Prostitutes Biala Podlaska,

A poll tax has been added to the regular taxes. Biala, however, was largely spared. He emphasized the loathing a Jewish person acquires towards murder and prostitution from a very young age.

It is worth mentioning, that several Jews, members of the Zionist movement, served in the German army. They offered their knowledge as well as practical help to the emerging Zionist movement in Biala. The bund was behind the library, and organized the theater club, and public discussions. The Bund stopped its political activity. Before the war, this activity has been directed towards the Russian regime's oppression.

Now Prostitutes Biala Podlaska activity was redundant, as was organizing Prostitutes Biala Podlaska workers against their employers.

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The only employer in town now was the German army. Two important social institutions were established during WWI: the children's house and Prostitutes Biala Podlaska public kitchen.

The children's house played an important role during the war. Established by the Zionist movement it was one of the best social institutions in Biala.

The public kitchen has been located on Brisk Street, next to the Catholic Church. Hot lunch has been served to the Jewish poor. The German authorities supported the Kitchen, mainly because of the involvement of the army Rabbi, Dr. All political parties sent representatives who ran the kitchen. The kitchen was not a place where hundreds of people had hot lunch daily, but also a place of cultural activity for young people.

It hosted lectures, discussions, theater club. The later donated the income from its performances to the kitchen. Before the holidays, there was a flower sale to help finance the kitchen.

After three years, the German occupation started to shake. The German enormous war machine started Prostitutes Biala Podlaska collapse, and it was clear that its days are numbered. Nevertheless, people felt that a new era is coming, liberal, freedom to each citizen regardless of religion or nationality.

The first sign that the Germans are about to leave was the wholesale of the content of the storehouses to the population. Few criminal Jews took the opportunity to rob other Jews. Wearing German uniforms, they came Prostitutes Biala Podlaska night to Jewish homes and robbed money and jewelry. The Jewish population organized a militia Prostitutes Biala Podlaska, armed with German pistols, patrolled the Jewish quarter at nights. One night they spotted two Prostitutes Biala Podlaska the bandits and started chasing them.

After a short distance they shot them Prostitutes Biala Podlaska the butchers' street. Novemberthe last German soldier left Biala.

Phone numbers of Hookers in Ostrow Wielkopolski, Greater Poland Voivodeship. Plywaczewski Prostitutes Biala Podlaska, Prostitutes in Lublin Voivodeship. After World War I, aliyah to Israel began. This took place in small numbers, because first Biala Jews were not great supporters of immigration.

In the first days of the Polish governing, Jewish blood has been shed. Polish soldiers entered Moshe Richter's home in Vollia in search for armaments. During the search they have Prostitutes Biala Podlaska Richter so bad, that few days later he died. Often they would kidnap Jews for hard labor, where they suffered abuse. Yet, slowly order has been restored.

The proper administration has been established in town, and the population, including the Jews, started to rebuild what has been destroyed during the war. The population was extremely poor. The American Joint Distribution Committee came to help and sent to Biala large quantities of food and clothes. A local committee, composed of all Jewish political parties, distributed the goods. A special kitchen provided children with hot meals, and another kitchen sent food to the very poor.

The freedom to have active Jewish political parties in Biala, gave each party the opportunity to develop their activities and to reach the different population groups.

Election were coming Prostitutes Biala Podlaska, and all parties had a Prostitutes Biala Podlaska to show its activity and organizational ability. The main political struggle was between the Zionists and the Bund. The Bund, known for its turbulent nature, attracted mainly workers. Often, they would interrupt the Zionists meetings in order to stop them, which sometimes led to scuffles. Inthe Zionists in Biala sent delegates to the organizing committee of the National Council.

The election to the Sejm [the Polish parliament, O. The first election to the municipality, in which Biala Jews took part, were in The Bund did very well in this election, and 6 out of the 15 Jewish delegates were Bund members.

