cut out also here a specific address to a discourse concerning distinctive nuances of corporeality, which in this case is the nikutai.

The layering of words attached to the nikutai, which is probably ineffable, created by the historical discourse of the carnal body nikutaishi and by the study on the carnal body nikutaigakushared by a large Prostitutes Kuroiso of people, is seen by the dancer Prostitutes Kuroiso a mythology constructed around the carnal body, and is compared Prostitutes Kuroiso bacteria, or microorganisms, which can be viewed as pathogenic cells causing infectious disease.

In contrast and as a paradox, Hijikata adds that these discourses are for maintaining the hygiene of the body karada. He manifests a sort of critique against the imposed social body designated here as karada.

The nature of the nikutai is to be shattered, disintegrated even in the very moment of birth; it is not intact or integral and untouched. Therefore, the hand chases Prostitutes Kuroiso hand, seen as independent entities, alienated from the subject.

Subjective identity is obliterated Prostitutes Kuroiso the nikutai melts, congeals, coagulates like a sugar candy bekkoame in a physiochemical process reproduced in dance. The nikutai is an Prostitutes Kuroiso independent from the dancer, and is aligned with the external objects.

We may say, that the discursive disciplines embracing nikutai are fallible and misfiring, because the nikutai is not circumscribable, confinable, containable. I suppose that herein Prostitutes Kuroiso the anarchic nature of the nikutai. Nevertheless there are also contrasting and paradoxical aspects of the nikutai or different nuances or states of the nikutai.

Therefore, it is a fluid entity. It is fluid, because these corporealities maintain paradoxes and contradictions inside such as the standing dead body.

Through this perspective, the word does not entrap corpo reality in a fixed category, but flows together with it. The Senses in Performance. New York; London: Routledge. Prostitutes Kuroiso, Katja. Degree thesis. Venezia: Cartotecnica Veneziana Editrice.

Galatina Lecce : Congedo Editore. Venezia: Cafoscarina. Roma: Aracne Editrice. In Arti delle performance: orizzonti e culture 6. Foster, Susan Leigh. London; NewYork: Routledge. Gunji, Masakatsu. Tokyo: Hakusuisha. Kugatsu itsuka rokuji no kai. Mita bungaku 1: Lansdale, Janet. London ; NewYork: Prostitutes Kuroiso. Rothfield, Philipa. Raimondo Cortese As a professional writer since the early nineties, I have written, dramaturged and developed over forty texts for theatre or performance.

InI founded Ranters Theatre along with other graduates of the VCA School of Drama; it is this company that has produced the majority of my texts, and with whom I have shared an ongoing exploration of the practice of everyday Prostitutes Kuroiso hyperreal aesthetics and processes in relation to writing and theatrical production.

The practice of everyday theatre has also Prostitutes Kuroiso a corresponding rise in theoretical analysis of its methodology and practice, the most notable being by writers such as Peter Crawley, Sarah Gorman, Noelia Ruiz, Sodja Lotker, Peter Eckersall and Eddie Patterson. The banal, the ordinary, the vital, the fantastic all bound up to create a complex but fragmented textual entity. My own practice has also been influenced by various Situationist exponents, such as Guy Debord, Raoul Vaneigem and Constant, who have theorised on the everyday as a field of Prostitutes Kuroiso.

The everyday offers immeasurable Prostitutes Kuroiso of verbal and physical acts that infects and contaminates the way theatre is constituted; traditional performative codes and structures can be dissolved and re-bound together in a multifarious, Prostitutes Kuroiso matrix. In my experience, much of what occurs on the stage is a process of conventional wisdom that has Prostitutes Kuroiso passed down via the Prostitutes Kuroiso base of generations of writers, directors, actors and theatre workers in response to practical questions that arise when working within particular performance contexts, such as a stage.

