Prostitutes Ushibukamachi,

In the fiscal year of the CEC with a budget of Y 3,, has founded 19 pioneer churches where there were no churches before. Only Gen. The Church Youth Committee is charged with publishing the Youth Department's monthly magazine under that name.

On the occasion of the centennial a supporters' as- sociation similar to that for the Ise Shrine was organised to restore the Meiji Shrine which is now in ruinous con- dition. The high priest of the shrine is Mr. Taka- tsukasa. One might get the impression that Shrine Shinto was becoming, not Prostitutes Ushibukamachi a full state religion to be sure, but a semi-state religion.

The result of the war put an end to this condition of Shinto, and all shrines have now to register as voluntary religious institutions. But Japanese people in general still associate Shinto closely with the Imperial Household as well as with the destiny of the nation.

Actually it is very difficult to draw a line where state functions end and the religious functions of Shinto begin. The Emperor himself went to the Ise Shrine on June 3,to report to his ancestral goddess on the Peace Treaty having taken effect, while any rite of religious significance was scrupulously avoided at the installation ceremony of the Crown Prince on November Incidentally, this installation ceremony gave occasion to an interesting discussion between two leading scholars of Tokyo University.

Yanaihara, President of the University, who had attended the ceremony, remarked in a Prostitutes Ushibukamachi that he had missed there any religious significance and suggested that the ceremony could have symbolized the Prince humbly accepting his appointment from God. This statement was then criticised Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Prof.

Miyazawa who said that the religionless ceremony was quite correct from Prostitutes Ushibukamachi standpoint of the present constitu- tion of Japan which sharply separates religion and state. In marked contrast to this the philosophy of Buddhism as it is popularly understood is pessimistic, life-negating, and otherworldly.

It is therefore psycho- logically understandable that most Japanese go to Shinto shrines to pray for happiness and prosperity in this life on earth and to have wedding ceremonies performed, while the same persons Prostitutes Ushibukamachi to Buddhist temples on the memorial days of the dead and for funeral services.

Of course, they could be married by a Buddhist priest before a Buddhist altar or be buried with Shinto rites when they die, but people in most cases do not prefer to be married or to die that Prostitutes Ushibukamachi. It would be a great mistake, however, to think that Shinto shrines are today financially well off.

Spoiled by long years of state support, Shinto priests haven't yet learned how to organise their believers so that they will pay regular dues. They just depend on the free-will offerings of occasional visitors to their shrines and on fees for weddings and other rites specially performed by request. So except for very rare cases priests have to support themselves chiefly by school-teaching or other kinds of work. The remaining are entirely new sects of Shinto coloring. Some of the sects will be discussed later under section III.

Revival of Sectarianism In Prostitutes Ushibukamachi prewar period there were 53 sects and denominations of Japanese Prostitutes Ushibukamachi. After the war the law Prostitutes Ushibukamachi abolished and complete freedom of religion has been guaranteed by the new Constitution. As a result, not only those prewar sects and denomina- tions which had lost their independence have been re- established, but also a great number of new sects have arisen.

As a result it had to secede from the Federation of Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Sects. Each of them, except Ji and Kegon, has been differentiated into several ha. But the term " sect " has also been used to indicate any independent religious organisation, whether it is technically shu or ha. Most of them can be classified with such major sects as Tendai, Shingon, Jodo, Rinzai, etc. The fact that a large proportion of the new Buddhist sects belong either to the Shingon 58 sects or to the Nichiren 61 sects varieties may be taken as indicating that these two shu provide particularly fertile soil for the budding of new religious movements.

One is tempted to ask whether this sudden growth of new sects and denominations means strength or weak- ness in Japanese Buddhism, but no Prostitutes Ushibukamachi answer can be expected.

For each sest Prostitutes Ushibukamachi be studied individually as to the circumstances of its rise, the character of its leaders, and its tenets and practices before any generalisation can be made. One has to note, however, that this phenomenon has appeared after government subsidies ceased to come to Buddhist temples.

These new sects as well as the older ones have now to depend entirely upon their own financial resources. The very fact that they exist means that they have the means. So to say the least one Prostitutes Ushibukamachi find in this phenomenon the strong tenacity of Buddhist tradition and its ability to adapt itself to the postwar situation of Japan. Democracy Introduced Another feature in the postwar development of Japanese Buddhism is found in the efforts made by various sects to democratize their organisations.

More voice has Prostitutes Ushibukamachi given to the laity than Prostitutes Ushibukamachi before. For instance, in the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Sect since important matters are decided by a general assembly in Prostitutes Ushibukamachi both clergy Prostitutes Ushibukamachi laity are represented. There is also a wide- spread tendency to relieve Prostitutes Ushibukamachi chief priest of Prostitutes Ushibukamachi sect of his administrative responsibilities so that he is now regarded purely as its religious figurehead, while adminis- trative officers are chosen by Prostitutes Ushibukamachi from among the clergy.

This is about the farthest point Buddhist sects can go in the direction of democratisation. Chief-priest- hood is still hereditary in the Jodo-Shin as well as the Shin Sects ; in other sects, too, chief priests are appointed not by election but by some other traditional methods.

The World Conference of the Buddhists Among the most recent events the meeting in Tokyo of the Second World Conference of Buddhists, September, must be especially noted because of its in- ternational and interdenominational significance.

The first conference had been held in Ceylon inwhich Mr. Most Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the foreigners were from the traditionally Buddhist sections of the Orient. The Prostitutes Ushibukamachi then moved to Kyoto to hold its final session on October 5 Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the Higashi Honganji Temple.

It passed the following statement : " In Prostitutes Ushibukamachi present world of severe suffering the welfare of mankind as well as the safety of Prostitutes Ushibukamachi nation are being jeopardized.

At this juncture, we as representatives of the Buddhists of all nations solemnly pledge ourselves before the hallowed presence of Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Buddha to unite the Buddhist forces of the world in His gracious Light ; to preach the Truth of the Buddha to all the peoples of the world ; and to endeavor to prom.

But differences between Hinayana and Mahayana and other differences between various sects will not be easily overcome. Apparently those Buddhists at the conference showed their willingness to seek for means to unite the Buddhist forces of the world in spite of the existing differences. In both chief priests of the Higashi and the Nishi Honganji went abroad for the second time after the war.

Kocho Otani, chief priest of Higashi, accompanied by his wife, left Japan in June for an extensive tour through America, Brazil and Europe. They are expected to come home in the middle of March.

Kosho Otani, chief priest of Nishi, likewise accompanied by his wife, left Japan in February for the United States and Prostitutes Ushibukamachi ; they returned late in December. Kocho's heir, Kosho, has been staying in America for graduate studies since Japanese Buddhists living in the United States, Ha- waii, Canada, and Brazil still turn to their mother churches in Japan for religious leadership.

But the number of issei people is decreasing and most nisei people cannot read Japanese. More need is felt, therefore, for Buddhist literature in English and for English-speak- ing teachers and preachers.

Furthermore, there are more western people today than Prostitutes Ushibukamachi before who are eager to know something about Buddhism for either religious or academic reasons. So some sects are making serious attempts to interpret their doctrines in English. Buddhist leaders in Japan are today quite missionary- conscious.

The3' believe they have something unique to offer to all mankind. It will be, however, a tremendous task to have even a selection of Japanese Buddhist literature translated correctly into understandable English. They Prostitutes Ushibukamachi working Prostitutes Ushibukamachi from each other. The career and accomplishments of Dr. Daisetsu Suzuki, who is still lecturing in America, are sources of inspiration to all those Buddhist scholars Prostitutes Ushibukamachi are interested in the world mission of the " Way of Enlightenment ".

But Buddhism is also taught in secular universities such as Waseda, Nihon, and some national universities. Tokyo University has on its faculty Profs.

Masato Nagao and Zenryu Tsukamoto are teaching as well as doing research work. Many of the latter belong to both associations. There is a growing tendency among Japanese Buddhist scholars to go back from the traditional Chinese Prostitutes Ushibukamachi to the Sanskrit, Pali, and Tibetan texts in their search for the original meaning of their religion.

Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Yama- guchi of the Otani University and Dr. Nagao of Kyoto are scholars of international reputation in the field of Tibetan tripitaka.

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What Are the New Sects? Besides the Shinto and Buddhist sects there are new sects that cannot be Prostitutes Ushibukamachi under any known category. Actually, however, there are often found fea- tures common to many of the newly risen sects, whether Prostitutes Ushibukamachi are Shintoistic or otherwise. They are all indigen- ous religious Prostitutes Ushibukamachi grown on the soil of Japan. Prostitutes Ushibukamachi of them have more or less simple messages that would appeal to the popular mind, however, superstitious they may sometimes appear.

The book has been written by scholars of the Jodo-Sect under the direction of its Council of Doctors Kangaku-ryo and appeared in July, Each of the sects has been carefully studied, described, and discussed by a different writer.

The des- criptions are on the whole quite objectively done, while criticisms are made from the distinctly Jodo Shinshu standpoint. The very fact that one of the strongest Buddhist sects in Japan should have undertaken such a study is noteworthy.

The older religious bodies are naturally be- ing alarmed by the rise and rapid spread of new inde- pendent Sects, and it speaks well for the Jodo Shinshu so-called Nishi Honganji to have made a careful study of them instead Prostitutes Ushibukamachi rejecting them outright or laughing them off. The book will continue for some Prostitutes Ushibukamachi to be a convenient handbook for all those who care to know something about these sects. Tenrikyo Flourishing Perhaps neither Tenrikyo nor Konkokyo should be called new religions since they are both about a century old.

But they are still new in the sense that they are quite independent from the older religious traditions of Japan in spite of the fact that they are usually classified as Shinto sects. Miki Nakayama, foundress of the Tenri relig- ion, is said to have received a divine revelation on Nov. She had been a devout adherent of Jodo Bud- dhism, but the occasion for her revelatory experience was rather provided by Prostitutes Ushibukamachi shamanistic practice of a shu- genja, a monk of a syncretic type.

He was invited to her home to pray for the healing of her husband and eldest son. The monk had Prostitutes Ushibukamachi conjure a Prostitutes Ushibukamachi spirit, so she Prostitutes Ushibukamachi herself to serve as his medium.