As long as the front was in Russia, or far away from Biala, it had no effect in town. Yet, with the collapse of the Polish army, and its withdrawal, war came to Biala.

Troops went through town and behaved brutally. The soldiers of General Haller and those who Prostitutes Biala Podlaska from Poznan region showed their courage by beating Jews, cutting beards, and robbing stores. The Prostitutes Biala Podlaska community lived in constant fear, and there was no source of help. In the summer ofthe front line reached Biala. The Polish defense lines were broken through one by one. Few months before the Polish left town, they started to kidnap Jews and send them to the east to dig defense tranches.

Christians did not take part in this hard labor at all. In the beginning of Augustthe Red Army conquered Biala. Yet, it left before it managed to set up administration, because of the defeat by the Vistula. The Polish army was quick to chase it. Prostitutes Biala Podlaska Jews panicked to Prostitutes Biala Podlaska the Russian Prostitutes Biala Podlaska. Not because they liked the new regime, which lasted only eight days, but because they feared the returning Polish army.

Jews and Christians alike cooperated with the Red Army. While the Christians got the better position and Jews only secondary ones, the Polish defined Jews as cooperators against Poland.

Christians, of course, were doing it for saving their homeland. Fearing the Polish revenge, few Jewish men tried to run east with the Red Army. Yet because the Red Army left suddenly, those who tried to join it were interrupting the withdrawal, and they were left behind. Most of Biala's refugees returned after few weeks, broken physically and mentally. Very few succeeded to enter Russia one of them was Sheima Sheinberg, who became an important commander in the army.

The Polish army killed and hit Jews claiming that they were Bolsheviks. Robbery was frequent and villagers came daily into town to fill their bags with Jewish property with the help of the Polish soldiers. Our delegate to the Sejm, Heartglass, presented a question to the Sejm.

The later, however, were released immediately. The Jews were hit Prostitutes Biala Podlaska the rifles' cults, and their money stolen. These were done mainly Prostitutes Biala Podlaska the Poznans. People were allowed on the streets until 10 at night, before Prostitutes Biala Podlaska working day was over. Complaints to the authorities were disregarded, as the army officer in charge of work was not interested.

The Poznans' bullies and robbed Jews; on the last day they shot Jews on the streets, wounded a woman, and broke into houses. Before the Polish Prostitutes Biala Podlaska left town, they sentenced to death four spies, one was Jewish.

Few days before the Bolsheviks entered town there was a battle near Grabanow a village near Biala, the author. Prostitutes Biala Podlaska that battle, Biala Jews provided food for the fighting soldiers and helped the wounded. The headquarters praised the Jewish help When the Bolsheviks entered town, the Polish head of the local militia welcomed them warmly he fled with them when they leftwhile the Jewish population stood apart.

The warmed up to the Bolsheviks after the public meeting in the market square. The Bolsheviks were fair. There was only one case of robbery, in Prostitutes Biala Podlaska house of Mrs. The Christian Communists also behaved properly. The heads of the different departments were local. A local Polish run the agriculture department, a Jew run the health department; the education and the provision departments were held by communist Christians, both fled with the Bolsheviks when they left.

Christians, who were not necessarily communists; held most positions; Jews served as police officers or clerks. Most of them Prostitutes Biala Podlaska not communists but left with the Bolsheviks fearing the returning Polish regime.

Rubinstein, the Zionist, refused to get a Prostitutes Biala Podlaska, though the Bolsheviks' threatened him twice. Not even as the head of the education department. When the Polish soldiers returned to town, they immediately shot to death two Jews in Vollia, and robbed them. Then they arrested, with no reason, the Zionist Fisher, the Jewish municipality member Levenberg, and someone by the name of Librant who was Prostitutes Biala Podlaska asked if he was Jewish.

The put them against the wall and got ready to shoot them. Fortunately, some local Christians interfered and freed them. Some Polish residents were not happy with Akiva Kamion the fisherman.

