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Perhaps they even canceled each other out. Meiwes filmed himself Prostitutes Rotenburg, disembowelling and cutting up Prostitutes Rotenburg corpse of computer engineer Click Brandes, 42, whom he had met after posting messages in Internet chatrooms seeking "men for slaughter. He eventually killed Brandes in the early hours of the morning, by stabbing him in the neck and then chopping him into pieces.

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But it's not just women that are being offered up like meat at a poultry shop. Capital — the city with the beautiful name of Port-of-Spain. Nothing more beautiful there. Normal colonial town in the hills. It Prostitutes Rotenburg in 50. Meiwes had set up a video camera to record it all, starting with sexual mutilation.

Brandes was still awake and wanted to taste his own flesh. Broiling, however, left the organ too tough to eat. Then, Prostitutes Rotenburg asked to take a bath. Meiwes left his victim soaking in the tub and went off Prostitutes Rotenburg his own room to read a Star Trek novel.

Brandes was still alive the next morning, Prostitutes Rotenburg Meiwes slit his throat and cut the body into pieces, the action caught on tape.

He labeled and froze the leftovers, then Prostitutes Rotenburg the keyboard seeking another victim. He contacted Prostitutes Rotenburg police. Not long after cops started sniffing around, taking some of the bags from his freezer, Meiwes confessed. He told police it tasted like pork. No German laws made cannibalism a crime, so the charges against Meiwes were murder Prostitutes Rotenburg purposes of sexual pleasure and disturbing the peace of the dead.

His defense, however, Prostitutes Rotenburg that there was no crime since the victim asked for it. The video showed Brandes giving consent, up until the moment he lost consciousness. Lawyers suggested mercy killing. There would Prostitutes Rotenburg two trials. Prostitutes Rotenburg Mail also noted that the cannibal has become a Prostitutes Rotenburg. In his first television interview, German cannibal Armin Meiwes describes the taste of human flesh, provides a decent recipe Prostitutes Rotenburg steak, explains his fascination with the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel -- and insists that he's a normal person.

Armin Meiwes, the German cannibal serving a life sentence for killing and eating a man who begged to be devoured, has described how the meat tasted of pork and how he prepared an elaborate meal of Prostitutes Rotenburg steak in a green pepper sauce with croquettes and Brussels sprouts. In his first television interview, broadcast on Prostitutes Rotenburg night on the RTL channel, Meiwes, 46, looked relaxed and healthy as he spoke about his decades-long yearning to consume another man.

The case came to light in Decemberand the grisly details made world headlines. Meiwes filmed himself killing, disembowelling and cutting up the corpse of computer engineer Bernd Brandes, 42, whom he had met after posting messages in Internet chatrooms seeking "men for slaughter. The interviews were approved by the Frankfurt district court that convicted him. I had it with Princess croquettes, Brussels sprouts and a green pepper sauce," said Meiwes.

He said the meat was a little tough.

Rotenburg, “ The Wayward Worker: Toronto's Prostitutes at the Turn of the Judy Bedford, “ Prostitution in Calgary, , " Alberta History Jimmy F., an ex male-prostitute of the busy Berlin Railroad Station at the Zoological Garden he met in , stated that Brandes "liked to feel pain", being his.

He froze meal-sized portions of Brandes, some in the form of minced meat, and ate Prostitutes Rotenburg than Prostitutes Rotenburg kilograms of it in the months following the March killing. During his two trials Prostitutes Rotenburg andMeiwes said he had always dreamt of having a younger brother -- "someone to be part of me" -- and had become fascinated with cannibalism as a way to fulfil that obsession.

His desires were fuelled by the Internet, where he had contact with around men interested in cannibalism. He found a perfect match in Brandes, who was obsessed with being eaten.

It tastes quite good," he said. He said that when he was a child, he had enjoyed his mother reading him the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel," about a witch who traps two children and prepares to eat the boy. You Prostitutes Rotenburg believe how many Hansels are whizzing around the Internet. Police estimate that around 10, people in Germany alone share Meiwes' fascination with cannibalism -- either eating human flesh or being eaten.

Meiwes, serving his sentence in a prison in Kassel, central Germany, could be eligible for parole after serving a mandatory 15 years in jail. A psychiatric examination conducted ahead of his trials concluded that he is not insane but has a "severely disturbed soul. Prostitutes Rotenburg court sentences cannibal to life in jail Associated Press May 9, FRANKFURT, Germany — A man who admitted killing and eating an acquaintance he met on the Internet was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison Tuesday, following his retrial in a case that engrossed and appalled Germany.

Armin Meiwes, a year-old computer technician, also was convicted of disturbing the peace of the dead. The retrial Prostitutes Rotenburg Meiwes opened in January. It was held after a federal Prostitutes Rotenburg court overturned his initial manslaughter conviction to allow prosecutors to seek a tougher sentence. Meiwes also maintained that Brandes had Prostitutes Rotenburg him to carry out further killings after his death.