Quite un- expectedly, however, a new god hitherto unknown spoke through her announcing his name as " Moto-no-kami " or '' Jitsu-no-kami ", which means the original or true god, and claiming her to be his abode. For two days and two nights members of her family kept asking the god to withdraw from her, but they finally submitted and received her as the god's shrine. Later the god came to be called " Tenrio-no-mikoto. The optimism of yoki- gm'nshi is indeed quite characteristic of the sect.

Tenrikyo is the largest and best developed of all the newer religions. Having passed through various difficulties and even persecutions, its adherents have firm conviction of its truth. As of Mar. There are also day nurseries, orphanages, old people's homes, hospitals, sanitoriums, and other social welfare work.

In Tambaichi, Nara Prefecture, where its headquarters is situated, there are schools of all Prostitutes Ushibukamachi from kindergarten to university. On April 18,the Tenri headquarters announced that there will be a grand celebration of the seventieth anniversary of Mrs. Nakayama's " ascension " in October 30— November 1 there were gathered some 15, leading priests of the sect in Tambaichi to be in- Prostitutes Ushibukamachi about preparations for the coming occasion.

Shozen Nakayama, present head of the sect, said in an address that the spirit of fukiigen return to the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi should be the spirit pervading the anniversary. By fukugen, however, he does not mean a return to the past but making a fresh start by returning to the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi purity of the foundress's faith.

The address has been printed in the monthly " Michi-no-Tomo ", Dec, Is Konkokyo Declining? Another remarkable religion is Konkokyo. It also claims that its founder, Mr. Bunjiro Konko, received a special revelation on Oct. Having experienced Prostitutes Ushibukamachi oneness with this god, Mr. Konko called himself Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Konko-god-manifest-in-life. Thus Konkokyo is a monotheistic religion with Mr.

Bunjiro Konko as its revealer. It emphasizes the parental care of the father-god Prostitutes Ushibukamachi all men and teaches love, Prostitutes Ushibukamachi, and trust as the basic virtues of man.

It is a religion of simplicity Prostitutes Ushibukamachi practicability. It rejects all charms and amulets as well as all superstitious beliefs in days and directions. As in the case of Tenrikyo, Konkokyo also classifies its Prostitutes Ushibukamachi into two classes: kyoto or confirmed fol- lowers, and Prostitutes Ushibukamachi or common believers.

The latest available statistics give, as of Dec. The number of preachers is 3, including 1, women preachers. There are 1, churches belong- ing to this sect. The number of its " common " believers in stood at; this increased to 1, by and reached the highest peak of 1, in Thus the most urgent problem of the sect is how to recover its prewar strength.

In there was started a movement called " Otoritsugi-joju-shinjin-seikatsu Undo " to strengthen the religious life of the sect. Matajiro Konko as well as the 60th anniversary of the death of his immediate successor, and will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the dedication of Mr. Setsutane Konko as the head of the sect. What results will come out of the programs and activities of this special year are yet to be seen.

More Human Beings Deified A more distinctly Shintoistic sect is Shinrikyo or the Divine Reason Religion which claims to have churches, 4, priests, and 1, adherents at the end of The sect worships eighteen Shinto divinities and regards its founder, Mr. Tsunehiko Kannagibeas a direct descendant of Nigihayahi-no-mikoto, a grandson of the Sun-goddess. He Prostitutes Ushibukamachi claimed to have received a special revelation which commanded him to enter a career of religious ministry.

The revelation is said to have occurred on Oct. The sect is now preparing the founder's Prostitutes Ushibukamachi. Probably more and more emphasis is going to be placed on his person as mediator between the divine and the human.

Omoto Aizen-en is another sect which deifies human beings. Back in Mrs. Naoko Deguchi began receiving inspirations which she recorded in black Prostitutes Ushibukamachi white. They were then collected and became the scripture of the sect. The sect, once suppressed by the government inis Prostitutes Ushibukamachi steadily growing again. It teaches love, purity, optimism, progress and unity as the most basic principles of human life and society.

It shows a vital interest in world peace. Gods Walking on the Streets The " living deities " iklgami above mentioned are all persons Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the past, but there are others which are living now.

One of them is Mrs. The decisive date for this sect was Aug. Kitamura announced herself to be the only daughter of the Heavenly Goddess, Tenshoko Daijingu. Her home is in Tafuse, Yamaguchi Prefecture, where the headquarters of the sect is situated, but she is constantly travelling and Prostitutes Ushibukamachi went as far as Hawaii to preach, sing and dance.

Prostitutes Ushibukamachi to her Prostitutes Ushibukamachi, the goddess Tenshoko Dai- jingu is the same being as the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Father of the Christians Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the Buddha ihombutsu of the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi.

The same absolute God was taught 3, sic years ago by Gautama, 2, Prostitutes Ushibukamachi ago by Christ, and is now in these last days speaking through Sayo-san!

Her words are often crude but always clever, sometimes revealing genuine religious insights. Jikan Okada, founder of the World Messianic Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Sekai Messhiakyodoes not call himself a god but claims himself to be the Messiah who has come to earth to save mankind from the three evils of sickness, poverty, and war, and to establish a perfect world of peace, truth, goodness, and beauty.

He says he is a greater one than Christ, Buddha, Mohammed, or Con- fucius. His god whom he calls Jehovah has, however, other names also : Amida, Miroku, Kannon, and Izunome- no-kami. He is well-read Prostitutes Ushibukamachi writes constantly. He is Prostitutes Ushibukamachi to modern medicine.

He defines sickness as a physiological phenomenon of self-purification which should not be interfered with by artificial methods.

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He also says, however, that diseases are sometimes caused by evil dem- ons. A pamphlet has just Prostitutes Ushibukamachi put out with the date of Jan.

Oddly enough it is written all in Japanese although the author promises that it will be later translated into English. It is one of the two com- mittees in the General Evangelistic Committee Sogo Dendo linkai which is responsible for all the evangelistic activities of the Kyodan.

First, it is to promote a self-supporting missionary spirit and to strengthen mutual help among indigenous churches belonging to the Kyodan.

Of course, we shall never be able to overestimate the contribution which this financial aid made to the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi listic activities of the Japanese church which has faced a great missionary opportunity during the time of pain and sorrow caused by the tragedy and damage of the war. As a matter of fact, there have been two traditional characteristics in the history of Japanese Protestantism ; i. Secondly, I want to mention here that it Prostitutes Ushibukamachi a great misunderstanding to consider that the establishment of the Home Missions Society is a result of a narrow and exclusive spirit which rejects cooperative hands from abroad.

Of course, there are some regrettable facts which confuse the independence of the church with national independence. Some say that the evangelization of Japan should be done solely by the Japanese. Consequently, for them the Home Missions Society seems to be con- sidered as the organ which, in the future, makes ecumeni- cal cooperation unnecessary. But that Prostitutes Ushibukamachi not the real idea of this committee.

The missionary Prostitutes Ushibukamachi in Japan is not only the obligation of the Japanese church, but also that of the world church. The real aim Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the Home Missions Society is to foster the spirit of positive participation in this " Mission in Unity " in the Japanese setting. The United Church of Christ in Japan sets up the Home Missions Society Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the General Evangehsm Committee for the purpose of Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the missionary spirit among the Kyodan churches to evangehze the whole nation by means of indigenous funds.

Duties of the Society: a. Investigation and planning of the mission in this country. Opening of pioneer evangelism. Raising funds from Kyodan churches. Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Society promotes the purpose of No.

Legally, CEC is one of the sub-committees of the Council of Cooperation, which is the ecumenical coopera- tive organ of the Kyodan and the Interboard Committee ; but, functionally, it works under the General Evangelism Committee.

There are two major functions of CEC. They are the planning and promoting of pioneer evange- lism in the unoccupied areas on the one hand, and the assignment of evangelistic missionaries on the other. The members of CEC are composed of Japanese and missionary representatives. Its funds are from the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi board Committee.

In the fiscal year of the CEC with a budget of Y 3, has founded 19 pioneer churches where there were no churches before. Five-year Evangelistic Program The Five-year Evangehstic program of the Kyodan, which started inhas marked an epoch in the history of Japanese evangelism.

The main results of the program are Prostitutes Ushibukamachi a. Positive penetration of the Gospel into the rural areas where there were very few churches. The awakening of lay evangelism — especially visita- tion evangelism. Vocational or occupational Prostitutes Ushibukamachi for the mass of workers in industries and mines.

There- fore the General Evangelism Committee is planning a special program for the year. Special emphasis will be laid on strategic programs in each local prefecture throughout the nation. A national conference on "The Mission of Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Church " is to be held in September. A special Youth Emphasis Program is set up Prostitutes Ushibukamachi — especially for evangelism among students.

Frank Cary The Situation In the on-going life and mission of the Christian church in Japan, the undertaking of rural evangelism and rural work in general is not a new departure.

From the beginning the church touched the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi of the rural areas, if by no other means than the witness of those who had been converted Prostitutes Ushibukamachi urban areas and had returned to their native villages. But in a peculiar way in the postwar days the church has become conscious of the crying need of more intense rural evangelism. It has become clear that during the late war much of the strongest support for the forces of militarism came from the rural areas and that here was often found the centers of the most virulent nationalism.

And in many cases these were precisely the areas where Prostitutes Ushibukamachi influence Prostitutes Ushibukamachi most negligible. Furthermore, as the church, recup- erating from the wounds of war, Prostitutes Ushibukamachi stock of itself and Prostitutes Ushibukamachi its strategy for Prostitutes Ushibukamachi new day, it became sharply conscious of the disproportion in evangelistic emphases. In the past the concern with educational institutions and urban evangelism in general had doomed rural evangelism to remain a subsidiary and much-neglected area of the church's work.

The postwar church, then, has come to realize that former patterns and proportions are no longer adequate. The result has been that rural evangelism has begun to assume unprecedented importance in the total planning of the church.

The increasing use of the term " pioneer evangelism " is another evidence of this concern, for, while the term does include pioneer areas as factory and mine evangelism, the major area of Prostitutes Ushibukamachi evangelism continues to be in the rural field. The proportion of money devoted to rural evangelism has increased greatly and the category of missionary sought from foreign churches has become increasingly that of the rural evangelist.

