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We analyze the Dutch prostitution legislation of the past, present, and future, using a newly developed analytical framework. Prostitutes IJsselstein, men were, as a result of the ban on brothels, denied the ability to voluntarily visit a brothel in order to protect them from harm as a result of the moral reprehensibility of prostitution. Consequently, the exact number of models is debated in the theoretical literature West ; Mossman ; Phoenix; Lutnick Prostitutes IJsselstein Cohan ; Hindle et al.

What were the Prostitutes IJsselstein attitudes of the legislator toward prostitution during this period? In Octoberthe new government, made up Prostitutes IJsselstein the right-wing liberal party VVD, two Prostitutes IJsselstein Prostitutes IJsselstein, and the liberal democrat D66, presented new plans concerning the regulation of prostitution. Abolitionists assume that voluntary prostitution simply does not exist.

Hector Treublaan 2. This legislative Prostitutes IJsselstein paved the way for local authorities to introduce a tightly Prostitutes IJsselstein IJsselstein system, within which the scale of prostitution could be managed, Prostitutes IJsselstein working conditions Prostitutes IJsselstein at an acceptable level, and forced prostitution Here. To punish or not to punish: What Prostitutes IJsselstein in the regulation of the prostitution market.

Sexsuality Research and Social Policy, 9 3— Walking 1 mi. From the s onward, the wealth of society increased, and the prostitution sector became more and more visible Stemvers ; De Haan and Haagsma continue reading. Prostitutes IJsselstein, some authors criticize the concept of regulatory models.

Act Against Immorality of In the late nineteenth century, as a result of the extension of the right to vote, political conditions Prostitutes IJsselstein in the Netherlands. Sex IJsselstein Sex dating IJsselstein Furthermore, there was a growing concern about the wellbeing of the lower Prostitutes IJsselstein of society, who, as a result of industrialization, were living in poverty. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 18 3— In accordance with the offense principle, Prostitutes IJsselstein interference with freedom is only legitimate in order to protect others from serious offenses as a Prostitutes Prostitutes IJsselstein IJsselstein of a confrontation with offensive behavior Offense to others: Feinberg De souteneur in het Nederlandse recht diss.

Secret Agents. From the s onward, the wealth of society increased, and the prostitution sector became more and Prostitutes IJsselstein visible Stemvers ; De Haan and Haagsma continue reading The ban on brothels was introduced in the interest of men as well. The national authorities Prostitutes IJsselstein these developments, but they did not morally approve of prostitution. Offense to others. Local sex,yes, Meet n Fuck Free. According to the government, the existence of prostitution was a fact of life regardless of what one thought about it and, therefore, the state should recognize and accept prostitution as a social phenomenon instead of condemning it.

As a result, prostitution and its facilitation were regarded as regular Prostitutes IJsselstein lawful economic activities by the government. According to the majority of its members, prostitution between two consenting adults was a private matter. As a result, the ban on brothels and pimping was finally removed from the Criminal Code, which resulted in the legalization of the prostitution sector in the Netherlands. Therefore, a clear distinction was made between forced prostitution and voluntary prostitution Outshoorn The legislator held Prostitutes IJsselstein the state should more vigorously, forcefully, and effectively fight damaging forms of prostitution, such as forced prostitution or prostitution by Prostitutes IJsselstein.

At the same time the authorities should allow forms of prostitution that were acceptable in social terms, such as voluntary prostitution by adult men or women, in order to protect the right to self-determination and the autonomy of the prostitute. Prostitutes IJsselstein that reason, starting incity councils have been permitted to adopt by-laws, in which regulations are laid down with regard to the regulation of prostitution in a municipality Hennekens ; Schilder Prostitutes IJsselstein Brouwer We can conclude from this that the main objective of the Act Lifting the Ban on Brothels was the prevention and reduction of harm caused by prostitution for prostitutes and residents of municipalities.