Rather than place the focus on external indicators of change, such as narrative, story, or physical action in the text, everyday hyperrealism places the focus on the minutiae of moment-to-moment expressivity. The dialogic content is made up of independent yet relatable fragmentary sequences. The theatrical ciphers are recalibrated and turned away from fictive content towards the dynamic, contaminated space between audience and performer.

The pay-off for the audience is direct contact, a continual transference and intersharing. The audience is placed at the heart of narrative and story construction; narrative fissures are created, in which the Prostitutes Kuroiso weave their life experiences and thus contaminate the fabric of the performance. Performing as ourselves, we create actions, conditions and speech executed with a singular intimacy and familiarity.

This intimacy reduces the separation between performer and spectator, opening up a space for thinking, tension, reflection and confusion. Within this space we present meticulously prepared material in a manner that is open and Prostitutes Kuroiso, sliding the situation towards the unexpected, Prostitutes Kuroiso a sense of connection with whatever the audience brings.

This implies a form of performative consciousness within actual everyday discourse that inhibits the way we behave. Our performative awareness, rather than liberate us, forces us to contrive our behaviour, usually in order to appease an agenda or further a cause.

Each Prostitutes Kuroiso these plays, as with all Ranters productions, unfolds in real-time. They might use everyday language as a model but they are not verbatim texts. The dialogue in these plays emulates the nuance, rhythms, ellipses, non-sequiturs, Prostitutes Kuroiso, and speech effects of everyday language but are structured Prostitutes Kuroiso order to achieve Prostitutes Kuroiso aesthetic objective.

These plays utilise textual shifts in the dialogue to open up cracks in narrative authority and to ultimately disintegrate it. The action and dialogue are out of alignment and progress down an uncertain Prostitutes Kuroiso difficult path. The personas are rubbed in the wrong direction; they are contaminated by unconscious Prostitutes Kuroiso from each other and the audience, which bring into being unexpected Prostitutes Kuroiso.

The social register, meter and rhythm of the dialogue are continuously altered to disrupt the reception of literal narrative. Sentence structure is often fragmentary, or interrupted, causing a Prostitutes Kuroiso in the linear trajectory of an argument.

These conscious manipulations of the text are not designed simply to create a mirroring of the everyday, but also to refocus the emphasis on the relationship of the text to physical responses. The audience are invited to contaminate these uncertain spaces with their own narratives that emerge from the enactment of the text.

This theatre beyond representation enters a crucial phase where the boundary between the everyday theatre and the audience becomes interchangeable and blurred, and serves a process of continuous contamination. In theatre, and in real life, it helps to understand the context Prostitutes Kuroiso parameters of the performance; we are more likely to accept what we are already familiar with. Much of what transpires in the relationship between performer and audience is dependent upon the expectation of the latter.

In the work of Ranters or other contemporary theatre makers, like Richard Maxwell or Oriza Hirata, which seek to emulate the feel of everyday discourse, the audience consists of literate festival goers who are primarily familiar with the theatrical codes they are about to witness. The meditative space created requires a degree of discipline to appreciate it, an ability to let go, focus and watch.

The audience contaminate the theatrical frame with their own imaginings. But the audience that attend these festival shows are mostly familiar with the aesthetic domains being presented; rather than being Prostitutes Kuroiso, the danger is the audiences will enjoy the fact that their knowledge and aesthetic awareness of new Prostitutes Kuroiso is being validated.

It has the potential to ingrain a new form of cultural snobbery. This movement of theatre Prostitutes Kuroiso organised theatrical constructs into everyday life is being progressively advanced through the use of digital technology in contemporary art practice and with the tendency of theatre makers to cross-over into other artistic disciplines, such as Live Art, where audience interactivity is at Prostitutes Kuroiso heart of the work.

My own hyperrealist texts are constructed to allow a moment-to-moment reconfiguring of the dramaturgy. The instability of the narrative patterns, the creation of diegetic fissures, breakages in dialogic response, the lack Prostitutes Kuroiso history or character information in the content, is a way of dissembling the audience to experience mutual contamination with the performers, the performed is turned into a question.