Still, the defendant claimed he had hesitated before going through with the act. Police tracked down and arrested Meiwes in December after a Prostitutes Rotenburg in Austria alerted them to a message Meiwes had posted on the Internet seeking a man willing to be killed and eaten. In earlya court in Prostitutes Rotenburg city of Kassel convicted Meiwes of manslaughter and sentenced him to 8 years in prison, but prosecutors appealed the verdict.

Federal judges overturned the original ruling last year and ordered a retrial, arguing the lower court, Prostitutes Rotenburg rejecting murder charges, failed to give sufficient consideration to the sexual motive behind the killing.

In a retrial, he was convicted of murder even though his victim wanted to be killed.

The video is apparently so disturbing that many of those who saw it sought psychological counseling.

Armin Meiwes, the German cannibal who killed, sliced up and ate a Berlin computer engineer begging to be devoured, Prostitutes Rotenburg convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison on Tuesday.

The sentence came following a retrial of a shocking case that gained worldwide attention because of its gory details. Meiwes, a year-old computer repair Prostitutes Rotenburg, had originally been sentenced to 8 and a half years for manslaughter but that verdict was overturned by Germany's federal appeals court which deemed it Prostitutes Rotenburg lenient and ordered him to be retried on a murder charge.

The judge ruled that Meiwes had killed to satisfy his sexual urges. The Frankfurt court ruling means Meiwes could be eligible for parole after serving a mandatory 15 years in jail. Prostitutes Rotenburg defence lawyers had argued Prostitutes Rotenburg he should face the lesser conviction of "killing on demand" -- a form of illegal euthanasia -- and said they planned to appeal against the new verdict.

For witnesses at the trial, it was hard to imagine the quietly spoken, polite and surprisingly ordinary-looking Meiwes hanging up the victim's body from a meat hook in the slaughtering room he had set up in his home, disembowelling him and cutting him up into meal-sized portions ready for storage in his freezer.

Yet that is what he did, filming the process with a video camera in an orgy of gore that marked the culmination of Prostitutes Rotenburg obsession with cannibalism since puberty. He defrosted Brandes portion by portion in the following months and turned him into gourmet meals. He kept the skull in a freezer and buried other parts in his garden. Meiwes and Brandes had contacted each other through the Internet where Meiwes had been seeking "fit men for slaughter".

They met in Prostitutes Rotenburg in Meiwes's rambling, half-timbered house left him by his domineering mother in the central German town of Rotenburg.

Skip the next two paragraphs if you're Prostitutes Rotenburg. Brandes asked Meiwes to emasculate him and drank half a bottle of Schnapps and painkilling tablets to cope with the pain.

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Meiwes obliged and they both tried to eat Brandes's penis together. After Brandes became unconscious from loss of blood, Meiwes took him to his slaughtering bench Prostitutes Rotenburg -- this is the main reason for Monday's murder conviction which was widely expected -- killed him by cutting his throat with a butcher's knife. Meiwes told the court he regretted what he did. But he added: "Everybody has the right to Prostitutes Rotenburg themselves about their own life and their body.

Meiwes said he has written his memoirs in jail and wants to show people with similar fantasies "that it can never bring them fulfilment. Psychiatrists who examined Meiwes said he was severely disturbed but sane and fit to stand trial. Prostitutes Rotenburg the retrial, Meiwes told how he had fantasized about eating his schoolmates and how he would record televison documentaries about post-mortems.

He would also barbecue dolls, and would form human limbs out of marzipan and Prostitutes Rotenburg them wedged in bread rolls. The fantasies became more intense after the death of Prostitutes Rotenburg mother in left him alone in her large house where he began to surf the Internet.

Before the media dubbed him "The Cannibal of Rotenburg", Armin Meiwes led an outwardly quiet life, described by one woman he befriended as a friendly and sensitive person. But in the prosecutor's words, the well-spoken Prostitutes Rotenburg computer technician "slaughtered his victim like a piece of livestock and treated him as an object of his fancy". The details of the case were re-examined after a federal court ruled that his conviction for manslaughter should be overturned Prostitutes Rotenburg the sentence - eight-and-a-half-years in jail - was too lenient.

In the previous trial, prosecutors say he should have been jailed for life for murder, while his defence team maintains the death was a mercy killing as the victim was a willing participant.

Meiwes grew up with his mother in a large house in the German town near Kassel. A former school friend recalls her as a domineering figure who scolded him in public. Living alone with her son until her death, she constantly intruded, accompanying him on dates and even going Prostitutes Rotenburg troop outings in the early s when he was serving in the German army. Meiwes claimed in court that his lonely childhood had led him to create "Franky" - an imaginary brother who listened to him.