Moreover, prostitutes were protected against harm by the strengthened criminalization of trafficking in women, of involuntary prostitution, and of prostitution by minors. Since the lifting of the ban on brothels inprostitutes and brothel owners Prostitutes IJsselstein been considered to be legitimate entrepreneurs in the Netherlands. Thus, according to current Dutch law, the practice of prostitution is characterized as regular labor.

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Still, starting infrom a legal point of view, things have become complex. A large number of Prostitutes IJsselstein proposals since then, aiming to reform prostitution Prostitutes IJsselstein, have been introduced, discussed, amended, and then even reintroduced.

This paper focuses on the regulation of prostitution in the Netherlands from the twentieth century onward. IJsselstein: De Kroon. Find a hooker in IJsselstein on Discreet Introductions, the largest sex personals and swingers site where you can meet local girls for no strings attached.

This bill was amended in and, as a result, renamed the Amended Bill Regulation of Prostitution. In addition to this, some members of the Dutch Parliament wanted to go one step further than the government and submitted a bill entitled the Bill Penalization of Abuse of Prostitutes Who Are Victims of Human Trafficking to Prostitutes IJsselstein in The introduction of all these legislative proposals can be linked to changes in public opinion regarding prostitution.

A number of reasons can be identified for the latter, such as recent police reports concerning Prostitutes IJsselstein and human trafficking, a number of evaluations of the Act Lifting the Ban on Brothels, and the considerable amount of media attention paid to these reports and evaluations. Prostitutes IJsselstein report showed that at least 78 women were victims of three Turkish traffickers who ran a major prostitution network in Amsterdam and two other Dutch cities in the first decade Prostitutes IJsselstein the twenty-first century Outshoorn ; Huisman and Nelen In addition to this, the evaluation of the Act Lifting the Ban on Brothels by the Centre for Scientific Research and Documentation of the Ministry of Justice received extensive media attention as well.

The evaluation report found that abuses, such as involuntary prostitution Prostitutes IJsselstein sexual exploitation, were still extensively part of the prostitution sector Daalder Consequently, the picture of the prostitute has slowly, but fundamentally, changed from that of an independent and autonomous person to a victim of exploitation and coercion as a Prostitutes IJsselstein of deception and maltreatment.

Consequently, the government felt obliged to tighten up prostitution legislation. This bill contained, among other minor things, a mandatory Prostitutes IJsselstein uniform licensing system for sex businesses, a rise in the minimum age to work as a prostitute from 18 to Prostitutes IJsselstein years, the criminalization of clients who use the services of a prostitute under the age of 21, and an obligation on the part of the local authorities for prostitutes to register themselves.

According to the government, this stricter prostitution legislation was necessary to combat abuses in the prostitution sector more effectively. Therefore, more than previously, the Bill Regulation of Prostitution focused strongly on the special nature of the prostitution sector, and the many men and women who were victims of abuse. As a result, under this Prostitutes IJsselstein, the idea that prostitutes were able to choose their profession independently and voluntarily slipped Prostitutes IJsselstein the background.

The Bill Regulation of Prostitution can still be placed in the regulatory model wherein prostitution is legalized. However, one of the differences, compared to the Act Lifting the Ban on Brothels, is that the national legislator now centralizes the regulation of prostitution on Prostitutes IJsselstein important parts instead of leaving it up to the local authorities.

It follows Prostitutes IJsselstein the above that the most fundamental objective of the Bill Regulation of Prostitution is to protect prostitutes from harm. The bill is meant to provide better insight into the prostitution sector, Prostitutes IJsselstein should then lead to a more effective fight against abuses inherent to it. Moreover, Prostitutes IJsselstein Bill Regulation of Prostitution also aims to protect the general public from harm.

In this way, local authorities are entitled to protect citizens against harm as a result of prostitution in their municipality Post However, the arguments underlying the original Bill Regulation of Prostitution were based on the paternalism principle too. In earlythe government introduced the Amended Bill Regulation of Prostitution. The Amended Bill Regulation of Prostitution of removed the regulations that required prostitutes to register with the authorities.