Prostitutes Ushibukamachi this time of sharpened awareness of and emphasis upon rural evangelism, what is the actual situation Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the church faces? In view of the magnitude of the task that remains to be done the situation is that the church is undertaking the evangelism of Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Japan relatively from scratch. After some ninety-odd years of Protestant Christianity in Japan the church is largely an urban phenomenon.

This is not confined to the metropolitan areas, for even in the prefectures the centers of Christian activity are overwhelmingly the towns and cities. A glance at the statistics in the Kirisutokyo Nenkan and the Japanese Christian Yearbook for will be Prostitutes Ushibukamachi to confirm this fact. One is tempted to think that the term " nocho " would be more appropriate than " noson " when applied to the existing evangelistic situation!

It is true that the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi often plays a large role in the total life of the rural area, and consequently the fact that the church is in a town need not disqualify it as a rural church. But the truth of the matter is that in all too many cases the town church is indifferent to the challenge of the surrounding rural area.

If it touches the life of that area, it is more by accident than by design. In short, as the church in its fresh orientation Prostitutes Ushibukamachi awareness considers the urgency of rural evangelism, it faces what is practically an untapped constituency with its own special demands and problems.

Problems Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the Rural Areas 1. Most of the problems are related to or derived from the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi underlying problem of how to transform the Japanese church from Prostitutes Ushibukamachi urban church to one in which the rural church has at least an equal place.

Nor should the recent awareness of rural evangelism which has been mentioned be taken as a universal awareness in the church. There still remains much education to be done on the lower levels and particularly among church congregations who must provide the drive and initiative for aggressive rural evangelism. Yet, it would Prostitutes Ushibukamachi imperative that the whole church become fired by the pressing Prostitutes Ushibukamachi for more widespread rural evangelism. As long as the church is satisfied to remain predominantly an urban church, the drive for rural work Prostitutes Ushibukamachi be cut off at the source.

Hence we have Prostitutes Ushibukamachi need for the will to transform the church. And it may well be that the dynamic for such a change in the church will have to come from the laity. One of the great problems facing the church as it contemplates increased activity in the rural field is that Prostitutes Ushibukamachi financial support. The effective undertaking of pioneer work may in many cases necessitate opening up areas where there is no financial support for the evan- gelist.

Indeed, it may be that there will be little in the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi of self-support for many years because results are not achieved as quickly as in the urban districts. But the Japanese church is a relatively poor church, and Prostitutes Ushibukamachi date it has often proved difficult to get Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the necessary support for already-existing work.

At the same time it can be said that, because of inadequate training in Chris- tian stewardship, the church has never really tapped the resources that are Prostitutes Ushibukamachi. Yet when all this is granted, it still remains a very real problem how to provide sufficient outside support to maintain evangelists Prostitutes Ushibukamachi such time as churches capable of self-support are RURAL WORK 77 Prostitutes Ushibukamachi.

Still another problem is the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi of a co- ordinated strategy of rural evangelism among the churches.

On the one hand there is, as one writer put it, " what Stanley Jones referred to as the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi pastor-smothered ' nature of the church Prostitutes Ushibukamachi. There is an almost naive lack of any effort to divide the job up geographically. Ministers of different Prostitutes Ushibukamachi and sometimes, even more lamentably, of the same denomination maintain small causes in the same rural area while other nearby areas go quite untouched.

And, if the national churches are slow to develop an integrated strategy, the missionaries often do not do much to help.

The bewildering variety of postwar Christian groups has made a workable system of polity impossible and has sown confusion among the non-Christian constituency to whom they have gone. In many cases where they do go into rural areas their tactics are rather hit-and-run with a complete absence of a long-term view. They go into a place, but for one reason or another they pull Prostitutes Ushibukamachi after a brief stay.

The broad, untouched reaches of Japan call for thoughtful planning- on the part of both the national churches and the mis- sionary forces. The above-mentioned problems are largely those arising from the life of the evangelizing Prostitutes Ushibukamachi. There are other problems arising from the nature of the rural area itself. The first of these and, with the possible exception of Prostitutes Ushibukamachi, the most widespread is that of breaking through the barrier of tradition and custom.

In at least one case brought to the writer's attention, active persecution instituted by the local Shinto priest was resorted to in an attempt to block the activities of a Christian lay worker. Time and again the church Prostitutes Ushibukamachi head on into deeply rooted local customs, the family system, etc. Constantly it must contend with opposition accorded it as a foreign religion.

In some places the difficulty in finding a place of meeting because of this opposition, combined with a certain reluctance in accepting invita- tions to use a private home, places obstacles in the way of starting work. It is interesting that wherever one goes in rural Japan again, with the possible exception of Hokkaido the ministers are convinced that their area is the most difficult in Japan.

Related to the nature of the rural situation and at the same time related to the life of the church is the problem of the kind of evangelist best fitted to work in the rural field. Handicaps of education, time, and energy such as exist here render doubtful the efficacy of the academic and theological type of minister that is often found in rural work.

The simplification of the Gospel to its essentials and a more practical demonstra- tion of its power may be a first requirement of a revised rural strategy. The preaching of the latest trends in European and American theology is hardly likely to prove an effective evangelistic tool to farmers and fisherfolk with no knowledge of Christianity. What the Church Can Do 1.

Every effort should be made to shake the church out Prostitutes Ushibukamachi its urban, middle- class complacency and lay the burden of rural work heavily Prostitutes Ushibukamachi its heart. The problem of support for rural evangelism is one for which I see no immediate or easy solution. I purposely refrain from any mention of the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi of mis- sionary funds, for the day would seem to be here when the church must increasingly shoulder its own financial responsibilities.

What Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Japanese minister in Hok- kaido calls " reciprocal Prostitutes Ushibukamachi " may be part of the answer. The city churches with their greater resources may have to take a greater share of the support Prostitutes Ushibukamachi rural work with vision and sacrifice. As I have already men- tioned, the time is already overdue Prostitutes Ushibukamachi more intensive education of Prostitutes Ushibukamachi church in the responsibiUties of Chris- tian stewardship whereby all the latent resources of the church may be made available for the work of evangelism.

The Kyodan has taken a great forward step in the solution of this problem of support by the formation of a Home Missions Society whose resources Prostitutes Ushibukamachi come entirely from indigenous sources. The emergence of an interdenominational strategy of rural work at a high level seems highly unlikely at the present stage.

But it can be done within each denomination. And more important is the fact that it can be done interdenominationally at a local level within each prefecture or natural area. Once again, if this moves too slowly at the upper levels, it is imperative that some satisfactory local arrangement be worked out wherever possible. In the development of a rural strategy increasing use can be made of consecrated laymen.

The time has long passed when the clergy could justifiably retain all respon- sibility in their own hands. The task is too big for the clergy to do alone, and furthermore the laity can penetrate effectively into areas that would Prostitutes Ushibukamachi closed to ministers. There is some indication that such a development is already taking place. The church must face Prostitutes Ushibukamachi to the peculiar nature of the rural situation and adapt its message.

From Hokkaido comes the suggestion that the church increas- ingly attempt Prostitutes Ushibukamachi present its gospel visually. The church might well study the symbols, the myths and institutions of rural life with a view to adapting them Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the life of the church.

It is true that such a work of adaptation carries its own dangers, but it is equally true that no faith which ignores Prostitutes Ushibukamachi symbols in rural life or fails to provide acceptable alternatives will make much headway. The church in the rural setting should ponder anew the truth of the Incarnation and seek means of mediating its spiritual message through material symbols for those untrained to fathom the abstruseness of Barth and Niebuhr.


The need for a thorough study and understanding of the rural situation is closely related to the problem of the type of worker required. The church Prostitutes Ushibukamachi seek Prostitutes Ushibukamachi who, while not necessarily specialists in the technical sense, will by their understanding of and sympathy with the problems of the rural area fit into to that scene. They should have a sensitive appreciation of the values of rural life and a deep and abiding love for its people.

They should have a keen perception of the needs of Prostitutes Ushibukamachi whom they serve and an ability to temper their message Prostitutes Ushibukamachi those needs.

This is Prostitutes Ushibukamachi more important than a mere transmission of the formulas Prostitutes Ushibukamachi dogmas learned in theological college. Above all, they must minister to the whole life of the people as they find it, not to the unreal image of Prostitutes Ushibukamachi as they have preconceived it.

For missionaries who come from an alien culture it Prostitutes Ushibukamachi especially important so to adapt their ministry with patience and Prostitutes Ushibukamachi.

The church will make its deepest impact when there is added to its proclamation of the eternal truths of the gospel a wider ministry to the whole life of rural Japan. This ministry may take many forms Prostitutes Ushibukamachi to the genius of the evangelist or church and the peculiar needs of each area. Some concrete examples are given in the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi section. Mention could be made of child welfare clinics enlisting the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi of Christian doctors and nurses ; programmes of adult education ; youth work related to the needs and potentialities of young people; classes in nutrition and sanitation and such other subjects RURAL WORK 83 as would lead to a bettering of material circumstances.

What Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Church is Doing The following are just a few examples that have come to the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi attention of the wider ministry of the church in rural evangelism. In these situations we see already operating many of the factors mentioned Prostitutes Ushibukamachi and a lively attempt to solve the problems of rural evangelism. Prostitutes Ushibukamachi some cases the informants are quoted directly. In Nagano-cho Osaka-fu the church is centered in a rural area and is sparked by a young pastor who has great vision much of which has begun to materialize.

One example is the church-related middle school with a church farm. There are plans Prostitutes Ushibukamachi a dormitory Prostitutes Ushibukamachi rural students who can earn their board by working on the farm. The whole project is laid within the ' larger parish ' framework.

Dairy projects. In Shimane Ken one church is working on a project to establish a Christian dairy in a few years. In the Hokkaido the Christian Dairy College not only is doing excellent work of an agricultural nature but sponsors a two-week Gospel School in summer and winter whose graduates after two years already number and are to be found in all the main agricultural dis- tricts Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the Hokkaido.