At the start of his trial in DecemberMeiwes said his motive for killing and eating his victim, Prostitutes Rotenburg Juergen Brandes, was born from a desire for this younger brother he never had - "someone to be part of me". In eating Mr Brandes, he finally got his Prostitutes Rotenburg kick", he told his trial. According to a psychiatrist who testified at the trial, Professor Georg Stolpmann, Meiwes was incapable of showing "warm and tender feelings towards others".

Meiwes insisted throughout the trial that the death had been part of a mutual pact rooted in sado-masochistic homosexual fantasy. But he said he hoped other people Prostitutes Rotenburg similar fantasies would seek help before it was too late.


Investigators found Meiwes had been in Prostitutes Rotenburg contact with more than people who shared his fantasies while the cannibal himself claimed there were thousands more like him.

Professor Stolpmann described Meiwes as "extremely smug and self-assured" and as having a "schizoid personality" - but said he detected no indication of mental illness. The trial of Armin Meiwes, the German cannibal who Prostitutes Rotenburg and ate a man begging to be devoured, is gradually drawing to a close. A psychiatrist has warned that the computer repair man remains obsessed by male flesh and could kill again. Armin Meiwes, the German cannibal standing trial for the second time for killing and eating 44 pounds of flesh from a man who wanted to be eaten, is so fixated on male human meat that he could kill again, a psychiatrist told the court on Monday.

Meiwes is facing a retrial after Germany's top criminal appeals court ruled that his original manslaughter verdict and sentence of eight-and-a-half years were too lenient. It ordered a retrial on murder charges. Monday's testimony marked the end of the evidence-hearing phase and the verdict is expected on May 9 after the defence and prosecution sum up. The case sparked grim fascination around the world when it came to light in and confronted the German legal system with an unprecedented dilemma -- whether killing a man who wants to be eaten can constitute murder.

Prostitutes Rotenburg said during his retrial: "I wanted to eat him but I didn't want to kill him. Using the pseudonym "Franky," he had been in touch with hundreds of people on the Internet, where he posted ads seeking fit men for "slaughter.

Meiwes, a computer repair man long obsessed with cannibalism, gave a full confession at his first trial. He met year-old Berlin computer engineer Bernd-Juergen Brandes via the Internet Prostitutes Rotenburg Brandes had sought someone to kill and eat Prostitutes Rotenburg.

The details of Prostitutes Rotenburg case were so gory that many newspapers declined to print how Meiwes mutilated his victim's body at the latter's request and how they both tried to eat parts of it. Once Brandes had lost consciousness from loss of blood, Meiwes killed him on a special butchers bench he had set up in a "slaughtering room" in his rambling, half-timbered house in Rotenburg, central Germany. Prostitutes Rotenburg suspended the body from Prostitutes Rotenburg meat hook and disembowelled it, filming everything on a high quality Prostitutes Rotenburg camera.

The film was shown to the shocked court. Meiwes was caught in Decemberalmost two years after the deed, when police received a tip-off that he was seeking victims for slaughter.

Stolpmann said the fact that Meiwes continued to look for willing victims after killing Brandes showed he was ready to kill again. He said he had no indications that Meiwes was any less prone to kill than before. Stolpmann said Meiwes had told him that even as he was cutting up Brandes, he had thought to himself: "The next Prostitutes Rotenburg mustn't be this fat.

Armin Meiwes, convicted in of killing and eating a man, is back on trial Thursday after his original verdict was deemed not harsh enough. His victim, though, gave Meiwes permission to polish him off, presenting German law with a devilish dilemma.

Armin Prostitutes Rotenburg is back and so is his tale of extreme sado-masochism that has shocked and fascinated the world. Prostitutes Rotenburg self-confessed German cannibal, sentenced to over eight years for manslaughter in for killing and eating 44 pounds of Prostitutes Rotenburg man yearning to be eaten, went on trial for the second time on Thursday after his original verdict was deemed too lenient.

Looking markedly thinner after spending over two years in jail, Meiwes, 44, Prostitutes Rotenburg the Frankfurt district court in handcuffs and a smart dark suit, to fight a Prostitutes Rotenburg that has confronted the German legal system with an unprecedented dilemma -- whether killing a man who wants to be eaten can constitute murder.

Tall, gaunt and remarkably ordinary looking, he smiled nervously at his team of defense lawyers before Prostitutes Rotenburg down Prostitutes Rotenburg front of a large folder of documents. People who have interviewed him have said he is of above average intelligence, well-spoken and polite. His lawyer has reportedly described him as so harmless that he would allow Meiwes to look after his children. The Federal Criminal Prostitutes Rotenburg, the countrys Prostitutes Rotenburg criminal appeals court, overturned his original manslaughter Prostitutes Rotenburg and ordered a retrial on murder charges.

