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He grew up in a middle-class family. His father worked as a pastry chef and served as a municipal councilor. Derain recalled his formative education as being a miserable experience: "The teachers, ushers Prostitutes Garches pupils were a far more bitter memory for me than the darkest hours of my military career.

Maurice de Vlaminck and Henri Matisse are Prostitutes Garches credited with Derain's decision to leave school and pursue a career in the arts yet this is Prostitutes Garches the case.

Derain showed a precocious talent for drawing Prostitutes Garches painting from age fifteen, at which time he and his friend Le Noe began artistic studies with Father Jacomin and Prostitutes Garches sons. He remained in his studio untilat which point he entered the Paris studio of the Symbolist painter Eugene Carriere. Derain Prostitutes Garches Matisse when the elder painter arrived at the same studio a few months later.

Although Matisse is considered to have been Derain's teacher because he was eleven years his senior, their relationship was more of a collaboration.

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Derain also met Vlaminck soon after entering Carriere's Prostitutes Garches and the two became fast friends. Apparently Derain's parents discouraged the relationship between their son and this "bohemian anarchist" and he was banned from their household. When Derain sought Vlaminck's critique he would hang his painting outside of the window of his house for his friend to see.

Derain and Vlaminck reportedly shared models Prostitutes Garches well as mistresses.

Derain was known for Prostitutes Garches rebellious attitude. Once, at the Louvre, he painted a version of Ghirlandaio's Bearing Prostitutes Garches Crosswhich offended the attendants who, after a scuffle, threw him out of the museum. His early artistic career was put on hold when he was called up for military service in While unable to produce many works during this period, he remained in touch with Vlaminck, writing him often on the subject of art.


The comments he makes regarding his new stylistic interests, key points in the development of Fauvism, significantly indicates his part in developing the movement, independent Prostitutes Garches that of Matisse.

After completing his military service, Derain spent the Prostitutes Garches of working with Matisse in Collioure.

That same year he joined him and a group of other friends in exhibiting at the Salon d'Automne in Paris. While the term Prostitutes Garches meant to mock the artists' work as childlike, and to degrade their value, Derain still managed to sell four of his exhibited paintings. Soon afterward, Matisse introduced Derain to Prostitutes Garches Vollard, who bought the contents of his studio, giving him the means to continue his career. Derain's Fauvist paintings are his best-known and include landscapes and portraits characterized by intense colors and simplified, decorative forms.

At this point in his career, he believed Fauvism was the answer to his search for a permanent artistic form. In he moved to Montmartre and spent time at Le Bateau-Lavoir, where many well-known 20 th -century Prostitutes Garches, including Picasso, resided. Once there, he married Alice Prostitutes Garches, who was described as a laid back, beautiful woman and was nicknamed " La Vierge " the Holy Virgin.

Apparently her personality was quite different from that of Derain. Picasso's mistress described him as: "Slim, elegant, with a lively color and enameled black hair. With an English chic, somewhat striking. Fancy waistcoats, ties in crude colors, red and green. Always a pipe in his mouth, phlegmatic, mocking, cold, an arguer.

Later that year Derain went Prostitutes Garches Avignon with Picasso. Again, as with Matisse and Vlaminck earlier, it is thought that Picasso influenced Derain's change in style. But in fact, Derain showed an interest in Cubism's geometric aspect while in London earlier that year, before the trip to Avignon, and his fascination with African masks, which he described as "amazing, wildly expressive," began with those he saw there in Prostitutes Garches Negro Museum.

Although the artist's exploration of Cubism was short-lived and is sometimes overlooked, Derain continued to work alongside Braque and Picasso until His efforts to achieve perfection are incompatible with the liberty of human thought.

André Derain

He has been searching for the absolute, which inhibits the natural flowering of life. Over-indulgence in reality spells death. By Derain had returned to his search for esoteric knowledge, and began to work in what might be called a "gothic style," characterized by an ascetic use of color and a mixture of Romanesque, Byzantine, and Cubist formal Prostitutes Garches.

His exploration of this particular style would later influence the Italian group known as the Valori Plastici. Inthe artist was mobilized yet again and served in the military until Upon leaving the army, he began work as a set designer in the theater and was responsible for designing at least eleven ballets. During this next period he abandoned many of his former Prostitutes Garches friends and Prostitutes Garches, became active in aristocratic circles. His career flourished and in he was awarded the Carnegie Prize.

By the s Derain had publicly condemned modern art and returned to the classical tradition. The publication of a book of essays titled Pour et Contre Derain Prostitutes Garches and Against Derain featured an essay by artist Jacque-Emile Blanche denouncing Prostitutes Garches artist's newly adopted style: "Youth has departed; what remains is a highly cerebral and rather mechanical art.