Workers from the college also do widespread travelling evangelism in the rural areas. Rural centers. The establishment of rural centers in several places is a significant feature of recent times. In Tokyo the Kyodan has for several Prostitutes Ushibukamachi conducted the Rural Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Center which is a national center for training rural evangelists who, it is hoped, will in turn furnish the driving force for Prostitutes Ushibukamachi centers in the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi to which they return.

In Hokkaido the churches of Yakumo and Prostitutes Ushibukamachi each have a Prostitutes Ushibukamachi center which conducts studies in rural evangelism and rural leadership training. These centers are the focal points for evangeliza- tion of a wide area. Ibaraki Ken has a new rural center whose plans promise to make it a most effective instru- ment for the wider ministry to the rural areas of that prefecture.

These plans include such things as clinics ; lectures on women's diseases, child care and nutrition; rural gospel schools ; family Prostitutes Ushibukamachi and cooking classes ; and demonstrations in sanitation and first aid. All these centers, besides the community-centered activities just mentioned, use freely the " normal " forms of evangelism, spoken, written and audio- visual. In Chiba Ken there has been established under Prostitutes Ushibukamachi leadership of Dr.

Sam Franklin a rural center with plans for a kindergarten, church and clinic, which will fulfil many of the functions already described.

Quotations from the objectives of this center as outlined by Dr. Prostitutes Ushibukamachi might well serve as a summary of the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi of all such rural centers, if not the whole movement for rural evangelism. The opportunity is endless and children's gatherings are certainly the first step toward adult contacts. However we feel that even where it is going on the standards are pretty low We hope to develop a curriculum and methods adapted to the rural situation.

I have a feeling that the social implications of our faith for Japanese farm life are a pretty neglected field.

The twin dangers are to neglect the whole subject or to over- simplify. I hope we can focus on local problems, begin- ning perhaps with home life. Right now it looks to me as if there had been too much pussy-footing in Christian dealing with such matters as the position of women.

Secular sociologists are more realistic and down Prostitutes Ushibukamachi earth in their appraisal of the rural family than Christians are.

There is a stir- ring in the spiritual depths of the church's life. Results will come slowly, and we deceive ourselves if we expect otherwise. But Prostitutes Ushibukamachi have the sure confidence that because the work is the Lord's, results will Prostitutes Ushibukamachi. This article has been an attempt to give a brief description of the problems and achievements of rural evangelism in Japan by one who is a foreigner and a beginner.

It is by no means a complete picture, and it may be in some cases less than accurate. The writer acknowledges with gratitude the information and help given him Prostitutes Ushibukamachi a number of people in widely separated parts of Japan.

However, any deficiencies of fact or judgment in the article are entirely his own responsibility. Prostitutes Ushibukamachi General Situation. All Japanese laymen and lay women are now hearin. In the G years since the end of World War II 13 million copies of the Bible were sold by the Japan Bible Society and about 10 million copies were distributed free to a great many homes.

Thus each home in this Prostitutes Ushibukamachi has been provided with one or perhaps more copies of the Bible. Each year about seventy Christian colleges Prostitutes Ushibukamachi high schools, most of which have a proven history of fifty to seventy years, send out 50 thousand new graduates.

Several hundred churches have their own kindergartens, and about the same number of Christian social settlements and hospitals are functioning well.

There are approxi- mately 2, churches served by something over 3, ministers and around 1, missionaries. However, Prostitutes Ushibukamachi total number of church members is no more thanJapan is probably the most diflicult field in the world for evangelization. But theseChristians are now hearing God's voice to dedicate themselves to Prostitutes Ushibukamachi difficult task of evangelism with which, they are all concerned.

Establishment of the Laymen's Association. Consequently the Laymen's Association was formed in March,and 26 chapters were established in various cities throughout the country. The Association issued a declaration at the General Assembly on Oct. We, the lay-representatives to the 7th General Assembly, herewith pledge ourselves firmly to hold to ' One Body, One Faith ' and not to take part in sectarian movements.

We demand mutual agreement and unity among all laymen who belong to the Kyodan and earnestly hope that this will be realized. Volunteer laymen from all parts of Japan Prostitutes Ushibukamachi endeavor with complete cooperation to establish the finances of the Kyodan upon a firm foundation Prostitutes Ushibukamachi to strengthen the financial condition of the local churches.

The lay-representatives to the General Assembly join in this agreement and will endeavor to encourage as many fellow-laymen as possible to join in it. Lay-representatives' Committee 7th Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Assembly of the Kyodan" c. Laymen's Sunday. This idea was taken from the laymen's movement in New York and Prostitutes Ushibukamachi year the churches are taking this more seriously. Last year large joint meetings were held in many of the large cities.

It is said that the laymen's movement in the U. Under the leadership of Mr. Speer and Mr. Penny this move- ment is trying to apply the Golden Rule to daily work. We believe that the laymen in this country also should make the same effort. We must work together for this purpose at the same time that we work for evangelism. We hope that we can cultivate friendship with laymen abroad so that we may be able to work together for the same purposes. How is the Church Helping this Movement?

Each conference kyoku Prostitutes Ushibukamachi training lay-preachers, and in the same way theological lectures are being offered to laymen. The average attendance at 15 lectures in the Osaka conference last Prostitutes Ushibukamachi was each time.

Furthermore, each conference holds Prostitutes Ushibukamachi training con- ferences and general meetings for laymen, and many lay- leaders are doing outstanding work at these meetings.

Practical Activities of the Laymen's Association a. Three years ago the writer translated into Japanese the book " Argument for Vocational Evangelism " by Goodwin, and all copies were quickly sold out.

In Osaka we have formed a group called the " Shinsei-kai " " New Life Group Prostitutes Ushibukamachi which is now doing reform work among delinquent youth.

The Osaka Chris- tian Social Center is taking care of released prisoners and is giving medical treatment to the poor. This center also m. Total expenditures for last Prostitutes Ushibukamachi were YIn Tokyo the laymen's movement sponsors Christ- mas celebrations in a number of places. Ministers in this country have submitted without complaint to unbelievably low salaries. The average income is only about Y 6, per month approx. Even though most of these ministers are provided with parsonages and receive extra income from weddings and funerals, and although they have benefited from relief from American churches, their total incomes are ex- tremely low.

The Laymen's Association is seriously studying this problem and is about to start a movement to increase offerings from church members with the goal of Prostitutes Ushibukamachi ministers' salaries Prostitutes Ushibukamachi high as those of govern- ment school teachers. The Christian Center Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Osaka. It has already raised a fund of Y 15 million. Building will be started in the spring of with a budget of Y70 million for which a fund-raising campaign is still in progress.

Radio Broadcasting. When Mr. Vernon Margett visited Prostitutes Ushibukamachi in the summer of he pointed out the importance of radio broadcast- ing as a means of evangelism, and Japanese lay- leaders who were struck by the proposal organized the Japan Broadcasting Evangelism Association. Kensuke Ho- riuchi, ex-Ambassador to the U. Vernon Margett. Since then Mr. Margett has been raising Prostitutes Ushibukamachi for it in Australia Prostitutes Ushibukamachi New Zealand and is now on his way back to Japan.

A fund-raising campaign is also being started in Japan. Toyohiko Kagawa has promised to help out on this project. It is earnestly hoped that the Gospel will before long begin to Prostitutes Ushibukamachi into every home through the air-waves.

Fridell A. These impressive figures bear out the fact that, at least so far as number of partici- pants Prostitutes Ushibukamachi concerned, postwar Japanese Protestant Christ- ianity is to a surprising extent a young people's movement.

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No one, least of all Japanese Christian leaders them- selves, would say that the youth evangelistic work of Prostitutes Ushibukamachi churches is all it should be. Many wish the churches' message would more consistently prepare young people to meet in a positive and intelligent manner the tremend- ous intellectual, ideological and social problems which confront Christians in Japan Prostitutes Ushibukamachi. The fact remains, however, that the churches are appealing to and enlisting for Kingdom service large numbers of youth.

They are responding with heart-warming sincerity. Much more should be said about youth work in the churches but it is such a huge subject that this very general survey must Prostitutes Ushibukamachi content with the simple statement that has been made and pass on to other areas of young people's work. The " Y "s, in addition to various evangelistic, edu- cational, club and group work Prostitutes Ushibukamachi for different age groups, carry on certain projects designed to minister to special groups of youth where they work and live.

Youth for Christ is engaged in spearhead evangelism among all age groups, but with special concern for youth. Every seeker is followed up with Bible instruction, Prostitutes Ushibukamachi in classes and by correspondence, and Prostitutes Ushibukamachi of January 1,6, persons were reported in this follow-up program.

Efforts are continually made to relate these converts and seekers to churches. Sam Wolgemuth. The follow-up Bible study is under the direction of the Navigators, in close cooperation with the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi for Christ staff. The Church Youth Committee is charged with publishing the Youth Department's monthly magazine under that name.

The Commission's Chairman is Rev. Masami Mizuno, Rev. Hallam Shorrock, and Prostitutes Ushibukamachi. William Des Autels. One significant episode in this involved the overturning and burning of U.

Three basic principles were given to the Japan Com- munist Party to be practiced during the early stages of the revolutionary years in Japan. The first Prostitutes Ushibukamachi came to a successful climax inand the third was in the process of being applied. The meaning of the word " democracy " has been very ambiguous in Japan.

Communists, socialists, and conservatives have used the word, but with different meanings. Both the communists and the Occupation cried for " democracy ". It is clear, however, that the communists meant the word in the sense of a " dictator- ship of the proletariat " and intended in the name of democracy to destroy all authority except that of the proletariat. The Japanese, who have had too many authorities and too much authority in Prostitutes Ushibukamachi section of life, were jolted greatly when all traditional authorities were superceded by a foreign Prostitutes Ushibukamachi.

Even the Divine Emperor was obliged to take orders from the new Supreme Commander! The entire nation was demilitarized for the first time, and all wartime leaders were purged.

Teachers, parents, and police lost their authority. Teachers traded discipline for flattery in order to escape being labelled undemocratic. Policemen gave their own cigarettes to outraged drunkards in order to avoid being reported as " bureaucratic ".

Arrogance disappeared, but with it vanished the sense of duty and the sense of dignity. Authorities sloughed off responsibility, and license reigned. Consequently, for the last seven years the Japa- nese have been drifting in confusion without any internal leadership. This need for internal leadership has been one of the reasons for Prostitutes Ushibukamachi surprisingly rapid progress of the Japan Communist Party.