But legal experts say the case could eventually go as high as Germanys highest court. Meiwes, a computer repair man obsessed with cannibalism since puberty, gave a full confession at his first trial.

The details of the case, so shocking that many newspapers Prostitutes Rotenburg shied away from printing them, were brought to life once more on Thursday as prosecutors gave a full account of the spring day, March 9,when Meiwes and Brandes met. What happened next in Meiwes home, a rambling half-timbered house left to him by Prostitutes Rotenburg late, domineering mother, is gory in the extreme.

Meiwes obliged before they both tried to eat Brandes's penis together. After Brandes became unconscious from loss of blood, Meiwes took him to a slaughtering room he had set up in his house. Ultimately, Prostitutes Rotenburg cut the body up into little pieces, filming much of the procedure.

He ate 44 pounds of his victims remains in the following months, defrosting pieces portion by portion. He also watched the video Prostitutes Rotenburg his sexual Prostitutes Rotenburg. Even as he ate Brandes, barbecuing some parts and following gourmet recipes for others, Meiwes continued to advertise for other victims.

It was not until Decemberafter he was reported to the police by an Austrian student, that he was arrested. Meiwes has not denied what happened -- that would be difficult given that police have 4. His defense team is seeking the lesser conviction of killing upon request," a form of illegal euthanasia, which carries a term of six months to five years. Prosecutors accuse him of murder to gratify his sexual desires and of other crimes linked to the cutting up of the body, which would carry a term of at least 15 years.

German courts tend to follow the recommendations of the Federal Criminal Court, which has called for a Prostitutes Rotenburg conviction, but they are Prostitutes Rotenburg obliged to. Meiwes, who according to psychiatrists reports presented at the first trial is sane but deeply disturbed, told the court in how he had fantasized about consuming a man to fill the void caused by the sudden departure of his father.

Using the pseudonym Franky," he had been in touch with hundreds of people on the Internet, where he Prostitutes Rotenburg ads seeking fit men for "slaughter. Joachim Bremer, one of Meiwess three defense lawyers, said: In e-mails, Internet chats, and telephone conversations, Brandes had clearly expressed his desire for his life to be ended. Brandes had told Meiwes he wanted to Prostitutes Rotenburg nullified, said Bremer.

Herr Brandes consistently expressed the desire to be emasculated, to pass out, then to be killed and to be consumed. He even wrote a will before traveling from Prostitutes Rotenburg to meet Meiwes, said Bremer. Police estimate there are Prostitutes Rotenburg, to 10, people in Germany alone who are using Internet chat rooms to share fantasies about eating a person or being eaten.

Professor Arthur Kreuzer of the Institute for Criminology at Giessen University said: This is unique, even compared with all other cases of cannibalism.

The defendant left it totally open to the victim whether he wanted to be killed or Prostitutes Rotenburg. I cant imagine a murder where the victim Prostitutes Rotenburg the deed to happen and is even encouraging the person to do so. You Prostitutes Rotenburg only Prostitutes Rotenburg it with the technology of the Internet that two reciprocally perverted people, the one a sadist and the other a masochist, meet, Prostitutes Rotenburg everything down to the last detail and then do everything with the condition that the victim can say no at any time.

Kreuzer said the decision to overturn the verdict and order a retrial may have been influenced by the publics moral outrage at the relatively lenient sentence Prostitutes Rotenburg a deed seen as deeply perverted.


After his initial trial brought him worldwide attention, Meiwes rejected cash offers from film companies and publishers and instead assigned the global rights to his Prostitutes Rotenburg to Hamburg-based publisher Stampfwerk for no charge, on condition that it gives an accurate and full Prostitutes Rotenburg of his case.

Meiwes is writing his memoirs in jail and Stampfwerk plans to publish them this autumn.

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Meanwhile Meiwess lawyer Harald Ermel has taken legal action in US and German courts to prevent the release of Prostitutes Rotenburg American-made film -- "Butterfly, a Grimm Prostitutes Rotenburg Story" -- which he claims is so closely based on his case that it may prejudice his trial. Germany's Federal Court of Justice is currently considering the case of Armin Meiwes, the cannibal who met his Prostitutes Rotenburg on the Internet and then ate him.

After he was sentenced to only eight years in prison, shocked prosecutors are seeking to have him classified as insane so that he can Prostitutes Rotenburg put away indefinitely. It's been said that there's only one thing that truly frightens Armin Meiwes, 43, known as the "Cannibal of Rotenburg": being Prostitutes Rotenburg as insane.

Apparently nothing else scares him. Prostitutes Rotenburg would even accept life in prison, just as long as he's not thrown into the "loony bin. No, that's one thing he doesn't want to be called. Meiwes certainly isn't the only defendant with this attitude. A criminal who's sent Prostitutes Rotenburg prison will eventually be released. In fact, it's usually even possible Prostitutes Rotenburg predict the precise date of his release.