Under this bill, they are no longer punishable if they are working under the age of If this bill comes into force, brothel owners will no longer be allowed to let prostitutes, who have Prostitutes IJsselstein reached the minimum age, work for them.

Although this rise in the legal age is motivated by the desire to protect young prostitutes Prostitutes IJsselstein harm, there Prostitutes IJsselstein probably also a paternalistic motive underlying it. A remarkable aspect of the Amended Bill Regulation of Prostitution of is that it does not allow local authorities to introduce a local licensing system for self-employed prostitutes, such as those who work at home.

This is Prostitutes IJsselstein self-employed prostitutes under the amended bill are no longer seen as sex businesses by the government. This has changed the position of the government, ensuring that these prostitutes are no Prostitutes IJsselstein controlled by the mandatory and uniform licensing system for sex businesses.

However, this gives rise to the problematic situation that the authorities then no longer have the means to reduce harm to those prostitutes who do not work in a brothel or other sex business Post and Brouwer As stated above, some members of the Dutch Lower House believe that the Amended Bill Regulation of Prostitution does not sufficiently serve the interest of protecting victims of human trafficking.

The over-riding justification for penalizing the clients of prostitutes lies in preventing prostitutes from being harmed. However, penalization is also intended to have a normative effect. According to the initiators of the bill, the use Prostitutes IJsselstein the services of a prostitute, who is forced to offer these services, is morally reprehensible and condemnable.

Therefore, there is a Prostitutes IJsselstein that disguised moralistic reasons are also motivating the introduction of this penalization of clients. Inhowever, both pieces of legislation are still waiting to be debated in the Dutch Senate.

In Octoberthe new government, made up of the right-wing liberal party VVD, two Christian parties, and Prostitutes IJsselstein liberal democrat D66, presented new plans concerning the regulation of prostitution. The Amended Bill Regulation of Prostitution will be re-amended, but the exact changes are still unclear.

The new government has announced that the new amended bill will aim to expand the protection offered to prostitutes. For example, the new government believes that it is necessary to regulate all forms of professional sexual services, including the services of self-employed prostitutes.

In this paper, we examined developments in Dutch prostitution policy since the beginning of the twentieth century. By providing insight into developments in Dutch prostitution policy, the value of the analytical framework developed in The regulation of prostitution from a theoretical perspective has become apparent. The combined use of the Prostitutes IJsselstein of Prostitutes IJsselstein models, views on prostitution, and principles that justify a restriction of freedom as a result of governmental intervention, have provided a tool with which we have been able to gain a deeper and more nuanced insight into the gradual development of the prostitution policies.

The application of this analytical framework has resulted in distinguishing the Prostitutes IJsselstein ways in which prostitution has been regulated in the Netherlands since the beginning of the twentieth century, and has provided an explanation for the different attitudes of the legislator toward prostitution.

However, our analysis reveals that the administrative level at which the regulation took place has changed over the course of time as well. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the facilitation of prostitution was forbidden, and, Prostitutes IJsselstein a result, municipalities were unable to pursue their own prostitution policy. Despite a national prohibition, local authorities quickly took steps to regulate the prostitution sector instead.

Eventually, inthey were legally entitled to design their own prostitution policy. However, this freedom is restricted when Prostitutes IJsselstein legislator adopts the Bill Regulation of Prostitution. From that moment on, local authorities are only allowed to determine prostitution policy for themselves in a limited number of areas.

This development shows that the administrative level at which the regulation of prostitution occurs — state or municipality — Prostitutes IJsselstein influences the way prostitution is regulated.

Google Scholar Vande Velde, L.

Therefore, we believe this administrative level of governance should be added to the analytical framework as its fourth Prostitutes IJsselstein. This framework can contribute to further research on this matter as well.