With the cessation of the occupation in the last real authority in Japan disappeared. Only Gen. Mac Arthur could have stopped the well-planned general strike of 3 million workers in It is not surprising, therefore, that on May Day,only 3 days after independence, Prostitutes Ushibukamachi, communists, Koreans, laborers and students battled Prostitutes Ushibukamachi equal number of police on the Imperial Plaza, a street war in which nine died and seven hundred were wounded.

Since there is no final authority in Japan, it will not be Prostitutes Ushibukamachi before she is driven to join either the "free world " or the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Soviet bloc ", and the year reflected her leaderless vascillation between the two.


This was cultivated during the occupation. But even the most ideal occupation is an unpleasant experience for the nation which is occupied, and thus psychological antagonism and passive resistance were found in the hearts of almost all Japanese. People grumbled against occupation policies ; even intellectuals who understood the situation whispered criticisms.

The communists played upon these feelings with the slogan '' American freedom is oppression ", pointing to the fact that the Japanese were prohibited from writing or speaking in criticism of occupation policies. Democracy taught by the occupation guaranteed freedom of speech, but military necessity had to limit this freedom.

It was very natural, therefore, that with independence newspapers, magazines, pamphlets and books were filled with articles exposing so-called " inside stories " of what went on under the occupation that could not be published before. This physical expression was seen in the burn- Prostitutes Ushibukamachi of several U. Japan is able to maintain order Prostitutes Ushibukamachi peace in the country only because of the existence of the Security Forces and the Police Reserves supported by America.

But for these forces, Japan could have plunged into total disorder immediately after independence. The Japanese people, in whose minds the memory of fierce air raids, starvation, etc. This strong anti-war sentiment is reflected in all social and political phenomena in Japan and came to a climax in Prostitutes Ushibukamachi The problem of rearma- ment was, in fact, the central issue for all political parties at the time of the October,general elections. It is not an exaggeration to say that the whole nation hung on the point of war or peace, for to their thinking re- armament necessarily meant war.

And this rearmament was said to be strongly Prostitutes Ushibukamachi by America who only Prostitutes Ushibukamachi few years ago strongly " Prostitutes Ushibukamachi " Article 9 of the new i Constitution which renounces war forever. This contradiction or change of attitude in American policy toward Japan made the problem more complicated. Communist slogans such as ''Don't be America's Prostitutes Ushibukamachi stoppers ", " Don't be America's employed soldiers ", " Japan has become America's colony ", etc.

Inflation, which had been curbed by Mr. Dodge under the Occupa- tion, began to increase again with the start of the Korean War, and prices have been going up ever since making living hard again.

Claiming that these difficult living con- ditions and the menace of war were the prices Japan paid for independence and the Mutual Security Pact, the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi munists attacked the Security Pact and the " single Peace Treaty".

Riots in throughout Japan mobilized tens of thousands of people around these slogans. Still, they reflect but a minority of Japan's population. The year was the climax of the first two principles, and the third began in that year. The underground revolutionary army showed part of its armor in — flame-bottles made their ap- pearance, public utilities were occupied by force, a Father- land Defence Corps and guerillas were trained in the mountains, courts and prisons were attacked, etc.

Thus in an internally chaotic Japan was becoming externally dislocated in its relationship with America, being legally independent but psychologically anti-American. The communists hoped to Prostitutes Ushibukamachi anti-war sentiment to the point where all U.

They could have secured several seats Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the Diet if they had so desired, but they did not mean to win any. Rather they used the election campaign as a means for spreading their ideas, for thousands of people flooded party rallies to hear what each party had Prostitutes Ushibukamachi say. As the communists knew they could not control the power in the government at this time, they used the platform to undermine confidence in the other parties with charges of corruption, etc.

The failure of Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Diet to seat a single Communist can- didate came as a surprise to the nation which had expected them to get from 5 to 10 seats. The general reaction was that the period of enthusiasm for communism was over and that the nation showed its sound judgment in the election. Several non-communist intellectuals expressed their regrets that communist criticism of the majority party would not be heard in the Diet.

However, the loss of Diet seats was not a sign of retreat by the Communist Party. On the contrary, the votes they polled in this election far surpassed those of the previous general election. The figures for the past few years follow: General election in April 2, votes April 1, Nevertheless, it increased.

The most serious matter as to the attitude of the Communist Party concerning this election was their open declaration that they would no longer take part in the parliamentary system but would fight outside and against it.

They felt that the time of the " Stalin line " was approaching and that it was too critical a time to meddle with the Diet. Rather, the time had come to organize armed guerillas, the "armed core of a revolutionary army," in order to " emancipate Japan from Prostitutes Ushibukamachi a colony of America. During the first half Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the occupation they were almost totally deprived by the unions of the power of management and control of personnel, and were largely salary-paying tools of the workers.

Management was left to the mercy of the unions Prostitutes Ushibukamachi by communists. Occupation policy was Prostitutes Ushibukamachi encourage the trade-union movement, and though SCAP was aware of the red elements in the movement, they could not do much about it, and this left management confused and frustrated.

However, in July,when government oflicials were prohibited from engaging in collective bargaining or in strikes, and in August,when the " red purge " began among the more important enterprises, management began to stand on its own feet and take the offensive. However, the Occupation detect- ed their undemocratic motives and sought to restrict their excesses. The coming of independence in lifted all these bonds and left Japanese capitalists free to pursue their purposes.

Prostitutes Ushibukamachi sought, if possible, to reduce the unions to management-sponsored organizations. Japanese enterpri- sers' associations strengthened their secretariats and issued many surprisingly strong and reactionary state- ments. Their declaration that Prostitutes Ushibukamachi would refuse to employ Prostitutes Ushibukamachi red-tinted graduates of universities was sufficiently effective to dissolve almost all student poli- tical movements inside and outside schools.

Graduating students at company examinations and interviews unan- imously declared themselves against communism and for the Subversive Activities Prevention Law in order to pass the examinations. In the face of this offensive, the average age of members of union executive committees became much younger, in many cases by Prostitutes Ushibukamachi years.

Union members with families feared connection with union administration because of the danger of being labelled ''dangerous persons " by management and thus of being quickly dis- charged. Consequently, these young union officers, many just over twenty, stood on inferior ground when bargain- ing with older management representatives. Moreover, without experience Prostitutes Ushibukamachi maturity they often were impa- tient, resorted to violence, and drove members into awk- ward situations, thus losing the respect not only Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the members but of the public as well and giving the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi union movement an unsound and undesirable appearance.

In order to meet Prostitutes Ushibukamachi demand for miHtary goods brought on by the Korean War, the Japanese armaments industry had to be centraHzed as before. CentraHzation of any kind creates power in the hands Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the executives, and certain groups of enterprisers became very powerful not only in business circles but also in the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi and Diet.

Industrial barons again began to give orders to all important organizations, both public and private.

While Minister of State Okazaki said that " by this treaty the state of war with the whole of China is legally ended", Prime Minister Yoshida stated that "the treaty between Japan and China was concluded with the government in Formosa and thus does not mean that we recognize the Nationalist Government as the representative of the whole of China.

Prostitutes Ushibukamachi strong desire Prostitutes Ushibukamachi to go back to the prewar regime, erasing all laws and regulations put forth during the occupation. They could not think in Prostitutes Ushibukamachi terms except I those of prewar capitalism with its close connection with [imperialism and militarism, and they desired to return to these ways again. However, " democracy " which has been Japan's na- tional motto for the last seven years, instead of " national prosperity and strong armed forces " which had Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Japan's slogan for the last fifty years until the end of the war, prevented them from going too far and too rapidly.

The public which had tasted democracy would not easily tolerate its destruction. But the May Day riots gave them their chance. The Prostitutes Ushibukamachi fights and riots all over Japan following the May Day riots prepared ideal ground for the post- independence Prostitutes Ushibukamachi of the reac- tionary capitalists.

Now they could openly stand against the reds and against all progi'essives. Though the public did not welcome the return of the reactionary capitalists. The Sociahst Party divi- ded into left and right wings, the left near the commu- nists, and the right near the conservatives, leaving no ground for socialism.

The Korean War and the threat of communist forces in Korea gave support to the conservative capitalists' desire to amend the Constitution, particularly Article 9, and to re-establish a Japanese army and navy.

The conservatives came back strongly into power in One example of the reaction of labor to this move- Prostitutes Ushibukamachi is seen in the strikes by the electrical Prostitutes Ushibukamachi and miners which took place at the end of They were the worst and most entangled strikes in the history of the labor union movement in Japan. This time the number was less than half a million, but as the industries involved affected the everyday lives of millions of citizens and also the development of various important industries they were extraordinarily important strikes.

Many people denounced the strikes and failed to see the significant underlying issue which was not wages but union security. The unions were being divided and weak- ened by the management offensive, and they felt that it was their last chance to strike before it vvas too late. Finally the government stepped in and Prostitutes Ushibukamachi strikes were ended.

The yearthen, was the year when independence gave Japan the chance to learn what demiocracy means through struggle Prostitutes Ushibukamachi suffering. She could breathe freely once again, and she was free to make her own policies. It was the year also when class-war emerged into the open. For the first four years of the occupation this had favored the progressive forces, but it slowly came to a balance and during the last half of it swung in favor of conservative capitalism.

The struggle has been severe, and there is no one, no organization, Prostitutes Ushibukamachi no party in Japan which has been able to stop it. It Prostitutes Ushibukamachi be good that Prostitutes Ushibukamachi passes through this time of '' storm and pres- sure ", for through its struggles and sufferings Japan may learn the ways of democracy.

Rebuilding of the Grand Shrine Progresses The drive to raise million yen for the rebuilding of the Grand Shrine of Ise has made great progress during The drive is sponsored by an association which was specially organised for the purpose in the fall of Naotake Sato, former speaker of the House of Councillors. According to Mr. According to his statement Mr.

Sato expects that nearly ten million people will have joined his Associa- tion by Prostitutes Ushibukamachi end Prostitutes Ushibukamachi It seems, however, the net result Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the year's end was not so good as that.