Even criminals sentenced to prison for murder can hope to be released one day. But when should a psychologically disturbed criminal hope to be released from a closed prison medical facility for psychopaths within a prison? When does society decide that he's no longer a "ticking time bomb," and when is it ever willing to accept the "residual risk" he's believed to pose after having committed his crime?

On Jan. Was the sentence appropriate? The public prosecutor sought a life Prostitutes Rotenburg for the cannibal. Would that have been the right solution?

Meiwes is one of those people who behave extremely well in closed institutions like prisons. They're able to conform and they don't challenge authority. He can already look forward to the prospect of being released.

But is this justifiable? A dangerous, disturbed personality structure cannot simply be shed in a prison's Prostitutes Rotenburg when the perpetrator arrives to serve his sentence.


It's not something that can be cleaned, ironed and repaired. And when he's released, the perpetrator can't just put on a new set of Prostitutes Rotenburg and adopt a new persona. On March 9,he met his victim at the main train station in Kassel, then drove with him to his farm in the town of Rotenburg an der Fulda.

Based on the men's previous agreement, Meiwes then Prostitutes Rotenburg his victim's penis and, after blood loss and pain caused the man to lose consciousness, stabbed the man to death and disemboweled the corpse. In the next few days, he either froze or ate portions of the flesh. Legal experts call such behavior "severe psychological abnormality," one of the first introductory characteristics first stage Prostitutes Rotenburg diminished or even absent criminal responsibility.

More plainly put, someone like Meiwes Prostitutes Rotenburg simply a cannibal. Despite this "psychological abnormality," a severe personality disorder, the court held that the defendant was fully responsible for his crime, citing his organized, planned and deliberate behavior before Prostitutes Rotenburg after the crime.

For example, Meiwes insisted Prostitutes Rotenburg his victim's consent. Whenever a potential victim who had allowed himself to be tempted by Meiwes' bizarre slaughtering Prostitutes Rotenburg would suddenly panic, Meiwes would lose interest and abruptly ask the person to leave. For legal experts, this is strong evidence that the defendant was capable of controlling himself. In other words, he could have done things differently.

Prostitutes Rotenburg

He could have stopped himself. He didn't act in the heat of the moment, he wasn't under the influence of some drug, not even when he lifted his unconscious victim onto the slaughter bench and, finally on the verge of reaching his objective, slit his throat.

In fact, the expert witnesses and the Kassel court were even able to observe Meiwes' actions with their own eyes, since he videotaped the penis amputation on a kitchen chopping boardthe killing and portions of the disembowelment. Prostitutes Rotenburg his trial, Meiwes spent hours talking about how his fantasies had developed during childhood and how he began to incorporate sexual components in puberty, about his attempts to establish contact with women, who were always rejected by his ever more controlling mother.

The increasingly monstrous fantasies into which he escaped took shape inwhen Meiwes discovered the virtual subculture Prostitutes Rotenburg the Prostitutes Rotenburg, where he found abnormalities of unheard-of proportions.

It was this exposure that finally destroyed any remaining inhibitions he may have had, as he realized that his secret dreams could become reality. On the Internet, he communicated with supposedly like-minded individuals. The Internet made it possible for perpetrators and victims to approach one another. Bernd B. Instead of being excited by the idea of disemboweling corpses and eating human flesh, he sought the "ultimate kick" in extreme sexual practices.

Meiwes and Bernd B. When the Kassel court issued its rulings, the audience in the courtroom immediately began figuring out when this convicted criminal would be released. And they have good reason to be concerned. As soon as he had Prostitutes Rotenburg his crime, Meiwes began searching for his next victim. There was no doubt that Meiwes is a dangerous man, and Prostitutes Rotenburg public prosecutor's office promptly filed an appeal against what prosecutors believed to be a flawed ruling.

Indeed, the language the court used to write its opinion is unusually gentle, perhaps reflective of an unconscious reaction to the defendant's prior sentence. Like the prosecutors in the trial in Kassel, the Federal Prosecutor's Office, wants to see Meiwes convicted Prostitutes Rotenburg murder. And, "as Prostitutes Rotenburg special precautionary measure" to ensure that Meiwes will be kept behind bars for as long as possiblethey want the court to acknowledge the special seriousness of the offence.

To achieve their objective, the federal prosecutors would have to demonstrate that the case involves several characteristic features of murder.

But the problem is finding these features without borrowing from other cases. What about "reprehensible motives?

On the other hand, Bernd B. Each participant supported the other's objective. Perhaps they even canceled each other out. And what about the possibility of convicting Meiwes of a different crime? One consideration would be his macabre treatment of the corpse.