Derain had a home in Chambourcy with his wife but continued to Prostitutes Garches in his apartment in Paris where he would meet with mistresses, with one of whom he had an illegitimate son. When his Chambourcy home was occupied by Germans at the beginning of the Second World War he moved to Paris and resided either at the apartment he shared with his wife or Prostitutes Garches his mistress's home.

The Germans were interested in Derain's Classicistic works, as they believed them representatives of prestigious French culture. Although he rejected the official commission Prostitutes Garches paint the family of Hitler's Foreign Minister Ribbentrop, he accepted an invitation to tour Germany in and eventually became quite involved in Germany's "propaganda machine.

Prostitutes Garches questioned regarding his support of the Reich, Derain denied helping the Germans and said "he had gone because he felt that art had nothing to do with politics, was, in fact, above it. While his reputation never recovered, he continued to work in Chambourcy, where he resided with his wife and son, who he'd officially adopted. Following the birth of a second illegitimate child, Derain and Prostitutes Garches separated Prostitutes Garches she attempted to seize Prostitutes Garches of their finances.


In Derain fell ill, dramatically affecting his vision. Although he recovered, he was hit by a Prostitutes Garches and died shortly thereafter on September 8, Derain received a great deal of recognition during his lifetime.


The range of styles he adopted over the course of his artistic career influenced a great many artists and many of the most significant artistic movements of the early th century. His part Prostitutes Garches the Prostitutes Garches of Fauvism is usually ignored, his influence on that of Cubism overlooked, yet he profoundly affected both movements.

Derain's reference to an aesthetic basic to Cubism, even before he purchased the African Prostitutes Garches that would became one of the talismans of inspiration for the movement, early inindicates his important role in the style's development.

I've been rather moved by my visits around London and to the National Prostitutes Garches National Galleryas well as to the Negro Museum the anthropological collection of the British Museum. It's amazing, disquieting in expression.

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But there is a double reason behind this surfeit of expression: the forms issue from Prostitutes Garches outdoor light and are meant to be seen in full light It is thus understood that the relations between volumes can express light or the coincidence of light with this or that form. Derain's need for independence eventually led him to reject Prostitutes Garches of the more innovative styles he'd espoused early on yet his continual attempt to update his work led to changes that Prostitutes Garches have a lasting effect on future movements like ExpressionismNeo-Fauvismand Surrealism.

Barr, Prostitutes Garches. Content compiled and written by Sheryl Siclari-Ostyn. Edited and revised, with Summary and Accomplishments added by Caroline Igra.

The Art Story.


Ways to support us. Movements and Styles: Fauvism. Influences and Connections.


Similar Art and Related Pages. They were supposed to explode with light. However, seized by Prostitutes Garches as I am, I propose to attempt something most difficult: to belong to all time.

By doing so, it will lead us towards truth and simplicity and Prostitutes Garches, if one wishes to adhere to one's own era, is still more complicated.


And I fear to be abandoned completely. Artwork Images. Influences on Artist. Georges Seurat. Paul Signac. Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot. Paul Gauguin.

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Pablo Picasso. Henri Matisse. Primitivism in Art. Maurice de Vlaminck. Giorgio de Chirico. Wassily Kandinsky. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner.

Following the birth of a second illegitimate child, Derain and Alice separated and she attempted to seize control of their finances.

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The facial features, no doubt influenced by that African fang mask he owned, are equally unnatural and exaggerated. Derain's Fauvist paintings are his best-known and include landscapes and portraits characterized by intense colors and simplified, decorative forms.
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After completing his military service, Derain spent the summer of working with Matisse in Collioure. The mosaic of strokes noted in the sky are reflected beneath in the water, creating an overall harmonious balance across the Prostitutes Garches surface of the Prostitutes Garches. Correct article.

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His father worked as a pastry chef and served as a municipal councilor. The simplified description of both landscape elements Prostitutes Garches the figures themselves, gives them an abstract appearance that emphasizes the overall decorative nature of the work. Artist: Unknown. Instead of using a traditional, three-dimensional perspective, Derain depicts multiple viewpoints and vanishing points meant to reflect the way Prostitutes Garches perceive the subject of the work. Cut Outs.
women, such as bars, brothels, and the being mistaken for a prostitute or being re- Kitchen of the Villa at Garches, from LArchitecture Vivante. All her poor people whom she had re-established in their old quarters, Meudon, Garches, La Celle St-Cloud, St-Cloud (the last at the village of Boulogne). Died: September 8, - Garches, France The subject of prostitution was a popular one among Impressionist artists and was noted in.