By creating a realm of ontological uncertainty, the text requires the actor and audient to follow pathways that correlate with their own emotional Prostitutes Kuroiso psychological perspective.

The Prostitutes Kuroiso of silence, pauses, disruptions of physical dynamics, the use of repetition, and the sustained durational presence of the performers are a way of enabling the audience to activate an invented response to Prostitutes Kuroiso they experience. As with the work of Ranters, Maxwell tends to smooth out dramatic tension, or dramatic patterning in the text.

The texts are usually set somewhere, Prostitutes Kuroiso fictional content, often as a way of addressing a socio-political question, such as presented in Prostitutes Kuroiso Samaritans and Neutral Hero. These plays require a different style of performance that engages with the changes brought about in human behaviour from a generation of people who have grown up contaminated by digital media.

The audience engage the material presence of the actors in a space; the experience is one of mutual contamination, which is unambiguously real and spontaneous. monthly In , a female teacher was stabbed by a male student with a butterfly knife tt a middle school in in Kuroiso in Tochigi Prefecture.

The performances, in their relationship to audience, are specifically designed to draw out phenomenological responses to the liveness of the enactment. The viewer is affected by and gives impetus to external circumstances that prompt a phenomenological form of contamination in order to convert a particular space into a passage, or transform a nameless occurrence into a significant event. The impulse to construct character via technical preparation and the exploration of psychological motivations can be used to hide qualities that Prostitutes Kuroiso perhaps more vital to theatre.

The artistic director of Pan Pan, Gavin Quin, similarly requires his actors to shed characterisation, and employ tasks to access the core of an encounter. The dialogic sequences have a theme-based juxtapositional organisation. There are no naturalistic Prostitutes Kuroiso between Prostitutes Kuroiso. The conversations in Holiday, Affection or Intimacy begin around a particular theme, but then abruptly end or wind down. Conversation flows laterally from one subject to the next without any logical coherence; topics include; taking pets to the vet, Chinese medicine, the nature Prostitutes Kuroiso performance in the everyday, poetry, architecture, roller-coaster rides, travelling and so Prostitutes Kuroiso, but devoid of narrative unity.

These plays also utilise intertextuality, such as occurs in Holiday, where there are quotes from Hafiz and Ernst Jandle, alongside references to pop culture, Hinduism and Mexican filmmaking. The use of songs further breaks narrative hegemony, while revealing hidden content in the concrete Prostitutes Kuroiso between the performers.

There is no attempt to represent a reality beyond the material presence of the space the performers occupy. This is Prostitutes Kuroiso in the dialogue, which at no point refers to a fictive space in proximity to the space being performed in. In other words, the audience have no way of knowing whether these spaces or locations are real or not. There Prostitutes Kuroiso also no information about the characters that can be construed as fictional.

The creation of a meditative, relaxed ambience creates Prostitutes Kuroiso open invitation to the audience to reflect, fantasise and invent their own narrative that infects the original text with their own meanings and significance. Is the suggestion here that the material Prostitutes Kuroiso of the space and the performers is in fact no less illusory than a fictive space or persona?

This tension is compounded by the ontological ambiguity that presents itself as the play progresses. The development of a material space and persona presence is blurred within a real-unreal dichotomy.

The text is designed to slow down time, to create fragile, ephemeral and contaminated Prostitutes Kuroiso between performers and audience. This new everyday theatre takes the audience beyond the boundaries of self- imposed exile and into the streets and buildings we inhabit and contaminate daily with our own desires, and beyond that into our own imaginary lives.

References Prostitutes Kuroiso. Simon Sadler, The Situationist City, English, Brisbane 7. English, Brisbane 7 Raimondo was the Artistic Director of Ranters from to The former was about engendering new values from Tokyo to the world through continuing to create works of art that respond to society and the zeitgeist. It tried to be more engaged in current social developments in Japan. The first statement of the documents says as follows: The ground continues to shake; radiation continues to leak out.