But this still puts the prosecutors in a difficult position, as well as the BGH's second criminal Prostitutes Rotenburg, should the court rule that a more severe penalty is called for.

Any attempts by the court or prosecutors to commit Meiwes to a closed facility for psychopaths for an unlimited period of time were frustrated by the Prostitutes Rotenburg that the lower court in Kassel had already found him to be fully criminally responsible. And if Meiwes, feeling forced into a corner, had not fired his attorney Gunter Widmaier, a specialist in legal appeals, just one day before the hearing in Karlsruhe, the debate before the second chamber would have been capable of lending a new dimension to the case.

Perhaps the court would then have discussed whether a person who is so much under the control of his psychological abnormality should be considered reasonable and capable of controlling himself as soon as individual actions only have the Prostitutes Rotenburg of being planned and organized.

Meiwes has Prostitutes Rotenburg living in an abnormal fantasy world since childhood. He has trained himself to behave rationally in his dealings with the outside world. This highly Prostitutes Rotenburg case could serve as an impetus for the German judiciary to revisit the application of legal provisions relating to the ability to behave reasonably and exercise self-control in cases, like this one, of "severe psychological abnormality.

One question worth raising is whether Meiwes can even escape his bizarre and pathological system of thought. Would the system allow him to do so? After all, the ability to control one's action means that a person is able to consciously interact with his own inner world, and not Prostitutes Rotenburg a slave to Prostitutes Rotenburg, as Meiwes is. One thing about the Meiwes case is clear: He is able to stop his behavior when a potential victim withdraws his consent.

But does the ability to move around within the confines of one's own abnormality correspond to the definition of competency in the German Prostitutes Rotenburg code? If Meiwes disembowels his victims, is he competent in the normal sense? A Prostitutes Rotenburg with an abnormal emotional life does not necessarily behave like a monster. The fact that Meiwes believed Prostitutes Rotenburg ill-fated Prostitutes Rotenburg B.

Of course, it would Prostitutes Rotenburg be easier to give in to the prosecutors' demands and refer the nightmarish case to the Prostitutes Rotenburg Regional Court in Frankfurt, with the stipulation that Meiwes be purged of murderous character traits. This would be sufficient punishment for his crime. But it would not eliminate the danger.

The verdict against Armin Meiwes underscored the legal complexity that unfolded during the two-month trial in the town of Prostitutes Rotenburg. The victim, Bernd Brandes, consented to be killed and cannibalized in March The court rejected the prosecution's argument that the year-old defendant murdered Brandes for "sexual gratification.

Judge Volker Muetze said Meiwes' twisted fantasy was "viewed with repulsion in our civilized society. The ruling dismissed the defendant's contention that he was culpable only of "killing on request," which carries a sentence of less than five years in prison.

The trial of Prostitutes Rotenburg -- a meticulously dressed computer repairman with thinning Prostitutes Rotenburg and a ready smile for television cameras -- offered a lurid glimpse into the dark side of cyberspace. It took the public into the mind of a man who built a death chamber in his half-timbered farmhouse and dined on parts of Brandes while sipping South African red wine. A videotape showing Meiwes stabbing his year-old victim was shown to the court.


The footage reveals that Brandes, a Berlin engineer with a history of depression, numbed himself with sleeping pills and schnapps and willingly chose to die and be eaten. Prosecutors characterized the Prostitutes Rotenburg as a "human butcher" and sought a life sentence for murder.

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The case fascinated and sickened this staid nation. Images of Meiwes flickered across TV screens. He became a kind of macabre celebrity, seen grinning in court and whispering intently Prostitutes Rotenburg his lawyer. Newspapers and magazines Prostitutes Rotenburg pulp fiction accounts of Meiwes as a forlorn child who had long dreamed of eating a friend so he would never be Prostitutes Rotenburg.

Brandes was portrayed as a disturbed son still mourning the death of his mother decades earlier and Prostitutes Rotenburg Internet chat rooms dedicated to cannibalism. The two men met in the anonymity of cyberspace. Meiwes, who confessed to the killing and was found legally sane to stand trial, had posted an ad seeking a young man wanting "to be eaten.

Days later, the two met at Meiwes' home and each ate a piece of Brandes' flesh before Meiwes stabbed his victim in the neck and beheaded him. Meiwes carved Brandes into pieces and put them in a Prostitutes Rotenburg. He ate 44 pounds of flesh and organs over several months, sometimes sauteing them in oil and garlic. The crime alarmed the small town of Kassel as people discovered that Germany had no law against cannibalism.

The bloody saga opened a window onto the fetishes and perversions lurking on websites and chat rooms. Meiwes Prostitutes Rotenburg he was repeatedly drawn to the Internet. In his closing statement to Prostitutes Rotenburg court, Meiwes, who noted that he was writing a book, said: "Bernd came to me of his own free will to end his life.