He followed the orders given to Prostitutes Biala Podlaska by the town's administration and did not let them fish in the ponds of Count Wolopolski. He was informed to the soldiers, who were about to shoot him before others from the Christian population stopped them. They killed another six Jews they met behind the town. The Bolsheviks took Eliezer Wassermann to work with his horse and wagon.

He returned with a Polish document, but the soldiers stopped him between Jonava and Biala. They took his horse and his clothes and forced him into a hole in the ground with the intention to shoot him.

One soldier had mercy on him and they left him alone. Six kilometers before Biala, another group of soldiers met him, forced him into the river and ordered him to lie on its ground. Luckily, and officer went by and stopped them.

Now, robbery is constantly going on, though with no pogroms. The Jews closed their stores. The robbery involves vandalism.

For example: the books and other things that were taken from Rosenstein were piled outside and burnt. Some of the Christians in Biala and its neighborhood encourage the soldiers to kip robbing.

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The come with bags to take Jewish property. Few young Jews deserted the army and fled with the Bolsheviks to Russia. The municipality, however, recognized that serving the Bolsheviks Prostitutes Biala Podlaska necessary to prevent the Bolsheviks from establishing full control in town.

Until Prostitutes Biala Podlaska, no persecutions against cooperators, most of them Polish, were reported. Still, the Christians in town decided that Jews salaries should not be paid, and the administration follows this decision.

Jews are also not getting their share in the flour the Bolsheviks left behind though other office holders do get Prostitutes Biala Podlaska share. Only Jews, of all ages, are kidnaped for work. Soldiers assault Jews on the streets. Soldiers go into a hous, inquire whether the residents are Jewish, and if they are, their property is confiscated. Jaborski's volunteer horsemen are the worse. The current administration started to work only on August Its head, Officer Zaloeski, seems to be of good will, and opposes any assaults against Jews.

He set up guards. He asked the head of the police demanding that the municipality will provide him with the workers needed, and that kidnaping Jews stops. The equestrians' officer Stokolski and others thought that the closed stores were partly to be blamed for the pogroms. I explained to them that the shops had been closed because of the soldiers' behavior.

His train stopped in Biala to allow delegated with different interests to talk to him. He asked the Jewish delegation about the size of its community during the war.

Yet, when they Prostitutes Biala Podlaska tried to complain about the troubles the soldiers cause them, his stopped them sharply, saying they Prostitutes Biala Podlaska probably referring to the Bolsheviks' behavior.

They could not afford to pay community tax and did not have a say in any matter.

Surely, they could not continue… The Jewish population experienced one bitter Saturday after the invasion, though order already had been restored. A Jew from Constantin, Zalmanke, has been charged for spying for the Bolsheviks. The military trial took place in the house of Mowus, and many Jews paced up and down Prostitutes Biala Podlaska street waiting for the verdict.

In the afternoon, the defendant has been led in the direction of the jail, which was also the Prostitutes Biala Podlaska of the cemetery. Nobody knew the verdict, and people started following him. When they passed the jail, everybody understood that he has been sentenced to death. Indeed, he has been led to the cemetery and has been shot. This war too was over, and the damage slowly mended.

The economy started going again, factories started to work, and the stores to Prostitutes Biala Podlaska with merchandizes. Intensive building industry provided work for builders and other artisans.

Many Jews from Biala joined the massive immigration from Poland to America. The news about the good conditions and opportunities in America, in contrast to their poor situation in Poland, increased the immigration stream. Yet, the majority of migrants were workers and women and children who joined their parents who left Poland before the war. Immigration to America was no longer considered shameful, and nobody had to apologize for dollars sent to him by family members.

On the contrary, such support Prostitutes Biala Podlaska the social status. Warsaw, the capital, also attracted the young people. Immigration, in and out of Poland, took out of Biala many capable persons. It thus had negative effect on many aspects of public life. Yavneh School and the children's house were particularly affected. The standard of education in the Prostitutes Biala Podlaska declined, and the children's house closed its gates.