We cannot see a destination for the rubble. Great numbers of people are bereft of words; silence is imposed upon them. Now, Tohoku, particularly Fukushima, interested people all over the world, Prostitutes Kuroiso that Tohoku and Fukushima represented Japan. Of course the people living in Tokyo were also strongly interested in this region and most of them were surely for the first time realized that their daily life had been supported by Tohoku, especially by the electricity produced by the nuclear power station in Fukushima operated by TEPCO Tokyo Electric Power Company.

Prostitutes Kuroiso the visions and theatre work urgently presented by the artists, we have raised this inquiry and attempted to grasp anew the complex present reality. And what kind of site Prostitutes Kuroiso thought can they open up? Besides the works which had been produced before the earthquake, some works were created strongly inspired by the disaster. The opening statement of its documents tells followings. In our complex present reality, wherever we go we are simultaneously involved with certain events, but also unable to identify fully with the involved.

Or rather, simultaneously we are the victims of certain events, yet also the perpetrators. Now a lot of residents in Fukushima have to be evacuated from the nuclear power station that had produced electricity mainly Prostitutes Kuroiso Tokyo Prostitutes Kuroiso area. The ministry of economy and industry is Prostitutes Kuroiso near from there. It is the place where peaceful using of nuclear power station was heavily promoted.

That is Prostitutes Kuroiso I thought the project should be realized there. But rather Prostitutes Kuroiso such historical backgrounds, the New Shimbashi Building in front of the Shimbashi station, the starting point of the tour, had attracted me laugh. Both were built in and opened in Prostitutes Kuroiso months. My idea was correct. Shimbashi must have been fevered in the time of the High Economic Growth, and to support the fever, the electricity was necessary.

Probably in such background, the nuclear power station in Fukushima was built. And these audiences included non-Japanese producers, so that some of the works were invited to various international festivals. In the same event, the audiences had a chance to dance a folk group dance, Bon-odori, that is familiar for everyone living in Japan. They referred repeatedly popular music numbers and TV series that were and are popular all over Japan. As a result, many Japanese audiences were attracted.

It was also remarkable that no performances were guided by English subtitles some dance performances were without any problem to be enjoyed also by non-Japanese Prostitutes Kuroiso, though. The tendency remains the same today. Also, Fukushima as a theme seems to be fading into the background. Inhe talked with Soma and Takayama at the same table and said the following: I am sure that among the audience, also among the people who have something to do with theatre, some people would have the opinion that a festival should be something glamorous and delightful.

They would say that a Prostitutes Kuroiso and serious work making nuclear power Prostitutes Kuroiso its theme like that of Jelinek does not have to be in the lineup, but the works that are more enjoyable and understandable for everyone should be the core. In Japan, nowadays, perhaps it could be hardly possible to realize an international festival mentioning the earthquake, the tsunami and Fukushima that captures all audiences.

Roughly speaking, there are the audience who care about Tohoku and Fukushima and the audience who not, although their daily life had been supported by the resources from such rural areas. In this context, the opinion by Kainuma Hiroshi, sociologist, is to be referred.

Genshiryoku mura ha naze umareta no ka. Fukushima discourse. Why the nuclear-power-village emerged Tokyo: Seidosha,Prostitutes Kuroiso The answer for this Prostitutes Kuroiso seems to not have been found yet. Kainuma, Hiroshi. Fukushima ron. Why the nuclear-power-village emerged Tokyo: Seidosha.

Ootori, Hidenaga. Works often as a subtitle translator and operator for German speaking theatre Prostitutes Kuroiso staged in Japan Ken Hagiwara-Wallentowitz. In the Medieval period, Soto-no-Hama was thought to be the eastern edge of Japan, and it was also an utamakura. They hide their baby birds in the sand of Soto-no-Hama. Then, the Prostitutes Kuroiso birds come, follow the hunter here and there, and cry.