For him, it was a nice death I had my big kick, and I don't need to do it again. I regret it all very much, but I can't undo it. Muetze, the judge, said of the crime: "We have opened up a door, which one is inclined to close again immediately. Armin Meiwes is, on the surface of things, an attractive, well-dressed, and amiable year-old German.

He is also, by his own admission, Prostitutes Rotenburg cannibal, who three years ago ate an engineer he had found through the internet. On Friday, a court convicted Meiwes of manslaughter and sentenced him Prostitutes Rotenburg eight and a half years in jail.

The verdict fell short of the murder conviction sought by prosecutors. It was a complex trial. At issue was whether a person could be tried and imprisoned for murder when his victim had consented to be slaughtered. Prostitutes Rotenburg MarchBernd-Jurgen Brandes, 43, answered an advert Mr Meiwes Prostitutes Rotenburg posted on the internet for a well-built male who was prepared to be slaughtered and then consumed. Mr Brandes was then killed, cut up, and put in Prostitutes Rotenburg freezer.

The act of cannibalism is not in itself a crime in Germany, meaning that Prostitutes Rotenburg legal avenue was closed to prosecutors.

Police believe the murder occurred in spring

Instead they opted for a charge of sexually-driven murder, combined with a charge of "disturbing the peace of the dead" - despite the apparently consensual nature of the act. The defence, for its part, argued that Mr Meiwes was guilty of nothing more than "killing by request" Prostitutes Rotenburg an offence which carries a maximum sentence of five years incarceration.

The defence team had sought Prostitutes Rotenburg prove to the court that not one of the men who met the cannibal was made to go through with anything they were uncertain about. London-based hotel worker Dirk Moller - one of dozens who allegedly replied to Mr Meiwes' adverts - was called to testify that he had even got as far as being chained to the bed and marked out for butchery before changing his mind and being released.

The prosecution has conceded that Mr Brandes was an apparently willing victim. But they insisted he was not of a sound mind when he accepted the offer, and moreover, they alleged, Mr Meiwes was aware of this. Mr Brandes' boyfriend told the court that Mr Brandes, with whom he said he enjoyed a normal sex life, had no apparent desire to die.

German experts say that while there may be hundreds of people with "cannibalistic tendencies" in Germany, only a tiny proportion of those would be willing to see their fantasies through to their fatal conclusion as Mr Brandes apparently did.

The kind of internet message boards where Mr Meiwes placed his own request still exist, but the real cannibals on these sites appear to be hard to find. Messages which request people for slaughter are often written off as jokes by other participants, many of whom are keen to stress that their interest in cannibalism is only a Prostitutes Rotenburg.

While Mr Meiwes received dozens of responses to his postings, he is believed to have only met four other men beside Mr Brandes, none of whom went through with the act. Prostitutes Rotenburg were fears that should the court punish Mr Meiwes Prostitutes Rotenburg they would unwittingly encourage real cannibals.

But Mr Meiwes's defence lawyer argued that is his client was put away for life, the true horror of murder will be belittled. Harald Ermel has Prostitutes Rotenburg that murder Prostitutes Rotenburg happens against somebody's will". Mr Ermel advised those planning similar forays into the world of cannibalism to ensure both parties draw Prostitutes Rotenburg a contract before the act takes place.

Self-confessed German cannibal Armin Meiwes "is fully fit for trial and not mentally ill", a second psychiatrist testified on Friday.

His testimony, along with that of other experts, means that Mr Meiwes can be held criminally liable. He has admitted killing and eating Bernd-Juergen Brandes, but says it was "killing on demand" and not murder. Professor Stolpman said Mr Meiwes was incapable of showing "warm and tender feelings towards others".

His difficult relationship with his mother meant that he did Prostitutes Rotenburg learn how to maintain relationships.

He apparently fantasised about a friend who would never leave him, and the arrival of the internet and e-mail encouraged him to act Prostitutes Rotenburg this fantasy, Mr Stolpman said. The expert described Mr Meiwes as "extremely smug and self-assured" and as having a "schizoid personality" - but said he detected no indication Prostitutes Rotenburg mental illness.

He said the aacused enjoyed the publicity he was getting. Sexologist Klaus Beier told the court on Monday that the year old computer Prostitutes Rotenburg "had at least average intelligence and showed no signs of psychiatric illness". Another psychiatrist testified last month that the self-confessed cannibal had a personality disorder but did not need to be kept in a psychiatric hospital.

Cannibalism is not a crime under the German constitution, but the crime of murder carries a minimum year prison sentence. The maximum sentence for "killing on demand" is five years. Prostitutes Rotenburg self-confessed Prostitutes Rotenburg cannibal on trial for killing and eating a man he met via the internet has told a Prostitutes Rotenburg he had sought Prostitutes Rotenburg willing victims.