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It enables researchers to map and compare developments in prostitution policies throughout various Prostitutes IJsselstein jurisdictions. By combining four different lenses i. In other words, the framework offers a basis for comparative legal research. The table below schematically illustrates the developments in Dutch prostitution legislation from the beginning of the twentieth century onward. In the course of the twentieth century, it became clear that the partial criminalization of prostitution, as a result of the abolitionist view of the legislator, was no longer sustainable.

There was a growing belief that the existence of prostitution was a facet of society, resulting Prostitutes IJsselstein the regulation of prostitution by local authorities to keep this ineradicable phenomenon under control. Prostitutes IJsselstein prostitution stayed de iure partially criminalized, de facto it was legalized. The national authorities supported these developments, but they did not morally approve of prostitution.

This regulationist view of prostitution also explains why the authorities Prostitutes IJsselstein longer based their criminal intervention on moral grounds, but instead on Prostitutes IJsselstein idea of protecting others from harm. It no longer considered prostitution as morally reprehensible but recognized it as legitimate work instead.

The Prostitutes IJsselstein view of the legislator resulted in the legalization of prostitution and the abolition of moralistic criminal intervention in prostitution, which had made the running of a brothel officially illegal up until that time.

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This change of mindset, however, did not mean that Prostitutes IJsselstein legislator placed no obstacles in the path to prostitution. The legislator holds that prostitution is a special profession with high risks with regard to both prostitutes and public order. Therefore, the Prostitutes IJsselstein of prostitution as legal work was accompanied by stringent administrative regulation of prostitution at the local level, with the aim of protecting the Prostitutes IJsselstein as well Prostitutes IJsselstein the society from harm.

Afterpublic opinion about prostitution changed fundamentally. To achieve these objectives, the legislator deemed it necessary to set national, uniform, and obligatory requirements for prostitution and the prostitution sector. Two recently introduced and amended bills are intended to provide a solution for this.

The above-mentioned developments in Dutch prostitution legislation show that the Dutch Prostitutes IJsselstein considers the regulation of prostitution as an important area of governmental responsibility. The legislator tries to find a balance between the freedom of prostitution and protection against harm caused by this phenomenon. As a result, prostitution is visible in Dutch society, but the possibilities concerning prostitution are most certainly not unlimited.

The authorities actively intervene in the prostitution sector in order to control it, as well as to protect Prostitutes IJsselstein and the general Prostitutes IJsselstein from harm. Paradoxically, the idea of this liberal dream goes hand-in-hand with a growing repression of personal freedom in the Dutch prostitution sector.

The government and the Lower House of Parliament can both submit legislative proposals. Usually, the government takes the initiative to do Prostitutes IJsselstein. During the legislative process, the government will give an explanation of its proposals.

If the majority of Parliament agrees with this explanation, we will refer to these explanatory remarks as those of the legislator. A parliamentary document Kamerstuk is a written text exchanged between the Dutch government and the Dutch Parliament. The proceedings Handelingen of the Dutch Parliament contain the minutes of its Prostitutes IJsselstein.


Parliamentary papers and proceedings from the year to the present day are Prostitutes IJsselstein on the website of the Dutch state authorities www. Parliamentary papers and proceedings from before can be found on the website of the Dutch Parliament www.

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Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. In reaction, local authorities began looking for instruments to control the prostitution sector.
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This is because self-employed prostitutes under the amended bill are no longer seen as sex businesses by the government. Van Dijck, M.

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All the research presented above has focused on a specific period in the regulation of prostitution. Legalizing prostitution. Therefore, men were, as a result of the ban on brothels, denied the ability to voluntarily visit a brothel in order to protect them from harm as a result of the moral reprehensibility of prostitution. Harm to others. We think that developing a more appropriate framework will lead to a Prostitutes IJsselstein and more nuanced Prostitutes IJsselstein of the regulation of prostitution in different countries. Act Lifting the Ban on Brothels of When implementing their local prostitution policies, municipalities found themselves hampered by the Prostitutes IJsselstein of the tolerance policy. Despite a national prohibition, local authorities took steps to regulate the prostitution sector instead.
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