The color of their tears, which fall like rain, is the deep red of blood. The plot of the piece is as follows: A Prostitutes Kuroiso waki, supporting actor is on his way to Soto-no-Hama, which he has never seen before. Because the priest plans to go to Soto-no- Hama, the man asks him, to visit a home in which the father, a hunter, died Prostitutes Kuroiso previous autumn. The priest should tell the widow and child to Prostitutes Kuroiso a memorial service for the deceased with an offering of minogasa.

During the service, the Prostitutes Kuroiso of the hunter nochi-shite, latter protagonist appears. He demonstrates how he did nothing Prostitutes Kuroiso hunt.

He begs the priest for help, but in vain. Although the author of this piece is unknown, the oldest record concerning Prostitutes Kuroiso documents a performance in Waka and renga used Prostitutes Kuroiso to allude to famous places all over the country. Among these, Prostitutes Kuroiso Hama was the easternmost and northernmost place and, as mentioned, was considered the eastern edge of Japan in the Medieval period.

In Soga monogatari, there is one episode in which Adachi Morinaga dreams an Prostitutes Kuroiso dream. In it, Minamoto no Yoritomo, the shogun of the Kamakura shogunate, stands Prostitutes Kuroiso his left Prostitutes Kuroiso on Soto-no-Hama and with his right foot on Kikai-ga-Shima. In this representation, Soto-no-Hama is the eastern edge of Japan and Kikai- ga-Shima is the western. The actual area of Soto-no-Hama is vague and cannot be defined as only the eastern coast of Tsugaru peninsula.

The island, located to the north of Soto-no-Hama Prostitutes Kuroiso the Prostitutes Kuroiso, was Ezo-ga-Shima, that is known today as Hokkaido. At that time, it was a completely foreign country and a place of exile. Or, the spirit of killed birds damages the fields. The mother bird sheds tears of blood, and the hunter wears minogasa for protection. However, according to Sasaki, the legends of this type were actually not known in Soto-no-Hama itself.

Sasaki points to two events in support of Prostitutes Kuroiso conclusion. It shows that the wandering Prostitutes Kuroiso type Prostitutes Kuroiso noble type and revengeful spirit damaging fields legend type are indeed handed down in Soto- no-Hama. It originates from Soto-no-Hama as periphery but is mainly formed Prostitutes Kuroiso the center, a place independent of the local site.

As Shinpei Matsuoka says, the feathers are Prostitutes Kuroiso to Ainu in some ways. The blood Prostitutes Kuroiso also closely connected with Ainu. From the sky fall the tears of blood. And I, covering myself with the sedge-hat, with the cloak of straw, try to escape the falling tears, dodging now this way, now Prostitutes Kuroiso. But alas! Faster and faster fall the tears of blood, until my body cannot escape their mortal touch, until the world turns crimson before my eyes—crimson as the fabled Bridge of Maple Leaves, formed of magpie wings across the sky and at the dawn stained red by the tears of two parting lover-stars.

The love is incompatible! This closely concerns a point to be discussed later in this section. In the following passage from Suwa daimyojin ekotoba in Prostitutes Kuroiso, it can be Prostitutes Kuroiso how in the Medieval period the center thought about Prostitutes Kuroiso in Soto-no-Hama: The two species are Prostitutes Kuroiso and Karako. Their lands are connected to foreign countries.

Their Prostitutes Kuroiso are like demons and extremely monstrous. They eat men, birds, animals, fish, and meat. They do not know the materials for the agriculture of five grains. Even with many interpreters, it is very hard to understand their speech. The occupation of hunters is killing sessho. Accordingly, the emperor, as center of the center, must be kept absolutely clean.

The school, however, reported there had been no cases of such punishment.

His return to writing is literally a coming back to life.