Armin Meiwes Prostitutes Rotenburg he corresponded with a person who wanted to be slaughtered following the killing of Berliner Bernd-Juergen Brandes in March, On Monday, the court in Kassel was shown a series of videotapes of the killing, which Mr Meiwes recorded.

Mr Meiwes said Mr Brandes consented to being stabbed to death and eaten. Prosecutors say the killing was sexually motivated, but Mr Meiwes' lawyers say Mr Brandes was willingly killed and not murdered. Mr Meiwes, 42, told Prostitutes Rotenburg court that after he killed Mr Brandes he explored chat rooms and websites looking for other people who sought the same fate. He wrote an email to a friend, saying: "I hope I will soon find another victim, the flesh [on Mr Brandes' corpse] has almost gone.

Investigators say Mr Meiwes ate three stone 20 kg of flesh from Mr Brandes' body, which he dismembered and stored in a freezer. Mr Meiwes said he communicated via email with a person who called themselves Albineu, who also wanted to be killed.

He said he did not Prostitutes Rotenburg anyone other than Mr Brandes, although he conceded he "would have done if the chance had presented itself". The five Prostitutes Rotenburg on the panel cleared the public from the court before they viewed three minute videotapes of Mr Brandes' death and dismemberment.

A police officer who has seen the tapes said Mr Prostitutes Rotenburg appeared "excited but not sexually aroused" as he Prostitutes Rotenburg the body into pieces.

Mr Meiwes said Mr Brandes wanted to be stabbed to Prostitutes Rotenburg after drinking a bottle of medicine to make him lose consciousness. Mr Meiwes Prostitutes Rotenburg killing Mr Brandes had been "far worse than I had imagined in my fantasies".

He said he recognised that eating him was "a taboo for which I must justify myself before Prostitutes Rotenburg and the whole world". To the family next door, Armin Meiwes seemed the perfect neighbour. He mowed their lawn, repaired their car and even invited them round for Prostitutes Rotenburg. Other residents Prostitutes Rotenburg the small German town of Rotenburg also believed there was nothing odd about the year-old computer expert, whose light burned late into the night inside his creaking mansion.

Yesterday, however, Meiwes appeared in court charged with killing - and then frying and eating - another man. In one of the most extraordinary trials in German criminal history, the self-confessed cannibal admitted that he had met a year-old Berlin engineer, Prostitutes Rotenburg Brandes, after advertising on the internet, and had chopped him up and eaten him.

It was, he said, something he had wanted to Prostitutes Rotenburg for a long time. Yesterday German prosecutors described how Meiwes had fantasised about killing and devouring someone, including his classmates, from the age of eight.

In March Meiwes advertised on the internet for a "young well-built man, Prostitutes Rotenburg wanted to be eaten". Brandes replied. On the evening of March 9, the two men went up to the bedroom in Meiwes' rambling timbered farmhouse. Mr Brandes swallowed 20 sleeping tablets and half a bottle of schnapps before Meiwes cut off Brandes' penis, with his agreement, and fried it for both of them to eat. Brandes - by this stage bleeding heavily - then took a bath, while Meiwes read a Star Trek novel.

In the early hours Prostitutes Rotenburg the morning, he finished off his victim by stabbing him in the neck with a large kitchen knife, kissing him first. The cannibal then chopped Mr Brandes into pieces and put several bits of him in his freezer, next to a takeaway pizza, and buried the skull in his garden.

Over the next few weeks, he defrosted and cooked parts of Mr Brandes in olive oil and garlic, eventually consuming Prostitutes Rotenburg of human flesh before police finally turned up at his door.

Since entering prison, Meiwes has become a vegetarian and has joined a prisoners' group favoring Green Party politics.

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On top of that there's Spain's recession. Meiwes told the court he regretted what he did.
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He then carved up and froze portions of the Prostitutes Rotenburg flesh, later eating some of it, prosecutors allege. After killing Brandes, the German cannibal met five other men who responded to his Prostitutes Rotenburg advert, including one from London.

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Since then, he's always with me. He wrote an email to a friend, saying: "I hope I will soon Prostitutes Rotenburg another victim, the flesh [on Mr Brandes' corpse] has almost Airdrie Prostitutes. Meiwes told that there were even people asking to be Prostitutes Rotenburg or chopped, but that none of them were really willing to materialize it and for him it was essential to have explicit consent. In July a student stumbled on Meiwes' chat-room and alerted the German authorities, who arrested him last December. He tasted of pork, he added. They also brought to Prostitutes Rotenburg the fact that Brandes was not capable of making any decisions on the evening of 9 March, as he had consumed significant amounts of alcohol and drugs to numb the pain of his penis amputation.
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