He also emphasizes that the movement Prostitutes Ushibukamachi help rebuild the Grand Shrine is an affair not only of the Shrine Shintoists but also of all other Japanese regardless of their Prostitutes Ushibukamachi beliefs. It is a long-established custom that the Grand Shrine should be rebuilt every twenty years in precisely Prostitutes Ushibukamachi same style as Prostitutes Ushibukamachi. The accomplishment of the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi rebuilding has been postponed from to Grand ceremonies will most probably take place on October, when the divine symbols and articles will be carried into the new buildings.

At least the two main shrines of Naiku and Geku will have been completed by that time. A great number of pilgrims are expected to come from all over the country for the occasion and for the following festivities which will continue until May 10, It will then be called " The Association of Ise Shrine Venerators " Ise-jingu Sukei-kaiand its aim will be " to contribute to the peaceful development of the Japanese Prostitutes Ushibukamachi by arousing their national consciousness and by promoting the spirit of Shinto.

The association is scheduled to be organised within one month after the grand ceremonies in October. This organization, in case it is made, will together with the Shrine Headquarters help consolidate and streng- then Shinto forces.

The vice-president is Mr. Nobusuke Takatsukasa whose son has married one of the present Emperor's daughters. Those who have read the account of Shinto in the Christian Yearbook will be interested to know that the Sumiyoshi Shrine, Osaka, Prostitutes Ushibukamachi came under the Headquarters in September, Popularity Regained Not only in connection with the rebuilding of the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Shrine but also in other respects there are signs that show the recovery of Shinto's strength from the heavy blows Prostitutes Ushibukamachi received in consequence of the war.

Each year sees a remarkable increase in the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi of worshippers who come to shrines on festal occasions. Figures given Prostitutes Ushibukamachi newspapers are only rough estimates and are apt to be exaggerated cf. Christian Yearbook,p. Prostitutes Ushibukamachi November 3, the centennial of the birth of the Emperor Meiji, someare said to have used that station in order to visit the shrine.

On the occasion of the centennial a supporters' as- sociation similar to that for the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Shrine was organised to restore the Meiji Shrine which is now in ruinous con- dition. The high priest of the shrine is Mr. Taka- tsukasa. One might get the impression that Shrine Shinto was becoming, not again a full state religion to be sure, but a semi-state religion.

The result of the war put an end to this condition of Prostitutes Ushibukamachi, and all shrines have now to register as voluntary religious institutions. But Japanese people in general still Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Shinto closely with the Imperial Household as well as with the destiny of the nation.

Actually it is very difficult to draw a line where state functions end and the religious functions of Shinto begin. The Emperor himself went to the Ise Shrine on June 3,to report to his ancestral goddess on the Peace Treaty having taken effect, while any rite of religious significance was scrupulously avoided at the installation ceremony of Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Crown Prince on November Incidentally, this installation ceremony gave Prostitutes Ushibukamachi to an interesting discussion between two leading scholars of Prostitutes Ushibukamachi University.

Yanaihara, President of the University, who had attended the ceremony, remarked in a newspaper that he had missed there any religious significance and suggested that the ceremony could have symbolized the Prince Prostitutes Ushibukamachi accepting his appointment from God. This statement was then criticised Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Prof. Miyazawa who said Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the religionless ceremony was quite correct from the standpoint of the present constitu- tion of Japan which sharply separates religion and state.

In marked contrast to this the philosophy of Buddhism as it is popularly understood is pessimistic, life-negating, and otherworldly. It is therefore psycho- logically understandable that most Japanese go to Shinto shrines to pray for happiness and prosperity in this life on earth and to have wedding ceremonies performed, while the same persons go to Buddhist temples on the memorial days of the dead and for funeral services. Of course, they could be married by a Buddhist priest before a Buddhist altar or be buried with Shinto rites when they die, but people in most cases do not prefer to be married or to die that way.

It would be a great mistake, however, to think that Shinto shrines are today financially well off. Spoiled by long years of state support, Shinto priests haven't yet learned how to organise their believers so that they will pay regular dues.

They just depend on the free-will offerings of occasional visitors to their shrines and on fees for weddings and other rites specially performed by request. So except for very rare cases priests have to support themselves chiefly by school-teaching or other kinds of work. The remaining are entirely Prostitutes Ushibukamachi sects of Shinto coloring. Some of the sects will be discussed later under section Prostitutes Ushibukamachi. Revival of Sectarianism In the prewar period there were 53 sects Prostitutes Ushibukamachi denominations of Japanese Buddhism.

After the war the law was abolished and Prostitutes Ushibukamachi freedom of religion has been guaranteed by the new Constitution. As a result, not only those prewar sects and denomina- tions which had lost their independence have been re- established, but also a great number of new sects have arisen.

As a result it had to secede from the Federation of Shinto Sects. Each of them, except Ji and Kegon, has been differentiated into several ha. But the term " sect " has also been used to indicate any independent religious organisation, whether it is Prostitutes Ushibukamachi shu or ha. Most of them can be classified with such major sects as Tendai, Shingon, Jodo, Rinzai, etc. Prostitutes Ushibukamachi fact that a large proportion of the new Buddhist sects belong either to the Shingon 58 sects or to the Nichiren 61 sects varieties may be taken as indicating that these two shu provide particularly fertile soil for the budding of new religious movements.

One is tempted to ask whether this sudden growth of new sects and denominations means strength or weak- ness in Japanese Buddhism, but no ready answer can be expected. For each sest must be studied individually as to the circumstances Prostitutes Ushibukamachi its rise, the character of its leaders, and its tenets and practices before any generalisation can be made. One has to note, however, that this phenomenon has appeared after government subsidies ceased to come to Buddhist temples. These new sects as well as the older ones have now to depend entirely upon their own financial resources.

The very fact that they exist means that they have the means. So to say the least one can find in this phenomenon the strong tenacity of Buddhist tradition and its ability to adapt itself to the postwar situation of Japan. Democracy Introduced Another feature in the postwar development of Japanese Buddhism is found Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the efforts made by various sects to democratize their organisations.

More voice has been given to the laity than ever before. For instance, in the Jodo-Shin Sect since important matters are decided by a general assembly in which both clergy and laity are represented. There is also a wide- spread tendency to relieve the chief priest of a sect of his administrative responsibilities so that he is now regarded purely as its religious figurehead, while adminis- trative officers are chosen by election from among the clergy.

This is about the farthest point Buddhist sects can go in the direction of democratisation. Chief-priest- hood is still hereditary in the Jodo-Shin as well as the Shin Sects ; in other sects, too, chief priests are appointed not by election but by some other traditional methods.

The World Conference of the Buddhists Among the most recent events the meeting in Tokyo of the Second World Conference of Buddhists, September, must be especially noted because of its in- ternational and interdenominational significance.

The first conference had been held in Ceylon inwhich Mr. Most Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the foreigners were from the traditionally Buddhist sections of the Orient. The conference then moved to Kyoto to hold its final session on October 5 in the Higashi Honganji Temple. It passed the following statement : " In the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi world of severe suffering the welfare of mankind as well as the safety of our nation are being jeopardized.

At this juncture, we as representatives of the Buddhists of all nations solemnly pledge ourselves before the hallowed presence of the Buddha to unite the Buddhist forces of the world in Prostitutes Ushibukamachi gracious Light ; to preach the Truth of the Buddha to all the peoples of the world ; and to endeavor to prom. But differences between Hinayana and Mahayana and other Prostitutes Ushibukamachi between various sects Prostitutes Ushibukamachi not be easily overcome.

Apparently those Buddhists at the conference showed their willingness to seek for means to unite the Buddhist forces of the world in spite of the existing differences. In both chief priests of the Higashi and the Nishi Honganji went abroad for the second time after the war. Kocho Otani, chief priest of Higashi, accompanied by his wife, left Japan in June for an extensive tour through America, Brazil and Europe.

They are expected to come home in the middle of March. Kosho Otani, chief priest of Nishi, likewise accompanied by his wife, left Japan in February for the United States and Canada ; they returned late in December. Kocho's heir, Kosho, has been staying in America for graduate studies since Japanese Buddhists living in the United States, Ha- waii, Canada, and Brazil still turn to their mother churches in Japan for religious leadership.

But the number Prostitutes Ushibukamachi issei people is decreasing and most nisei people cannot read Japanese. More need is felt, therefore, for Buddhist literature in English and for English-speak- ing teachers and preachers.

Furthermore, there are more western people today than ever before who are eager to know something about Buddhism for either religious or academic reasons. So some sects are making Prostitutes Ushibukamachi attempts to interpret their doctrines in English. Buddhist leaders in Japan are today quite missionary- conscious. The3' believe they have something unique to offer to all mankind. It will be, however, a tremendous task to have even a selection of Japanese Buddhist literature Prostitutes Ushibukamachi correctly into understandable English.

They are working Prostitutes Ushibukamachi from each other. The career and accomplishments of Dr. Daisetsu Suzuki, who is still lecturing in America, are sources of inspiration to all those Buddhist scholars who are interested in the world mission of the " Way of Enlightenment ".

But Buddhism is also taught in secular universities such as Waseda, Nihon, and some national universities. Tokyo University has on its faculty Profs. Masato Nagao and Zenryu Tsukamoto are teaching as well as doing research work.

Many of the latter belong to both associations. There is a growing tendency among Japanese Buddhist scholars to go back from the traditional Chinese texts to the Sanskrit, Pali, and Tibetan texts in their search for the original meaning of their religion. Susumu Yama- guchi of the Otani University and Dr. Nagao of Kyoto are scholars of international reputation in the field of Tibetan tripitaka.

What Are the New Sects? Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the Shinto and Buddhist sects there are new sects that cannot be classified under any known category.

Actually, however, there are often found fea- tures common to many of the newly risen sects, whether they are Prostitutes Ushibukamachi or otherwise. They are all indigen- ous religious movements grown on the soil of Japan. All of them have more or less simple messages that would appeal to the popular mind, however, superstitious they may sometimes appear.

The book has been written by scholars of the Jodo-Sect under the direction of Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Council of Doctors Kangaku-ryo and appeared in July, Each of the sects has been carefully studied, described, and Prostitutes Ushibukamachi by a different writer.

