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Sex Transm Infect ; 89 —

Article menu. Qualitative research.

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Risk perception of sexually transmitted infections and HIV in Nigerian commercial sex workers living in Barcelona: a study protocol. Statistics from Prostitutes Cerdanyola del Valles.

Qualitative Research Sexual Medicine Introduction Sexually transmitted infections, HIV and commercial sex Sexually transmitted infections STIs and HIV are largely preventable Prostitutes Cerdanyola del Valles, as they result directly and indirectly from potentially modifiable factors such as those related to cultural, individual and socioeconomic conditions and access to health services.

Research proposal This qualitative study aims to explore the risk perception of STIs and HIV and their associated factors in Nigerian commercial sex workers in the city of Barcelona. Overall objective To explain the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours linked to the risk perception of contracting and transmitting STIs and HIV of Nigerian CSWs in Barcelona using a qualitative study based on a social constructivist perspective during a 1-year period.

Sample design and participant selection strategy Since we want to obtain a framework explaining the phenomenon under study, participants will be selected based on a priori defined profiles; therefore, sampling will be intentional, rational and theoretical.

Data collection methods The data will initially be collected through semistructured individual interviews box 1. Are certain people at higher risk for these infections?

How can you prevent these infections? Can they be treated? Which sexual services are you most often requested? Are Prostitutes Cerdanyola del Valles any sexual requests from your customers which you refuse? Socioeconomic, political and cultural issues associated with prostitution and limited access to health services, social services and social integration Since you have been in Barcelona, do you think your life has changed with respect to the life you had in your own country? Do you offer your services independently autonomously or have intermediaries?

What is your least favourite thing about working in the Raval? Have you received Prostitutes Cerdanyola del Valles health services in Barcelona? Have you received any social assistance? Have you had any problems with law enforcement?

(Cerdanyola del Vallès), Spain commercial sex workers in the city of Barcelona. and it emphasises that commercial sex workers. This study contributes new data on the perception of contracting and transmitting sexually transmitted infection (STI) among Nigerian commercial sex workers.

What proposals would you make Prostitutes Cerdanyola del Valles public organisations to improve your situation? Analysis of the information We will conduct a sociological discourse analysis to describe and interpret the contents expressed both individually and in triangular groups. The following procedure Prostitutes Cerdanyola del Valles be used to analyse speech: Collect data: conduct interviews and make audio or video recordings of them. Rigour and quality criteria This investigation will be based on the following rigour and quality criteria: Explicit and detailed review of each research phase.

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Difficulties and limitations of the study Some of the difficulties we may encounter when conducting this study will relate to Recruitment of volunteers Prostitutes Cerdanyola del Valles participate in the study: CSWs are a population group stigmatised by society for a variety of reasons, including their profession, origin Prostitutes Cerdanyola del Valles social conditions, so it is likely that not all of them will agree to be interviewed. Scientific and social interest of the project The scientific interest of this research project is based on the need to increase knowledge about the perceived risk of Nigerian CSWs working in the city of Barcelona.

When you also suck you get disease, also when you have dirty hands and you touch your… … sex… you also get disease and when you suck natural you also catch the disease.

Dissemination of study results The experiences, self-criticism and contribution of CSWs are an important source of knowledge and awareness that we are responsible for making known.

Acknowledgments We thank Alexa Ferroni and Susagna Guardiola for helping us translate the study into English and Oscar Bueno for his initial contribution to the project. Prostitution: an illustrated social history. New York : Crown Publishers Jennes V. Soc Probl ; 37 : Prostitutes Cerdanyola del Valles WHO Sex work—key facts and figures.

Diversity in commercial sex work systems: preliminary findings from Mexico city and their implications for AIDS interventions.


AIDS and women's reproductive health. Plenum Press: — Prostitutes Cerdanyola del Valles Prevention of transmission of human immunodeficiency virus in Africa: effectiveness of condom promotion and health education among prostitutes.

Lancet ; 2 : — Med Clin Barc ; : — 8. OpenUrl PubMed.

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Rational Choice and Risk Research. Learning about risk. Zinn JO. Sociology and Risk. Health, risk and uncertainty in the life course: a typology of biographical certainty constructions. Soc Theory Health ; 2 : — OpenUrl CrossRef. Current directions in risk research: new developments Prostitutes Cerdanyola del Valles psychology and sociology.

Risk Anal ; 26 : — Prostitutes Cerdanyola del Valles AIDS-risk behavior. Psychol Bull ; : — Social learning theory and the Health Belief Model. Health Educ Q ; 15 : — Bandura A. Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychol Rev ; 84 : — Perceived self-efficacy in the exercise of control over AIDS infection.

Eval Program Plann ; 13 : 9 — Ajzen IFishbein M. Understanding attitudes and predicting social behavior. Prentice-Hall Ajzen I. Attitudes, personality and behavior. Cengage Learning The theory of planned behaviour: reactions and reflections.

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Psychol Health ; 26 : — Aragon-Diez J. Aldea Mundo ; 4 : 47 — Aldea Mundo ; 8 : 60 — Amaro Quintas AM. Triplemente vulnerabilizadas. Prostitutas, inmigrantes y transexuales.

Vulnerabilidad en la salud, servicios de salud y contextos. Aten Primaria Int J Womens Health ; 3 : 53 — Pattern of condom Prostitutes Cerdanyola del Valles among commercial sex workers in Ibadan, Nigeria. Afr J Med Med Sci ; 30 : — Conde F. Manual para las ciencias sociales. Barcelona : Editorial UOC: 89 — Practical reflections on the doctor-patient relationship].

Aten Primaria ; 32 : — Conviser R. Catalyzing system changes to make HIV care more accessible. J Health Care Poor Underserved ; 18 : —

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Once obtained, preliminary analyses will be subjected to verification by study participants so as to confirm results or reconsider their analysis and interpretation. Most of people can speak English or French.
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The CSWs claimed to refuse these practices. Prevention of transmission of human immunodeficiency virus in Africa: effectiveness of condom promotion and health education among prostitutes.


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None of them liked being a CSW and they considered it shameful. Sex work—key facts and figures. Figure 2. There are no specified figures on the number of people involved in prostitution in the city of Barcelona; however, prostitution can be seen in many areas of the city, both in the city centre and in the outskirts. Read and re-read the text corpus to define Braine-le-Comte Prostitutes preanalytical intuitions and explain the whole text. Access to Prostitutes Cerdanyola del Valles and social services, to diagnostic tests for STI and to prevention programmes are key prevention tools and a strength Prostitutes Cerdanyola del Valles our universal health system. Conde F.
This qualitative study aims to deepen the understanding of the risk perception of STIs and HIV and their associated factors in Nigerian commercial sex workers. (Cerdanyola del Vallès), Spain commercial sex workers in the city of Barcelona. and it emphasises that commercial sex workers. This study contributes new data on the perception of contracting and transmitting sexually transmitted infection (STI) among Nigerian commercial sex workers.