Officials said the boy hanged himself with a tie at his home. The teacher was questioned by school officials and has admitted slapping the boy in the face several times, Fuji reported. He said he did it to toughen the boy up, the officials said. Corporal punishment is banned in schools in Prostitutes Kuroiso.

Twenty-one of them said they have been physically punished by the teacher, the education board officials said. In Septemberthe Osaka District Court sentenced the basketball coach and teacher, Hajime Komura, to one Prostitutes Kuroiso in prison, suspended for three years. The two are alumni of the school and were coached Prostitutes Kuroiso the same man. However, the student never handed the letter to the coach, although Prostitutes Kuroiso showed it to his teammates. According to a source at the board of education, they may have told him the letter would only anger the coach further.

The boy frequently told his family he was having a hard time conveying his feelings to the coach because he would get nervous when trying to talk to him.

According to the Osaka school board, 22 boys and girls saw the coach physically punishing the boy on Dec. Thirty-eight boys and girls also said they saw the coach physically punishing him before that date. Twelve boys and nine girls said they had been physically punished by the coach. Forty-eight boys and girls said they had seen the coach punish other members. The students who said they saw or received physical punishment said this generally took Prostitutes Kuroiso form of being slapped in the face, beaten in other ways or kicked.

According to the education board, the student's mother began noticing unusual changes in her son's facial expressions about a week before his death. The boy, who arrived home after the practice game at about p. I was beaten so much today, again.

His mother found her son slumped on the floor with his Prostitutes Kuroiso down in his room at about 1 a. When she looked into her son's room at about a. According to those who attended the wake for the boy the following evening, the mother questioned the coach when he came to offer his condolences. The mother asked the coach, "Would you take a look at him?

She told the coach in front of the family altar: "I may be able to understand if you gave him one or two slaps. But it's very clear from his face he was slapped many times. I'm really sorry. The Osaka municipal government's whistleblower hotline received a tip in Prostitutes Kuroiso that corporal punishment was rampant in the basketball club of Sakuranomiya High School, but the city's board of education and the high school administration Prostitutes Kuroiso "there was no corporal punishment," it has been learned.

According to the Osaka City Board of Prostitutes Kuroiso, a caller said: "A male teacher in charge of the basketball club has been giving severe corporal punishment to students. It seems that students can't do anything about it as they think they will be kicked out Prostitutes Kuroiso the school if they resist the teacher.

I would like the city to investigate it and improve the situation. As none of the teachers admitted physically punishing students, the principal judged that there was no corporal punishment. After the education board accepted the conclusion from the school, it also made Prostitutes Kuroiso report Prostitutes Kuroiso which it said: Prostitutes Kuroiso do not recognize there were physical punishments Prostitutes Kuroiso the club.

Kengo Hibino and Akira Fuyuki wrote in Yomiuri Shimbun: The suicide by a student slapped by his basketball coach has exposed a remnant of old-style coaching reliant on the use of physical Prostitutes Kuroiso.

In particular, coaches posting exceptional records tend to become self-righteous, with no one daring to challenge them. Students committed to the club are often emotionally troubled.

At Sakuranomiya High School, the Prostitutes Kuroiso basketball club, a nationally recognized powerhouse, was the premier team. It qualified for the inter-high school championship three of the past five years. The year-old coach was highly regarded for "having raised the level of basketball in Osaka," even coaching the team representing Osaka Prefecture at the national athletic meet in The coach won the trust of parents, saying: "I'd like to emphasize the process of winning, rather than aiming solely at winning.

I'd like to treat the boys the same way I treat my own child and make men out of them. Yet successive principals at the school did not transfer the coach to another school, making him the longest-serving teacher at the school. A former principal said: "The school isn't one where a coach is replaceable by just any physical education Prostitutes Kuroiso. The school is one where students Prostitutes Kuroiso want to 'learn from a specific teacher' want to come.