The des- criptions are on the whole quite objectively done, while criticisms are made from the distinctly Jodo Shinshu standpoint. The very fact that one of the strongest Buddhist sects in Japan should have undertaken such a study Prostitutes Ushibukamachi noteworthy. The older religious bodies are naturally be- ing alarmed by the rise and rapid spread of new inde- pendent Sects, and it speaks well for the Jodo Shinshu so-called Nishi Honganji to have made a careful study of them instead of rejecting them outright or laughing them off.

The book will continue for some time to be a convenient handbook for all those who care to know something about these sects. Tenrikyo Flourishing Perhaps neither Tenrikyo nor Konkokyo should be called new religions since they are both about a century old. But they are still Prostitutes Ushibukamachi in the sense that they are quite independent from the older religious traditions of Japan in spite of the fact that they are usually classified as Shinto sects.

Miki Nakayama, foundress of the Tenri relig- ion, is Prostitutes Ushibukamachi to have received a divine revelation on Nov. She had been a devout adherent of Jodo Bud- dhism, but the occasion for her revelatory experience was rather provided by a shamanistic practice of a shu- genja, a monk of a syncretic type.

He was invited to her home to pray for the healing of her Prostitutes Ushibukamachi and eldest son. The monk had to conjure a divine spirit, so she offered herself to serve as his medium. Quite un- expectedly, however, a new god hitherto unknown spoke through her announcing his name as " Moto-no-kami " or '' Jitsu-no-kami ", which Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the original or Prostitutes Ushibukamachi god, and claiming her to be his abode.

For two days and two nights members of her family kept asking the god to withdraw from her, but they finally submitted and received her as the god's shrine.

Later the god came to be Prostitutes Ushibukamachi " Tenrio-no-mikoto. The optimism of yoki- gm'nshi is indeed quite characteristic Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the sect. Tenrikyo is the largest and best developed of all Prostitutes Ushibukamachi newer religions. Having passed through various difficulties and even persecutions, its adherents have firm conviction of its truth.

As of Mar. There are also day nurseries, orphanages, old people's homes, hospitals, sanitoriums, and other social welfare Prostitutes Ushibukamachi. In Tambaichi, Nara Prefecture, where its headquarters is situated, there are schools of all grades from kindergarten to university.

On April 18,the Tenri headquarters announced that there will be a grand celebration of the seventieth anniversary of Mrs. Nakayama's " ascension " in October 30— November 1 there were gathered some 15, leading priests of the sect in Tambaichi to be in- structed about preparations for the coming occasion. Shozen Nakayama, present head of the sect, said in an address that the spirit of fukiigen return to the beginning should be the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi pervading the anniversary.

By fukugen, however, he does not mean a return to the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi but making a fresh start by returning Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the original purity of the foundress's faith. The address has been printed in the monthly " Michi-no-Tomo ", Dec, Is Konkokyo Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Another remarkable religion is Konkokyo.

It also claims that its founder, Prostitutes Ushibukamachi. Bunjiro Konko, received a special revelation on Oct. Prostitutes Ushibukamachi experienced his oneness with this god, Mr. Konko called himself "Ikigami-konko-daijin" Konko-god-manifest-in-life.

Thus Konkokyo is a monotheistic religion with Mr. Bunjiro Konko as its revealer. It emphasizes the parental care Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the father-god of all men and teaches love, Prostitutes Ushibukamachi, and trust as the basic virtues of man.

It is a religion of simplicity and practicability. It rejects all charms and amulets Prostitutes Ushibukamachi well as all superstitious beliefs in days and directions. Prostitutes Ushibukamachi in the case of Tenrikyo, Konkokyo Prostitutes Ushibukamachi classifies its adherents into two classes: kyoto or confirmed fol- lowers, and Shinto or common believers.

The latest available statistics give, as of Dec. The number of preachers is 3, including 1, women preachers. Prostitutes Ushibukamachi are 1, churches belong- ing to Prostitutes Ushibukamachi sect. The number of its " common " believers in stood at; this increased to 1, by and reached the highest peak of Prostitutes Ushibukamachi, in Thus the most urgent problem of the sect is how to recover its prewar strength.

In there was started a movement called " Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Undo " to strengthen the religious life of the sect. Matajiro Konko as well as the 60th anniversary of the death of his immediate successor, and will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the dedication of Mr.

Setsutane Konko as the head of the sect. What results will come out of the programs and activities of this special year are yet to be seen. More Human Beings Deified A more distinctly Shintoistic sect is Shinrikyo or the Divine Reason Religion which claims to have Prostitutes Ushibukamachi, 4, priests, and 1, adherents at the end of The sect worships eighteen Shinto divinities and regards its founder, Mr. Tsunehiko Kannagibeas a direct descendant of Nigihayahi-no-mikoto, a grandson of the Sun-goddess.

He also claimed to have received a special revelation which commanded him to enter a career of religious ministry. The revelation is said to have occurred on Oct. The sect is Prostitutes Ushibukamachi preparing the founder's writings. Probably more and more emphasis is going to be placed on his person as mediator between the divine and the human. Omoto Aizen-en is another sect which deifies human beings. Back in Mrs. Naoko Deguchi began receiving inspirations which Prostitutes Ushibukamachi recorded in black and white.

They were then collected and became the scripture of the sect. The sect, once suppressed by the government inis now steadily growing again. It teaches love, purity, optimism, progress and unity as the most basic principles of human life and society. It shows a vital interest in world peace. Gods Walking on the Streets The " living deities " Prostitutes Ushibukamachi above mentioned are all persons of the past, but there are others which are living now.

One Prostitutes Ushibukamachi them is Mrs. The decisive date for this sect was Aug. Kitamura announced herself to be the only daughter of the Heavenly Goddess, Tenshoko Daijingu. Her home is in Tafuse, Yamaguchi Prefecture, where the headquarters of the sect is situated, but she is constantly travelling and in went as far as Hawaii to preach, sing and dance.

According to her teachings, the goddess Tenshoko Dai- jingu is the same being as the Heavenly Father of the Christians and the Buddha ihombutsu of the Buddhists.

The same absolute God was taught 3, sic years ago by Gautama, 2, years ago by Christ, and is now in these last days speaking through Sayo-san! Her words are often crude but always clever, sometimes revealing genuine religious insights.

Jikan Okada, founder of the World Messianic Religion Sekai Messhiakyodoes not call himself Prostitutes Ushibukamachi god but claims himself to be the Messiah who has come to earth to save mankind from the three evils of sickness, poverty, and war, and to establish a perfect world of peace, truth, goodness, and beauty. He says he is a greater one than Christ, Buddha, Mohammed, or Con- fucius.

His god whom he calls Jehovah has, however, other names also : Amida, Miroku, Kannon, and Izunome- no-kami. He is well-read and writes constantly.

He is opposed to modern medicine. He defines sickness as a physiological phenomenon of self-purification which should not be interfered with by artificial methods.

He also says, however, that diseases are sometimes caused by Prostitutes Ushibukamachi dem- ons. A pamphlet has just been put out with the date of Jan. Oddly enough it is written all in Japanese although the author promises that it will be later translated into English.

It is one of the two com- mittees in Prostitutes Ushibukamachi General Evangelistic Committee Sogo Dendo linkai which is responsible for all the evangelistic activities of the Kyodan.

First, it is to promote a self-supporting missionary spirit and to strengthen mutual help among indigenous churches belonging to the Kyodan. Of course, we shall never be able to overestimate the contribution which this financial aid made to the evange- listic activities of the Japanese church which has faced a great missionary opportunity during the time of pain and sorrow caused by the tragedy and damage of the war.

As a matter of fact, there have been two traditional characteristics in the history of Japanese Protestantism ; i. Secondly, I want to mention here that it is a great misunderstanding to consider that the establishment of the Home Missions Society is a result of a narrow and exclusive spirit which rejects cooperative hands from abroad.

Of course, there are some regrettable facts which confuse the independence of the church with national independence. Some say that the evangelization of Japan should be done solely by the Japanese. Consequently, for them the Home Missions Society seems to be con- sidered as the organ which, in the future, makes ecumeni- cal cooperation unnecessary. But that is not the real idea of this committee. The missionary obligation in Japan is not only the obligation of the Japanese church, but also that of the world church.

The real aim of the Home Missions Society is to foster the spirit of positive participation in this " Mission in Unity " in the Japanese setting. The United Church of Christ in Japan sets up the Home Missions Society Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the General Evangehsm Committee for the purpose of encouraging Prostitutes Ushibukamachi missionary spirit among the Kyodan churches to evangehze the whole nation by means of indigenous funds.

Duties of the Society: a. Investigation Prostitutes Ushibukamachi planning of the mission in this country. Opening of pioneer evangelism. Raising funds Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Kyodan churches. The Society promotes the purpose of No.

Legally, CEC is one of the sub-committees of the Council of Cooperation, which is the ecumenical coopera- tive organ of the Kyodan and the Interboard Committee ; but, functionally, it works under the General Evangelism Committee. There are two major Prostitutes Ushibukamachi of CEC. They are the planning and promoting of pioneer evange- lism Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the unoccupied areas on Prostitutes Ushibukamachi one hand, and the assignment of evangelistic missionaries on the other.

The members of CEC are composed of Japanese and missionary representatives. Its funds are from the Inter- board Committee. In the fiscal year of the CEC with a budget of Y 3, has founded 19 pioneer churches where there were no churches before.

Five-year Evangelistic Program The Five-year Evangehstic program of the Kyodan, which started inhas marked an epoch in the history of Japanese evangelism. The main results of the program are : a.

Positive penetration of the Gospel into the rural areas where there were very few churches. The awakening of lay evangelism — especially visita- tion evangelism. Vocational or occupational evangelism for the mass of workers in industries and mines. There- fore the General Evangelism Committee is planning a special program for the year. Special emphasis will be laid on Prostitutes Ushibukamachi programs in each local prefecture throughout the nation.

A national conference on "The Mission of the Church " is to be held in Prostitutes Ushibukamachi. A special Youth Emphasis Program is set up for — especially for evangelism among students. Frank Prostitutes Ushibukamachi The Situation In the on-going life and mission of the Christian church in Japan, the undertaking of rural evangelism and rural work in general is not a new departure.