Even after the peace treaty between Russia and Poland was signed, in Riga, the Jews were still thought of as Bolsheviks, and the provocations continued. Inciteful literature against the Jews was distributed daily by an organization by the name Rosvoi, which continued to call for an economic boycott against the Jews. The Prostitutes Biala Podlaska was active in Biala too, headed by a man by the name of Piatchiski.

He used to organize public gatherings and speak Prostitutes Biala Podlaska against the Jews. Later, the teacher Novotarski replaced him.

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The tension between Jews and Christians grew, but the Jews did not react and gave the Christians no reason to harm them. Despite the caution, there was one episode that could Prostitutes Biala Podlaska ended with terrible consequences.

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The Maccabi orchestra led the procession. When it got to the Prostitutes Biala Podlaska school. Upon returning, in the afternoon, young Christians from Vollia attacked the Jewish youngsters. Fortunately, some strong Jewish men accompanied the procession and beat up the attackers. When Piatchiski, the leader of Rosvoi, learnt about the event, he decided to take revenge on the Jews. There were rumors that Prostitutes Biala Podlaska pogrom was planned for one of the coming Sundays, connected to a public gathering of Rosvoi.

A Jewish delegation went to the head of the region, told him about the rumors, and asked him to prevent the pogrom. The head of the region did not Prostitutes Biala Podlaska a straightforward answer. A day later, he sent a Prostitutes Biala Podlaska saying that Prostitutes Biala Podlaska cannot interfere because of the aggression of the Jewish youth in Vollia. The Zionists reported the event to the Sejm in Warsaw. A few days later, the head of the region asked for his letter and the Jewish community returned it to him.

The public then proceeded to the regional headquarters but dispersed in peace. Yet, the incitement continued, and Jews were attacked. The local authority and the police were totally passive.

The police refused to interfere even when it witnessed the attacks, as in the case of Mathithiahu Edelstein. Jewish delegates to the Sejm put forward questions regarding these episodes. At the same time, the relationships between the Jewish and the Christian population were correct, unless they were incited by their leaders. There were, however, cases in which Christian youngsters fell upon Jews and hit them. Such cases became more frequent before WWII.

In comparison with the period before WWI, the relationships between the Jewish and the Polish population did change. However, Jews did start to take part in cultural activities organized by Christians, such as theater, dance parties, lectures, etc. These closer relationships were facilitated by the enrolment of Jewish students in governmental schools, which brought about mutual home visits. We see, then, that Jews were an important part of the brigade, which would not have been possible if the relationships between the two populations were tense.

The league for air defense also had a Jewish department, led by Michash Hopper. Even without Prostitutes Biala Podlaska, Jewish life in Biala was not calm. The Prostitutes Biala Podlaska boycott had catastrophic consequences.

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Although there was a considerable number of religious fanatics in town, their Prostitutes Biala Podlaska declined. An example of the decline in their power was the boycott declared by Biala's Rabbi on the Zionists.

When the people gathered, candles were lit and in a short speech, the rabbi declared the boycott and Joel blew the Shofar.

Anybody who knows Biala can imagine the impression such ceremony would have had if Rabbi S. Zak would have performed it before WWI. Now, it hardly had any effect at all. The Jewish political parties were legal, and each activated its followers in its own way. Prostitutes Biala Podlaska party established a library, and the number of readers increased constantly.

There were theater clubs, which every now and then had quite nice productions. The Prostitutes Biala Podlaska generation participated in politics and acquired education and knowledge. The standard of living increased and the great majority of the families had an apartment. It was necessary to prepare a furnished dwelling, not to mention a handsome dowry, in order to marry a son or a daughter.

Nutrition improved and in most houses white bread and meat were consumed daily. There was no need to turn to the rich for a bowl of soup for the sick. Workers and artisans did not need to work from sunrise to sunset anymore. The Polish policy of economic dispossession against the Jews, which forced a decline in the standard of living, Prostitutes Biala Podlaska a lot of sorrow.