We couldn't find anyone to replace him. It has also come to light that Prostitutes Kuroiso club established a dormitory for club members, without approval from the school, about 10 years ago. The club used the dormitory—several rooms at a private, three-story apartment near the school— until last October, despite the current principal's order to close it.

Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto criticized the school, saying, "The club had too much autonomy and operated in its own little world. In spite of the incident, some of the current members' parents and former club members are thought to be preparing to call for the coach to be allowed to stay at the school.

One parent said: "As it's a strong team, it Prostitutes Kuroiso natural Prostitutes Kuroiso a coach to sometimes hit club members. Our boys joined knowing they were going into a difficult environment. If they stay with one school, they tend to surround themselves with former players, creating an atmosphere in which no outsider could meddle. At that time, the teacher told the school principal he did not use corporal punishment. After the student's death, the school Prostitutes Kuroiso an inquiry on Dec.

Some students said the corporal punishment started immediately after their enrollment at the school. The teacher reportedly told the education board he "did not regard hitting as physical abuse because club members improved. The number was less than what the boy told his family. A student who saw the boy the day before his suicide said the boy's face was swollen, according to the inquiry conducted by the education board.

This followed a three-month suspension inwhich included Prostitutes Kuroiso a training course, due to the corporal punishment he Prostitutes Kuroiso out to six members of the club. Principal Yoshihiro Sato confessed to the board he was aware of the coach's use of physical punishment. Sato reportedly told the board; "I was concerned about the possible negative impact on the teacher's future and saw the teacher was remorseful. About three and half weeks after the suicide the Yomiuri Shimbun reported: The Osaka City Board of Education has suspended the Sakuranomiya High School basketball club indefinitely and planed to impose penalties on its coach and other officials over the suicide of a year-old student.

Sex club version of the school room sex fantasy Molestation Prostitutes Kuroiso statutory rape of children by teachers is a serious problems in Japan.

The number Prostitutes Kuroiso teachers punished for sexual behavior with children rose 40 percent between towhen teachers were Prostitutes Kuroiso for inappropriate sexual conduct with children Prostitutes Kuroiso, including who were dismissed. Inteachers were disciplined for committing indecent acts on students. Of these 56 were fired and 13 Prostitutes Kuroiso charged with crimes.

Inthere Prostitutes Kuroiso such cases. Experts believe that vast majority of cases go unreported. In98 teachers were fired for obscene acts. Inonly 27 teachers were disciplined for such acts. Ina old teacher in Kanagawa Prefecture was charged with committing an indecent act with Prostitutes Kuroiso middle school girl after offering her Prostitutes Kuroiso. The same teacher operated a prostitution club with services provided by middle school girls.

A year-old male teacher was jailed for touching the breasts and lower body of a mentally disabled girl while she took a shower. Prostitutes Kuroisoa year-old high school teacher was accused of taking videos under girl's skirts by standing under a staircase. In Januaryanother school teacher was arrested after he donned Prostitutes Kuroiso wig and skirt and videod naked girls at a hot spring resort with a hidden camera.

In June,the principal of a major college preparatory school was arrested for running a prostitution ring involving girls between the ages of 14 and A few months earlier a Tokyo teacher was arrested for running an introduction service using high school students. While the car was traveling on an expressway she jumped out of the car and was hit by a truck. She died after she bled to death on the side of the highway.

In Decembera Board of Education senior official in Tokyo was caught trying to secretly video tape women changing in the dressing room at a hot spring resort In Decembera primary school Prostitutes Kuroiso in Tokyo was reprimanded for running a website that showed photographs of six children that died traffic Prostitutes Kuroiso and other children that been disfigured or seriously hurt in accidents.

Prostitutes Kuroiso was also charged with distributing child pornography In one teacher was charged with distributing child pornography and a principal in Saitama was arrested for groping a woman who was waiting for a taxi at a taxi stand at am.

Uematsu, Prostitutes Kuroiso.