From the beginning the church touched the life of the rural areas, if by no other means than the witness of those who had been converted in urban areas and had returned to their native villages. But in a peculiar way in the postwar days the church has become conscious of the crying need of more intense rural evangelism.

It has become clear that during the late war Prostitutes Ushibukamachi of the strongest support for the forces of militarism came from the rural areas and that here was often found the centers of the most virulent nationalism.

And in many cases these were precisely the areas where Christian influence was most negligible. Furthermore, as the church, recup- erating from the wounds of war, took stock of itself and considered its strategy for the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi day, it became sharply conscious of the disproportion in evangelistic emphases.

In the past the concern with educational institutions and urban evangelism in general had doomed rural evangelism to remain a subsidiary and much-neglected area of the church's work. The postwar church, then, has come to realize that former patterns Prostitutes Ushibukamachi proportions are no longer adequate. The result has been that rural evangelism has begun to assume unprecedented importance in Prostitutes Ushibukamachi total planning of the church. The increasing use of the term " pioneer Prostitutes Ushibukamachi " is another evidence of this concern, for, while the term does include pioneer Prostitutes Ushibukamachi as factory and mine evangelism, the major area of pioneer evangelism continues to be in the rural field.

The proportion of money devoted to rural evangelism has increased greatly and the category of missionary sought from foreign churches has become increasingly that of the rural evangelist. In this time of sharpened awareness of and emphasis upon rural evangelism, what is the actual situation that the church faces? Prostitutes Ushibukamachi view of the magnitude of the task that remains to be done the situation is that the church is undertaking the evangelism of rural Japan relatively from scratch.

After some ninety-odd years of Protestant Christianity in Japan the church is largely an urban phenomenon. This is not confined to the metropolitan areas, for even in the prefectures the centers of Christian activity are overwhelmingly the towns and cities.

A glance at the statistics in the Kirisutokyo Nenkan and the Japanese Christian Yearbook for will be sufficient to confirm this fact. One is tempted to think that the term " nocho " would be more appropriate than " noson " when applied to the existing evangelistic Prostitutes Ushibukamachi It is true that Prostitutes Ushibukamachi town often plays a large role in the total life of the rural area, and consequently the fact that the church is in a town need not disqualify it as a rural Prostitutes Ushibukamachi.

But the truth of the matter is that Prostitutes Ushibukamachi all too many cases the town church is indifferent to the challenge of the surrounding rural area. If it touches the life of that area, it is more by accident Prostitutes Ushibukamachi by design. In short, Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the church in its Prostitutes Ushibukamachi orientation and awareness considers the urgency of rural evangelism, it faces what is practically an untapped constituency with its own special demands and problems.

Problems in the Rural Prostitutes Ushibukamachi 1. Most of the problems are related to or derived from the basic underlying Prostitutes Ushibukamachi of how to transform the Japanese church from an urban church to one in which the rural church has at least an equal place.

Nor should the recent awareness of rural evangelism which has been mentioned be taken as a universal awareness in the church. There still remains much education to be done on the lower levels and particularly among church congregations who must provide the drive and initiative for aggressive rural evangelism. Yet, it would seem imperative that the whole church become fired by the pressing need for more widespread rural evangelism.

As long as the church is satisfied to remain predominantly an urban church, the drive for rural work will be cut off at the source. Hence we have a need for the will to transform the church. And it may well be that the dynamic for such a change in the church will have to come from the laity. One of the great Prostitutes Ushibukamachi facing the church as it contemplates increased activity in the rural field is that of financial support.

The effective undertaking of pioneer work may in many cases necessitate opening up areas where there is no financial support for the evan- gelist. Indeed, it may be that there will be little in the way of self-support for many years because results are not achieved as quickly as in Prostitutes Ushibukamachi urban districts.

But the Japanese Prostitutes Ushibukamachi is a relatively poor church, and to date it has often proved difficult to Prostitutes Ushibukamachi even the necessary support for already-existing work. At the same Prostitutes Ushibukamachi it can be said that, because of inadequate training in Chris- tian stewardship, the church has never really tapped the resources that are available. Yet when all this is granted, it still remains a very real problem how to provide sufficient Prostitutes Ushibukamachi support to maintain evangelists until such Prostitutes Ushibukamachi as churches capable of self-support are RURAL WORK 77 established.

Still another problem is the absence of a co- ordinated strategy of rural evangelism among the churches. On the one hand there Prostitutes Ushibukamachi, as one writer put it, " what Stanley Jones referred to as the ' pastor-smothered ' nature of the church here. There is an almost naive lack of any effort to divide Prostitutes Ushibukamachi job up geographically. Ministers of different denominations and sometimes, even Prostitutes Ushibukamachi lamentably, of the same denomination maintain small causes in the same rural area while other nearby areas go quite untouched.

And, if the national churches are slow to develop an integrated strategy, the missionaries often do not do much to help. The bewildering variety of postwar Christian groups has made a workable system of polity impossible and has sown confusion among the non-Christian constituency to whom they have gone.

In many cases where they do go into rural areas their tactics are rather hit-and-run with a complete absence of a long-term view. They go into a place, but for one reason or another they pull out after a brief stay. The broad, untouched reaches of Japan call for thoughtful planning- on the part of both the national churches and the mis- sionary forces. The above-mentioned problems are largely those arising from the life of the evangelizing churches.

There are other problems arising from the nature of the rural area itself. The first of these and, Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the possible exception Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Hokkaido, the most widespread is that of breaking through the barrier of tradition and custom.

In at least one case brought to the writer's attention, active persecution instituted by the local Shinto priest was resorted to in an attempt to block the activities of a Christian lay worker.


Time and again the church runs head Prostitutes Ushibukamachi into deeply rooted local customs, the family system, etc. Constantly it must contend with opposition accorded it as a foreign religion. In some Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the difficulty in finding a place of meeting because of this opposition, combined Prostitutes Ushibukamachi a certain reluctance in accepting invita- tions to use a private home, places obstacles in the way of starting work.

It is interesting that wherever one goes in rural Japan again, with the possible exception of Hokkaido the ministers are convinced that their area is the most difficult in Japan.

Related to the nature of the rural situation and at the same time related to the life of the church is the problem of the kind of evangelist best fitted to work in the rural field. Handicaps of education, time, and energy such as exist here render doubtful the efficacy of the academic and theological type of minister that is often found in rural work. The simplification of the Gospel to its essentials and a more Prostitutes Ushibukamachi demonstra- tion of its power may be a first requirement of a revised rural strategy.

The preaching of the latest trends in Prostitutes Ushibukamachi and American theology is hardly Prostitutes Ushibukamachi to prove an effective evangelistic tool to farmers and fisherfolk with no knowledge of Christianity. What the Church Can Do 1. Every Prostitutes Ushibukamachi should be made to shake the church out of its urban, middle- class complacency and lay the burden of rural work heavily on its heart.

The problem of support for rural evangelism is one for which I see no immediate or easy solution. I purposely refrain from any mention of the use of mis- sionary funds, for the day would seem to be here when the church must increasingly shoulder its own financial responsibilities. What a Japanese minister in Hok- kaido calls " reciprocal evangelism " may be part of the answer. The city churches with their greater resources may have to take a greater share of the support for rural work with vision and sacrifice.

As I have already men- Prostitutes Ushibukamachi, the time is already overdue for more intensive education of the church in the responsibiUties of Chris- tian stewardship whereby all the latent resources of the church Prostitutes Ushibukamachi be Prostitutes Ushibukamachi available for the work of evangelism. The Kyodan has taken a great forward step in the solution of this problem of support by the formation of a Home Missions Society whose resources will come entirely from indigenous sources.

The emergence of an interdenominational strategy of rural work at a high level seems highly unlikely at the present Prostitutes Ushibukamachi. But Prostitutes Ushibukamachi can Prostitutes Ushibukamachi done within each denomination.


And more important is the fact that it can be done interdenominationally at a local level within each prefecture or natural area. Once again, if this moves too slowly at the upper levels, it is imperative that some satisfactory local arrangement be worked out wherever possible. In the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi of a rural strategy increasing use can be made of consecrated laymen.

The time has long passed when the clergy could justifiably retain all respon- sibility in their own hands. The task is Prostitutes Ushibukamachi big for the Prostitutes Ushibukamachi to do alone, and furthermore the laity can penetrate effectively into areas that would be closed to ministers. There is some indication that such a development is already taking place.

The church must face up Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the peculiar nature of the rural situation and adapt its message. From Hokkaido comes the suggestion that the church increas- ingly attempt to present its gospel visually.


The church might well Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the symbols, the myths and institutions of rural life with a view to adapting them to the life of the church.

It is true that such a work of adaptation carries its own dangers, but it is equally true that no faith which Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the symbols in rural life or fails to provide acceptable alternatives will make much headway.

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They sought, if possible, to reduce the unions to management-sponsored organizations. When American protectionist interests back in the middle of the 19th century saw that their " infant industry " argument for a protective tariff was hardly applicable to an economy where industrial giants had replaced the erstwhile infants, the argument was shifted to the " pau per labor " argument.
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Thirdly, according to the U. On the positive side, because of their spiritual and emotional turmoil, few of these young people have placed Prostitutes Ushibukamachi the center of their lives anything more Prostitutes Ushibukamachi than the elemental struggle for basic physical necessities. Japan needs export markets, and in order to capture these markets Japanese costs of pro- duction must be maintained at a low level Is this objec- tive compatible with the legitimate interests of the nearly 6 million members of Japanese trade-unions and the many millions more nonunionized Japanese Prostitutes Ushibukamachi for higher rates of pay?

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Population 76


Full text of "The Japan Christian year book"

This left them utterly disillusioned, with no heart to put their trust in anything. Radio Broadcasting. In the development of a rural strategy increasing use can be made of consecrated laymen. At the same time the governmental au- thorities, weak as they were, did not hesitate to utilize the name and power of SCAP to revise the labor laws, promulgate Prostitutes Ushibukamachi Subversive Activities Prevention Law, and strengthen the Police Reserve. Susumu Prostitutes Ushibukamachi guchi of the Otani University and Dr.
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