The enforcement of the policy [Page 42] tightened, and Gravski started to empty Jewish houses of their property. As Prostitutes Biala Podlaska mentioned, many persons from Biala, most of them young, emigrated.

A high percent immigrated to Israel. Prostitutes Biala Podlaska was also internal migration, from Biala to Warsaw and other large cities that offered better job opportunities. The most active members of all parties left Biala, heavily harming the cultural and social life of the town. After the Pilsudski revolution, Prostitutes Biala Podlaska Maythe economic conditions of the Jews eased off a little bit. Yet the relief was a short one.


The world economic crisis of affected Poland, including Biala. Some of the big timber dealers went bankrupt, and with them fell many other families and the two credit institutions.

The boycott policy of the Sanacja [a political regime set up by Pilsudski, O. Like all other Polish Jews, Biala's Jews Prostitutes Biala Podlaska deep economic hardships, which almost paralyzed Jewish public life. The general mood was of despair and apathy. Jewish shopkeepers lost the Christian customers, Christians did not hire Jewish workers, and the Jewish internal market was too small to provide them with a living. Poverty was hastened by the heavy business taxes and businesses collapsed one after the other.

In those days people remembered, nostalgically, the times of the Czar's regime. Taxes were low, the value of a Talith or the brass candle sticks that the clerk Kashimovski would confiscate in case one did not pay. The Czar's taxes now looked ridiculous. Nowadays, all the property of the house was not enough to cover the debt. Jewish youth had no future. The working youth could not find jobs, and when they did, they were paid very little.

Those who studied were not accepted into universities. Given the poor economic conditions, the Jewish population could not support any social institutions. There were Prostitutes Biala Podlaska a few charity organizations that offered limited help. The Jewish hospital, the pride of the community, was closed more days then it was open, for lack of resources. When American community members sent a few hundred dollars, the Prostitutes Biala Podlaska reopened until the money ran out.

The Haloth were donated by community members. Some of the Jewish Prostitutes Biala Podlaska turned to Communism out Prostitutes Biala Podlaska despair. In a report on the Biala region, the writer the deputy head of the Biala Region states that Jews comprised He does not try to understand their motives, his purpose being to present the Jewish community as a hotbed of communists. We have no evidence to contradict the numbers he cited, but we do argue that the policy of economic dispossession and antisemitism of the Polish regime were the main factors pushing Jews to Communism.

The communists' propaganda claimed that Russia is a paradise for Jews, who enjoy their equal rights, freedom and experience no limitations, as do all Russian citizens. We now a bring few facts to demonstrate how Biala's municipality treated the Jews.

The municipality was sure Prostitutes Biala Podlaska they have to fill the town coffers without any claim on the town's budget. The share of the Jews in the municipality's income was much higher that the share of the Christians. On top, the Jews, who were the majority of shopkeepers and artisans in town, had to a pay tax to the government to buy business permits.

Only 10, or 3. Even this allocation was rarely transferred. The names of Prostitutes Biala Podlaska Jewish delegates to the town's council were as follows. Although Jews were the majority in the municipal council, they did not manage to elect a deputy mayor, and they had to make do with two members on the board. In the second council, Jews were again the majority, but, again, no Jewish deputy mayor has been elected, and all they achieved was one board member position for Israel Cohen.

Today, it is difficult to know whether or not they even tried to get a deputy mayor position, knowing that the government would not approve it. Again, all the Jewish delegation achieved was some minute financial support for few Jewish institutions. In the third election,only seven Jews were elected. The new regulations, issued by the government, ensured no Jewish majority in local councils.

The disintegration of the Jewish Prostitutes Biala Podlaska was also a factor. A] Aguda ; Yitzhak Pisshitz merchant association. There was another Jew in this municipal Prostitutes Biala Podlaska, a delegate of the communist party. Needless to say, he did not deal Jewish issues, and had little to do with the other Jewish council members.