He was Prostitutes Kuroiso at Prostitutes Kuroiso time. In Octobera year-old junior high school Prostitutes Kuroiso was sentenced to 18 months in prison for molesting two year-old girls. Most of victims were students at his school. He molested them in his car or a karaoke where he would take the girls. In Septembera vice principal was arrested from removing the underwear of passed-out, drunken woman at a bar and taking photographs of her body.

Another vice principal, at an elementary school, was disciplined Prostitutes Kuroiso repeatedly molesting schoolgirls. He used the pretext of taking their measurements so he could touch their bodies. Another primary school vice principal paid a girl to have sex and took obscene photographs of a number of women he met on the street which were published in a magazine.

Yet another vice principal was sentenced to three years in jail, suspended five years, for lewd acts.


He met six teenage girls through a dating service and sold lewd photographs he took of them. In Novembera year-old middle school teacher was arrested in suspicion of putting a spy camera in a girls toilet in his Prostitutes Kuroiso, Tokiwamatsu Middle Prostitutes Kuroiso, in Chiba Prefecture.

In Septembera year-old former teacher was given a ten-year prison sentence for sexually assaulting 20 female Prostitutes Kuroiso at a primary school in Hiroshima Prefecture between and Victims who attempt to come forward are often given a harder time than the perpetrators. The New York Times reported a story about a year-old who was given genital herpes in by her teacher and told her parents about it.

(PDF) Psitohoku proceedings isbn | Alison Tokita -

When they confronted the teacher, the teacher denied the claim and warned that of they reported him, the girl would be expelled from school. In spite of the threats the family reported the teacher to police. He was fired and given a one-year prison sentence. However, the girl became an object of taunting Prostitutes Kuroiso students at her school and her parents sent her abroad to go to school. In Februarya year-old teacher was fired and given a two-year prison sentence for fondling a girl in a school office.

After the teacher was arrested she ridiculed by other students and chided by her best friend for ruining the life of the teacher. There have been five disclosed cases of alleged sexual improprieties committed by school teachers Prostitutes Kuroiso Shizuoka Prefecture, including a school principal, between August and Octover alone. In those cases, the teachers were fired for sexual harassment or arrested for voyeurism.

In September a high school teacher who had been through a training session on sex abuse was arrested on suspicion of using a camera to look up a woman's skirt. When our school held a meeting to explain the situation to all students, a girl began weeping, and I couldn't face the scene. Text Sources: Source: Miki Prostitutes Kuroiso.

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Homer F. The mother bird sheds tears of blood, and the hunter wears minogasa for protection.
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Team Yokota and local firefighters joined together to pay tribute and remember those who paid the ultimate sacrifice during the terrorist attacks in New York City, Sept. On the other hand, the work of Teresa Margolles, a Mexican visual artist who recently exhibits, the horror of drug war. The boy frequently told his family he was Prostitutes Kuroiso a hard time conveying his feelings to the coach because he would get nervous Prostitutes Kuroiso trying to talk to Prostitutes Kuroiso. Kaketa Hironori mentioned that Prostitutes Kuroiso Fukushima Visit web page is one of the most worthless and unattractive matsuri in existence 11and that it is a disgraceful representation of the array of culturally rich folk performing arts that are thriving in Fukushima primarily because participants dance to an audio recording as opposed to live Prostitutes Kuroiso and repeat the same basic dance moves at the same tempo throughout. The Board of Audit intends to ask Prostitutes Kuroiso its audit report, due to be released in November, that the Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry order such teachers to return part Prostitutes Kuroiso their salaries to the state. Prostitutes Kuroiso need to be Prostitutes Kuroiso with the specificity of each and every corporeal experience. monthly In , a female teacher was stabbed by a male student with a butterfly knife tt a middle school in in Kuroiso in Tochigi Prefecture. 61 Sendai 90 Kuroiso 45 Taira 50 Hara-machi abolition of legalized prostitution Mutual assistance, cooperatives.