After a while he immigrated and was replaced by a Christian.

Emil Weinberg from Galician origin got the position. In Prostitutes Biala Podlaska fourth election ofthe Jewish representation declined further. One reason was the new regulations, which enlarged the boundaries to include villages and allowing permanent army soldiers to vote. A] Gere Hasidim. It is worth noting, that the political partied which took part in the Prostitutes Biala Podlaska failed to gain a seat in the council.

Almost all those elected represented economic interests. For the Jewish community, then, the priority was protecting its economic interests. The last election was inbefore WWII. The Jewish community had no interest in it whatsoever. The artisan association and the small merchant organization ran in one list, only three were elected: Abraham Stricher, Moshe Rodsinek, and advocate L. We see what an effort the Polish authorities took to exclude Jews from decision making, although even when Jews were the majority in the council they Prostitutes Biala Podlaska not have any achievements.

The first elected community institutions the council and the board in Biala were founded in The Jewish population had chosen, in a public election, their delegates from the community. All political parties and economic associations in town took part in the election. Yet, the workers' parties excluded themselves. Unfortunately, we have no archives that can be of help in Prostitutes Biala Podlaska this period in the life of the community.

We shall thus rely on memories, explanations provided by Baruch Vinodrag, who Prostitutes Biala Podlaska the secretary of the community died in Israeland on newspaper reports of that time.

The Polish community law demanded minorities to limit their activities to religion only. Yet, by cooperation between its different interest groups, a community could operate in many other aspects of life.

In Biala's Jewish community, religious and the other leaders enjoyed equal power. The religious leaders made sure that their needs were met early in the budget year.

The community law was with them, and there was no need to struggle. They did not demand a lot of support, Prostitutes Biala Podlaska they did not want to upset their voters Prostitutes Biala Podlaska increasing taxes. The income from slaughtering and some tax was has been sufficient.

The community's main sources of income were a levy on kosher slaughtering and taxes. Yet this Prostitutes Biala Podlaska never enough to meet the community's needs. There were leaders that, when it came to planning the budget and thus the taxes, protected the interests they represented and tried to prevent their acquaintances and voters from paying high taxes. Indeed, the rich paid very little tax and even that never on time.

According to this list, not all the persons who were supposed to pay the community tax actually payed. Assuming that the average household size was five people, Prostitutes Biala Podlaska there were about 1, Jewish families in Biala. Note that the Jewish community never had a valid registration of its population. Number of taxpayers Annual tax in Prostitutes Biala Podlaska 5 10 41 15 62 20 28 25 30 30 2 35 20 40 28 50 12 60 25 75 13 10 11 1 1 1 3 4 2 1 Total Total The chairs of the community board, Benjamin Kliger and Pinchas Nortman, wanted to charge taxpayers enough to have a realistic budget, which would enable them to meet more than the religious needs.

Yet, they Prostitutes Biala Podlaska never able to recruit enough support for their ideas. The Zionists and the artisans association struggled for a long time in order to transfer the income from slaughtering to the community.

When finally it was done, the slaughterers kept sabotaging. In the local papers we read as follows: The slaughterers slaughtered without notes from the Prostitutes Biala Podlaska, because their demands for a better salary were denied. The rabbi agrees with the board's decision to suspend the work of the slaughterer Y. The slaughterers held Prostitutes Biala Podlaska strike in protest, and after a day, by the rabbi's orders, returned to work. Inthe community paid each slaughterer 75 Zlotys a week.

On top of the pay, he would get meat for free. If we compare it with the 30 Zlotys a week earned, on the average, by a professional worker, we see that the slaughterers were quite well off. The financial affairs of the community were carelessly handled, and the community was constantly in debt.

We shall bring some data regarding the community's budget, as published by the local papers. The early budget for was 75, Zlotys. The above expenses mount up to 17, Zlotys. What were the other 58, Zlotys for? Most of it went to support the Yeshiva students, and a small part of it was allocated to the salaries of the office team.

We learn that the major part of the early budget, Cultural activity's share was 0. The Jewish hospital, for example, was closed more than it was open, because it never received the sum allocated to it.

The numbers cited for the community Prostitutes Biala Podlaska of show the activity in the community. No wonder it had no influence in town, not even on affairs that were under its authority. Prostitutes Biala Podlaska, in all the butchers together raised the price of kosher meat: 3 Zlotys for one kilogram of veal, Prostitutes Biala Podlaska 3.

Only the Polish government managed to cut the price to 1. The decision had been delayed for years, and the position was temporarily filled by Rabbi Moshe Utshen. The Zionist leaders kept delaying the decision, but the religious sector started to push hard.

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Several candidates came to town, and Rabbi Tzvi Hirschhorn from Jaworzno was nominated. There were also some positive actions taken by the community board. There were public buildings in town that were registered as private property.

Similarly, there were buildings whose income should have been public, but were also Prostitutes Biala Podlaska to private people.

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The community never had any control over this money, which Prostitutes Biala Podlaska collected and distributed by private persons. Changing the registration of this Prostitutes Biala Podlaska to the community was not easy at all. It was a difficult, expensive, legal procedure demanding constant watch and monitoring. The Jewish hospital was supported by the community. The board chair, Benjamin Kriger and the secretary Baruch Vinodrag, managed to make it an institution of the community.

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The hospital's budget was also included in the community budget, and the community board did everything possible to keep it working. The community had the synagogue and the Beith Hamidrash thoroughly renovated.

Local and other painters were invited to decorate it. The sanitary conditions in that place were terrible. The community invested many resources in its rehabilitation making it Prostitutes Biala Podlaska a decent inn. The synagogue yard was dirty and neglected.

The community invested in cleaning maintaining it. All these consumed considerable time from the community authorities. Each change involved long negotiations with people who did not want it whatsoever. Prostitutes Biala Podlaska the last days of the Jewish community in Biala, people could borrow these instruments when needed. Poor pregnant women could deliver in the Jewish hospital free of charge with a note from the community Prostitutes Biala Podlaska.

Similarly, documents and writing letter services were offered to the poor for free. Towards the end Prostitutes Biala Podlaska this chapter, I would like to tell about a tragic event, that shook the Jewish population for a long time. The burning of the wooden house in the yard of Rabbi Aaron Landau. Five persons lost their lives: [Page 46] 1. His wife Esther aged 58 ; 3.

Their son Israel 21 years old ; 4. Their granddaughter Yocheved aged 3 ; and 5. Yitzhak Rubinstein aged 46 from Lubartow, a proofreader, who stayed the night over at the writer's house, and left at his own home a wife and three children. Three Torah books also burnt.

The funeral took place the next day, the Rabbi ordered to close all shops, and declared a fast. Hundreds of people went to Beith Hamidrash after the funeral to read psalms. Prostitutes Biala Podlaska thought that the house had been set on fire after the people inside were robbed and murdered. There was a rumor, that year later, on his deathbed in the Christian hospital, a Jewish water carrier admitted that he took part in robbing the writer's house and setting it on fire.

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Parents started to give their children secular education. Moshe Edelstein and Yeshayahu Agers helped him. The brought the suspects to the nuns' hospital, to be identified by the dying police officer.
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I explained to them that the shops had been closed because of the soldiers' behavior. A] Aguda ; Yitzhak Pisshitz merchant association.

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The Polish army killed and hit Jews claiming that they were Bolsheviks. The bund was behind the library, and organized the theater club, and public discussions. Inthe community paid each slaughterer 75 Zlotys a week. This Hasidic mob Prostitutes Biala Podlaska against even the smallest deviation from the Prostitutes Biala Podlaska traditions and managed to freeze Jewish life. We now a bring few facts to demonstrate how Biala's municipality treated the Jews. Until the last days of the Jewish community in Biala, people could borrow these instruments when needed.
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